The New Jersey Shade Tree and Community Forestry Assistance Act was passed on December 5, 1996. The Act established the New Jersey Community Forestry Program within the Department of Environmental Protection’s Division of Parks and Forestry under the direction of the State Forester. A primary goal of the program is to enhance the ability of all county and municipal governments to care for and manage their shade trees and community forests through technical and financial assistance. This Act also established a Community Forestry Council to advise the State Forester on community forestry issues.
The Act directed the State Forester, with the advice and assistance of the Council, to make available to local governments a procedure for obtaining approval of Community Forestry Management Plans. The Legislature recognized that local governments had experienced recurring and damaging exposure to litigation due to the drastic decline and poor condition of the community tree resource; and that properly planned and implemented local community forestry programs could provide the necessary basis for protection from this liability. Therefore provisions were added at N.J.S.A. 59:4-10 that enabled a local government to reduce or eliminate its liability for an injury or death caused directly or indirectly by a tree or shrub if the local government implemented a properly planned local forestry program under a state approved Community Forestry Management Plan and participated in the state’s community forestry training skills and accreditation program.
A Community Forestry Management Plan is an essential guide to successfully achieving a healthy and safe community forest. A municipality or county with a management plan in place can become more proactive and efficient with their tree care program. The goal of this Business Stimulus Fund is to provide funds to businesses to help municipalities and counties carry out the practices that are priorities in their plans and accomplish their management goals. To be eligible for this funding your municipality or county is required to have Approved Status under the New Jersey Shade Tree and Community Forestry Assistance Act for 2009 and submit a BSF proposal to hire a business to perform and complete your community forestry project. A municipality must satisfy the four requirements for Approved Status by December 31, 2009.
Approved Status requires a municipality to meet the following yearly requirements by December 31, 2009:
A State approved Community Forestry Management Plan
Two CORE Trained representatives (one volunteer and one municipal employee)
Eight CEU credits for the year divided amongst at least two individuals
Submit 2009 Annual Accomplishment Report prior to February 15, 2010 deadline
The 2009 BSF is being funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and partnered with the USDA Forest Service. Applications will be administered by the Community Forestry Program, with the advice and assistance of the Community Forestry Council. The anticipated amount awarded to a municipality or county will be $7,000.00.
Business Stimulus Fund Goals
Stimulate business growth and development throughout the State of New Jersey
Encourage municipalities and counties to extend and expand their current tree
care programs
Help address priorities in your Community Forestry Management Plan.
Create partnerships to continue future projects
Increase environmental, social, and economic benefits to communities through
the care and management of trees
Eligibility Requirements To be eligible to apply for BSF funding your municipality or county must meet these requirements.
The municipality or county must satisfy four requirements for 2009 Approved Status
(See Appendix A)
Municipality has an approved Community Forestry Management Plan.
Two Core Trained Individuals
Maintain yearly CEU requirements
Submit an Annual Accomplishment Report by February 15, 2010
2) An award recipient will not be eligible for the current BSF application if they have
a delinquent Community Stewardship Incentive Program (CSIP) grant. Please contact the Community Forestry Program’s Grant Administrator to determine grant status.
3) Award recipients must hire one or more tree care/forestry businesses to perform and
complete the forestry project.
4) The application must be signed by the mayor or county administrator to indicate
support of the project by the municipality or county.
5) The award recipient must sign the enclosed Business Stimulus Fund Agreement form
after checking the applicable box(s) on the form as related to their proposal.
7) The project proposal must address one or more of the CSIP practices in the approved
Community Forestry Management Plan.
8) All blanks in the application form must be completed.
9) Only one (1) BSF application may be submitted by a municipality or county;
however an application may address more than one CSIP practice. Applicants
may select from any of the 13 CSIP practices listed on the BSF 2009 application form.
*Please note that all CSIP practices are subject to on-site inspection and review. 10) The BSF amount requested in the application by your municipality or county will be equal to or less than $7,000.00. Your total project amount may be greater than the BSF funding requested if your municipality or county incorporates their own funding.
11) The BSF application must be postmarked or hand delivered by December 1, 2009.
12) One original and two copies of the entire BSF forestry proposal package must be
13) The applicant organization (i.e., the municipal or county unit submitting the
application) must be in good standing with all previous New Jersey Forest Service
14) For each of the CSIP practices proposed, the application must include
separate narratives for each. A complete narrative contains all required elements as
listed on page four of this application packet. One budget shall be included to your proposal illustrating all CSIP practice(s) chosen. The narrative must outline the scope of work for that CSIP practice; and the budget must specify the costs involved, and whether each of the costs would be met by BSF funding. (See Appendix H).
Application Instructions
The 2009 BSF application form is included in this announcement. It must be completed in full and include the signature of a representative of the applicant organization. The mayor or county administrator, as applicable, must also sign the form to indicate support for the proposed project.
The application package must include a completed 2009 BSF application form, a Business Stimulus Fund Agreement form, and project narrative(s) for the CSIP practices proposed. One budget shall be included in the proposal to define total project costs. If applicable, award recipients must check the box for Tree Planting and Tree Maintenance on the Business Stimulus Fund Agreement form. Any additional materials determined necessary by the applicant may be included in the proposal.
*Note: Only one application may be submitted per municipality or county.
Project Narrative *For each CSIP practice proposed to be addressed, a project narrative must be submitted using the following format to describe the project. This narrative should be no more than three (3) pages in length (one sided). Project Title: Indicate the specific name of the project.
CSIP Practice: The CSIP practice proposed to be addressed (selected from the thirteen
CSIP practices listed on the 2009 BSF application form).
Proposal Summary: Briefly describe the purpose of the project, the scope of work, and
the costs associated with the project.
Introduction: Describe the municipal or county unit or the applicant organization.
Problem Statement: Define the problem(s) this project will address.
Project Goals and Objectives: Describe the project and how it fits into your
Community Forestry Management Plan.
Timeline: List the anticipated implementation milestones for the project from funding approval to project completion.
Project Method: Describe the scope of work, the methods to be employed, and the personnel being used to accomplish the objectives of the project.
Project Conclusion: Describe how completing this project will enhance the community forest within your municipality or county as well as the State of New Jersey.
Project Budget Proposals shall include a project budget. The budget must show how the total project amount will be allocated (See Appendix H). * One budget shall be included to your proposal illustrating all CSIP practice(s) chosen.
The budget should be an itemized list of all equipment, materials, and services necessary to complete the project. The budget must include the costs to be covered by BSF funding as well as all other funding sources. Any unusual expenses should be thoroughly described and explained.
Application Deadline
The application deadline is December 1, 2009.
If mailed, the application must be submitted to “2009 BSF”, Attention: Joseph Bennett, Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Parks and Forestry, New Jersey Forest Service, 501 East State Street P.O. Box 404, Trenton, NJ 08625-0404.” Applications must be postmarked no later thanDecember 1, 2009.
If hand delivered, the application must be addressed as above and submitted to Joseph Bennett on the 4th Floor of Building 5 at 501 East State Street in Trenton no later than 4:00 P.M. on December 1, 2009. Please place the following note on the lower left corner of the front of your sealed package: “2009 BSF”.
Evaluation Process
The Community Forestry Program staff will determine which of the applications submitted meet the eligibility requirements listed above. All applications fulfilling the eligibility requirements will be provided for review to the members of the New Jersey Community Forestry Council or their designated representatives. The Council will utilize the following criteria to evaluate each project proposal:
Clarity, thoroughness, and conciseness of proposal
Clarity of budget
Reasonable and justifiable budget elements
Relevance to the approved Community Forestry Management Plan
The ways in which the forestry project benefits the community
Each proposal will be evaluated and the award recipient(s) will be notified if any amendments are necessary. Based on its review and evaluation, the Council will forward to the State Forester its recommendations as to which proposals meet the eligibility requirements for BSF funding. Award announcements will be made by the State Forester.
Award Notification
The New Jersey Forest Service shall make award announcements during the month of January 2010. Each applicant will be notified of the exact funding amount they will be receiving. This is not a competitive grant. Funding will be distributed equally among all eligible municipalities or counties that meet the eligibility requirements on or before December 31, 2009.
Additional Information If you have questions pertaining to the Business Stimulus Fund that are not addressed in this application package, contact Joseph Bennett at or 609- 292-6536. New Jersey Forest Service will provide technical assistance.
(All blanks must be filled in order to be eligible)
CSIP #6 Tree Hazard Identification Plan CSIP #13 Other________________
CSIP #7 Tree Planting (describe)
As designated representative of the above organization, I hereby agree that this project shall be implemented within the agreed upon time frame. I pledge that within 30 days after completion of the proposed project, the organization shall submit a report documenting the project’s costs to the New Jersey Forest Service for review and approval. I understand that reimbursement by the New Jersey Forest Service will be initiated after the report is received and approved.
Person Submitting Application
As official representative of the above municipality or county under whose auspices the project is being completed, I hereby authorize the project submitted for this proposed BSF forestry project.
Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Mayor or County Administrator Signature, Title
Business Stimulus Fund
Agreement Form As an official representative of the community or county where the proposed project will be implemented, I hereby support the project submitted for this 2009 BSF funding and agree to comply with item(s) checked below.
Annual Accomplishment Report Tree Planting & Tree Maintenance
Annual Accomplishment Report Agreement As the designated representative of the above organization, I hereby agree to fulfill my 2009 Approved Status obligation by providing the Community Forestry Program with a 2009 Annual Accomplishment Report by the February 15, 2010 deadline.
Tree Planting and Maintenance Agreement As a designated representative of the above organization, I hereby agree that this project shall be implemented according to the attached project proposal and proposed budget. I certify that the planting stock conforms to American Association of Nurserymen standards and the planting procedures conform to the New Jersey Forest Service’s Tree Planting Specifications.
Award money shall be used for the purchasing and planting of trees on non-federal public lands. There is no match requirement for the BSF application but the award recipient agrees to maintain all planted trees for a period of three years. Maintenance shall include proper mulching, watering (especially summer months), removal of stakes and ties, pruning, and fertilization (if necessary). No part of the fund shall be used to purchase land or land changes. The organization shall accommodate any periodic inspections and post-audits requested by the New Jersey Forest Service.
Within 30 days of the completion of the proposed project, the organization shall submit an expenditure report to the New Jersey Forest Service. This report shall include invoices for services rendered, equipment, and materials utilized as well as a tree maintenance log illustrating the various dates that tree maintenance was performed.
It is acknowledged that failure to complete the project within the work period or to submit necessary information on a timely basis may be cause for termination of this forestry project and jeopardize future eligibility.
Person submitting application
Title: ____________________________________
Tree Planting Projects
Tree Planting Requirements
All planting proposals and supporting documents will be submitted on 8 ½ x 11 paper.
Award recipient agrees to utilize a tree care/forestry business to oversee the purchasing and planting of trees.
Award recipient agrees to purchase quality tree stock within a 300 mile radius of the planting site.
Award recipient agrees to provide and follow a three year maintenance plan insuring that the trees planted will be watered, and cared for properly. Proper care of the trees shall include the minimizing of damage due to mowers and trimmers.
Award recipient agrees to submit the completed Tree Planting and Maintenance Agreement forms.
Award recipient will comply with all criteria listed in the New Jersey Community Forestry
Program’s Tree Planting Specifications with an emphasis on wire basket removal.
Comprehensive Planting Plan
A comprehensive planting plan must be provided and shall include the following components:
Landscape Plan: Provide a map or plan showing the specific locations of all proposed plantings on the project site. These illustrative materials may be of any scale that will show the detail necessary to describe the proposed project and provide a tree planting diagram illustrating the method to be used for planting each tree (See Appendix B). *Provide a separate tree species and location list with your plan (See Appendix E).
Photographs showing the project site:These photographs must allow the viewer to visualize the area and proposed tree locations. Location and view of photograph should be noted on the landscape plan.
Plant Schedule:Include a plant schedule indicating the quantity of trees, scientific name of trees, common name of trees, the caliper size (diameter measured 6 inches above ground level) of the trees, and any comments specific to tree selection. The plant schedule will not be accepted if it is only on the application’s landscape plan. A separate document must be included (See Appendix F). Please be aware of Fall dig hazards when selecting trees to plant.
Long-Term Maintenance Plan: Each project must have a 3-year maintenance schedule that outlines the work to be performed, the frequency of the work, the department or person who will carry it out, and the cost associated with it for personnel (See Appendix G).
Designation of the Municipal or County Project Supervisor:The municipal or county Project Supervisor will be the contact listed on the application form. However, if the contact listed on the BSF application form would prefer, they may designate another municipal or county representative to serve as Project Supervisor.
Responsibilities of the Project Supervisor include inspecting the quality of plant material as it arrives to the planting site, monitoring the quality of planting, and conformance to the New Jersey Tree Planting Specifications throughout the planting project by the planting contractor. The Project Supervisor should correct all issues of non-compliance to the New Jersey Forest Service Tree Planting Specifications as they are observed. Failure to do so may result in the failure of the tree planting project during inspection by a State Forester.
Oversight will consist of three areas of the project:
Approving the quality and handling of the trees and equipment delivered to the project site
Approving the size and location of the tree pit
Approving the method of tree installation
Tree Care/Forestry Business Designation:This business may be a Certified Tree Expert, Landscape Architect, landscape contractor, master gardener, or any other professional in the field of horticulture or arboriculture whose education or experience includes proper tree planting techniques. The person’s qualifications must be included in the project narrative.
Tree Planting Inspections If CSIP practice #7, tree planting, is chosen, the award recipient will be subject to a tree planting inspection prior to reimbursement. This inspection should be scheduled with New Jersey Forest Service’s Grants Administrator/Assistant Regional Forester. In order to receive a passing inspection, an award recipient needs to receive a survival rating of 90% or higher and be compliant to the New Jersey Community Forestry Program’s Tree Planting Specifications. (See Appendix A) Documents to Bring to Tree Planting Inspection
An updated tree species and location list in table format on 8 ½ x 11 paper (See Appendix E)
A log illustrating the tree maintenance performed to date
Passing a Tree Planting Inspection Once the award recipient passes the tree planting inspection and submits the necessary paperwork, then the reimbursement process will commence and a reimbursement check will be sent via certified mail approximately two to four weeks later.
Failure of a Tree Planting Inspection Non-compliance with any of the criteria listed in the New Jersey Community Forestry Program’s Tree Planting Specifications (Appendix A) is grounds for failure of an inspection. If a municipality fails their tree planting inspection, then all tree planting problems or issues must be corrected and reassessed on a follow-up tree planting inspection prior to receiving reimbursement of monies.
Appendix A – Tree Planting Specifications Department of Environmental Protection New Jersey Community Forestry Program’s
Tree Planting Specifications
The contractor shall be liable for any damages to property caused by their operations and in the event of damages; they shall at their own expense restore all disturbed or damaged areas to their original condition. All materials, equipment, and personnel shall be limited to the work are defined by the project supervisor.
Trees shall be free of damage as the result of handling or transportation. No substitution of plant material is allowed unless written permission is obtained from the New Jersey Forest Service’s Grants Administrator/Assistant Regional Forester prior to the delivery date of the material.
All work shall conform to accepted horticultural practices as ultimately determined by the New Jersey Forest Service’s Community Forestry Program.
Work shall consist of:
1. Preparation of areas for planting.
2. Furnishing and planting of specified trees, unless the contract is for planting only.
3. Maintenance of plantings until acceptance by the New Jersey Forest Service’s Grants
Administrator/Assistant Regional Forester.
4. Clean up and restoration of any disturbed areas to the condition prior to the contractor's
The tree planting contractor shall submit a proposed work schedule to the New Jersey Forest Service’s Grants Administrator/Assistant Regional Forester for approval at least seven (7) days prior to beginning operations. After the schedule is accepted, no modifications will be permitted without written authorization from the Grants Administrator/Assistant Regional Forester. The contractor shall arrange to confine operations to normal working hours for the industry and no work will be permitted on Sundays or holidays without written authorization from the municipal or county Project Supervisor.
All personnel will be properly supervised by the municipal or county Project Supervisor in a manner that assures that the property is protected from damage; that the safety of all personnel and the public is protected, and that all contract work is done in a professional manner.
Prior to any excavation or the driving of stakes into the ground, the contractor shall ascertain and have marked out the location of all underground utilities. The contractor shall take proper precautions not to disturb or damage any sub-surface utilities.
In the event that any sub-surface utilities are uncovered or damaged, the contractor shall immediately notify the municipal or county Project Supervisor so that the contract work may be relocated or stopped until the damage can be repaired. The contractor shall be financially responsible for any damage to utilities or structures and shall properly maintain the protection of same.
All trees shall be located by the contractor as shown on plans supplied by the municipal or county Project Supervisor. Should the contractor encounter obstructions of any nature, they shall notify the municipal or county Project Supervisor who will arrange adjustments. All adjustments to the plan must be authorized by the New Jersey Forest Service’s Administrator/Assistant Regional Forester. The municipal or county Project Supervisor or designee shall mark the exact planting location of each tree in accordance with the plans. The marking and layout work shall be done sufficiently in advance of planting to avoid delays to the contractor.
No planting holes shall be excavated in advance of planting operations. The planting holes must be approved by the municipal or county Project Supervisor prior to the start of the planting operation. Each tree shall be planted in an individual hole as specified. All trees shall be planted so the root flare is level to the surrounding grade. See the accompanying planting diagram for details (See Appendix A).
Trees shall be thoroughly watered after planting. The municipal or county Project Supervisor will notify the contractor if water suitable for irrigation is available on the site. If water is unavailable on the site, it is the responsibility of the contractor to furnish it at the time of planting.
Tree species shall conform to those indicated on the drawings, tree list, and the publication Hortus Third.
All landscape nursery stock shall conform to the standard specifications of The American Standard for Nursery Stock sponsored by the American association of Nurserymen, Inc. All trees shall be grown under climatic conditions similar to the job site for a period of not less than two (2) years immediately prior to this project and have a caliper ranging from two to three and one half inches (2-3 ½”). Trees shall be purchased within a 300 mile radius from the designated planting site.
No substitutions shall be permitted in either kind or grade without written authorization from the municipal or county Project Supervisor.
Any material and/or work may be rejected, if, in the opinion of the municipal or county Project Supervisor, it does not meet the requirements of the specifications. All rejected material shall be promptly removed from the site by the contractor at their own expense.
Trees shall have the habit of growth that is normal for the species or cultivar and shall be sound, healthy, vigorous, free from insects, tree diseases, and injuries or damage of any nature. All trees shall be of the grades specified, neither larger nor smaller without written authorization from the municipal or county Project Supervisor. No trees shall be pruned, clipped, or trimmed prior to delivery without written authorization from the municipal or county Project Supervisor. All landscape stock must be nursery grown.
All trees shall have been root pruned at the nursery at least once during the three year period immediately preceding transplanting and at least one year prior to transplanting.
The municipal or county Project Supervisor reserves the right to inspect and select all trees at its point or origin. Acceptance at the nursery where the tree is growing, prior to transplanting, does not preclude rejection at the site for just cause.
Trees are to be delivered to the site in the quantities and on the dates agreed upon by the municipal or county Project Supervisor and the contractor. The contractor shall advise the municipal or county Project Supervisor of all deliveries at least 48 hours prior to its arrival at the site, so that all trees can be inspected upon delivery to the site. All trees shall be covered with a tarp, protected from weather, and be adequately packed to avoid breakage, sun scald, windburn, desiccation, and other damage during loading and shipment. All measures customary in good trade practices shall be taken to keep the trees in good condition. No trees shall be planted until they have been inspected and approved on the site by the municipal or county Project Supervisor.
Legible tags shall be attached to each tree. Trees that fail to meet the specifications set forth in Sections 9 and 10 will be rejected. Rejected trees shall be removed from the site immediately. Approved replacement stock that meets the specifications set forth in sections 9 and 10 will be planted in the prescribed manner by the contractor at their expense. Final written acceptance of the trees will be given only after they have been planted, and after the requirements prescribed herein are met.
Prior to commencement of planting, the contractor shall contact the municipal or county Project Supervisor to establish a schedule of planting trees. Trees will be planted from March 1st through June 30th or September 1st November 30th.
Unless otherwise specified within these specifications, all work shall conform to accepted horticultural practices as ultimately determined by the Grants Administrator/Assistant Regional Forester. Trees shall be protected upon arrival to the site by being thoroughly watered and properly maintained until properly planted. Unplanted stock shall be "healed-in" a bed of material approved by the municipal or county Project Supervisor upon delivery to the site unless they will be planted within eight (8) hours after delivery. At all times workmanlike methods customary in good horticultural practices shall be exercised.
The contractor shall protect all existing features on the site including underground utilities, structures, and existing trees.
All trees shall be planted in pits that are a minimum of two (2') feet larger than the diameter of the rootball. The depth of the tree pit shall be equal to the height of the rootball. The tree shall be centered in the hole and then back filled half the depth of the rootball with topsoil. The backfill shall be lightly but thoroughly tamped and well watered. The remainder of the hole is then to be backfilled with approved topsoil to a depth that after settling, will assure the root flare will be at the same grade as the surrounding soil. The tree will be well watered again before mulch is placed over the surface of the rootball.
The installation of tree stakes and supporting materials will be provided by the contactor to trees that the municipal or county Project Supervisor deems necessary. Stakes shall be made of wood with the appropriate length and size necessary to restrict excessive movement of the tree, as determined by the municipal or county Project Supervisor. Tie materials shall be plastic chain lock or flat woven webbing designed specifically for securing stakes to trees. For details on proper staking, see the planting detail. Tree trunks shall not be wrapped.
14.PLANTING PREPARATIONS Wire baskets shall be removed from the rootball by cutting with any tool that does not destroy the integrity of the rootball or injure the tree roots, prior to backfilling the tree pit with soil.
Prior to backfilling, balled and burlapped trees shall have burlap and twine removed from around the trunks, stems, and rootballs. The burlap shall be removed or folded down to the base of the rootball. No burlap shall be pulled out from underneath the rootball.
Backfilling shall be lightly but thoroughly tamped and well watered as described under planting. Only topsoil may be used to backfill the tree pits during planting operations. Unsuitable excavated material, as designated by the municipal or county Project Supervisor, shall be removed from the site by the contractor at their expense.
15.MULCHING Uniformly shredded hardwood mulch supplied by the contractor shall be free of debris and shall be placed by the contractor around all plantings at the time of planting to a depth of three (3") inches as shown in the planting diagram. Care shall be exercised to keep mulch three (3") inches away from the bases of all trees. After the mulching operation has been approved by the municipal or county Project Supervisor, the mulch shall be thoroughly watered.
The contractor shall not prune any plant.
During the course of operations, the contractor shall remove from the property at their expense all excess and waste materials.
Any damaged lawn areas or planting areas will be restored to their original condition by the contractor at their expense, if such damage is the result of the contractor’s operations.
18.INSPECTION FOR ACCEPTANCE Tree Planting Inspection: The award recipient shall notify the State Forest Service’s Grants Administrator/Assistant Regional Forester prior to the date of planting and shall request an inspection in order to determine whether or not the project meets the specifications contained herein. The inspection will be scheduled prior to reimbursement.
If the work is acceptable, the award recipient will receive a copy of the passing tree planting inspection form. If deficiencies are found in the work, a list of items requiring attention shall be furnished to the municipal or county Project Supervisor by the State Forest Service’s Grants Administrator/Assistant Regional Forester. The deficiencies shall be corrected and re-inspected within the specified work period. This procedure will continue until the work is found acceptable.
Appendix B – Planting Diagram
Appendix C – BSF
Size Chart
For Ornamentals, Broadleaf Evergreens and Conifers
Ornamental and evergreen trees are ordered from the nursery based on height, not caliper size. This list shall be used to equate ornamental trees, broadleaf evergreens and conifers to the 2”-3.5” caliper shade tree standard size required in BSF grant. The use of broadleaf evergreens and conifers for street tree plantings is not allowed under this funding. However, if the situation and location justify planting of broadleaf evergreens and conifers, then the trees must meet the minimum sizes specified on this list to qualify for acceptance. Single stem ornamentals may be used for street tree plantings, and must meet the minimum sizes specified on this list to qualify for acceptance. All plant material on this list must be field-grown at the nursery and be balled and burlapped after digging.
Screening Conifers
Botanical NameCommon NameMinimum Size
Cupressocyparis leylandii Leyland Cypress 8’-10’
Juniperus sp. Junipers-Upright Varieties 7’-8’
Pinus strobus Eastern White Pine 7’-8’
Pinus thunbergiana Japanese Black Pine 7’-8’
Psuedotsuga menziesii Douglas-Fir 7’-8’
Picea abies Norway Spruce 7’-8’
Picea pungens Colorado Spruce 7’-8’
Thuja occidentalis Arborvitae 8’-10’
Tsuga canadensis Eastern Hemlock 7’-8’
Specimen Conifers and Broadleaf Evergreens
Botanical NameCommon NameMinimum Size
Abies concolor White Fir 7’-8’
Cedrus atlantica glauca Blue Atlas Cedar 8’-10’
Cedrus deodora Deodora Cedar 8’-10’
Cedrus libani Cedar of Lebanon 8’-10’
Cryptomeria japonica Japanese Cryptomeria 8’-10’
Ilex sp. Holly Species 6’-7’
Larix sp. Larch Species 8’-10’
Metasequoia glyptostroboides Dawn Redwood 8’-10’
Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress 8’-10’
Single Stem Ornamental Trees Botanical NameCommon NameMinimum Size