National Sexual Reproductive Policy 2014 2014 National Sexual Reproductive Policy

National Sexual Reproductive Policy

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NSRPolicy 2016
17-02 Bougainville Health Administration Act 2017
National Sexual Reproductive Policy
National Sexual Reproductive Policy
National Department of Health
National Department of Health

June 2014

National Department of Health20

4.1.3 District/Local Level Government shall be responsible for

Motivate the community by carrying along traditional chiefs, religious leaders, other influential persons, and groups, cultural organizations, elicit the support of formal and informal leaders, for community action in favour of SRH. Involve key individuals and groups in the planning and implementation of SRH programs taking special cognizance of women and youths. Provide health information to the community in SRH and in such other matters that can enhance the SRH status of all. Train the village health volunteers in the delivery of SRH services as per national standards. Organize and maintaining linkages and support between VHV and community health/Aid posts serving in their areas. Ascertain the availability and maintenance of basic SRH infrastructures.
4.1.4 Non-Government Organizations and Communities
In collaboration with the national, Provincial and Local Level Governments
shall be
responsible for
: Providing technical assistance to LLGs on fundraising activities, resource mobilization and utilization, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation Identifying the SRH needs of the communities, through studies to provide relevant data Using agreed innovative approaches in addressing SRH needs of the communities Assisting in developing Information, Education and Communication and Behaviour Change Communication materials and programs Training the Village Health Volunteers to delivery SRH services as per National Policy Assist in Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation programs Mobilizing the community to embark on awareness campaigns to eradicate Harmful Practices such as incest, domestic and other forms GBV; Assisting in the development and maintenance of a functional referral system Assisting in the collation and updating of relevant data about SRH; Assisting in the retraining of various levels of health workers involved in SRH duties as per national standards.

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