New Visions Global History Regents Exam Question Bank for Unit 10. 3 Section 2 (nys 10. 6)

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The main idea of this 1990s cartoon is that Russia is

(1) deciding between a capitalist or a communist system

(2) attempting to restore military power

(3) expressing concern about how the rest of the world views its government

(4) maintaining a balance between a civilian and a military government
174. Base your answer to the following question on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of social studies.

The main idea of this 1992 cartoon is that

(1) Communism continues to threaten Western democratic nations

(2) Communism is losing its influence throughout the world

(3) Communist governments succeed best in nations with high standards of living

(4) most nations in Asia still follow the ideas of Marx and Lenin

175. Base your answer to the following question on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of social studies.

This 1992 cartoon refers to Russia's

(1) constant fear of invasion from the West

(2) tendency to establish totalitarian rule during a crisis

(3) attempts to settle foreign policy disputes

(4) current difficulty in establishing economic reforms

66. The goal of Mikhail Gorbachev’s policies of perestroika and glasnost was to

(1) expand collectivization and communes

(2) resume development of Soviet nuclear weapons

(3) stimulate economic growth and political discussion

(4) stop expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) into Eastern Europe

97. Reunification of East and West Germany

Restructuring of the economy of the former Soviet Union

Eastern Europe's extensive political changes

Which is a valid conclusion that can be drawn from a study of these events of the late 1980s and early 1990s?

(1) The former Soviet Union succeeded in isolating its satellites from Western influences.

(2) The United Nations forced Communist leaders to accept changes.

(3) Communist leaders used new strategies to win the cold war.

(4) Communism did not succeed as a workable political and economic system in Europe.

102. Mikhail Gorbachev contributed to the fall of communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe by

(1) introducing the policies of perestroika and glasnost

(2) violating nuclear arms agreements

(3) invading Afghanistan

(4) signing the Camp David Accords
103. One way in which Vladimir Lenin's New Economic Policy and Mikhail Gorbachev's policy of perestroika are similar is that both

(1) allowed elements of capitalism within a communist economic system

(2) strengthened their country's military defenses

(3) supported censorship of news and of personal correspondence

(4) increased tensions during the Cold War
104. Which action occurred in the Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev?

(1) Peasants were forced onto collective farms.

(2) Citizens experienced more personal freedoms under glasnost.

(3) The United States and the Soviet Union ended diplomatic relations.

(4) The Soviet government increased its control over the Orthodox Church.
105. Mikhail Gorbachev’s reforms of perestroika and glasnost resulted in

(1) an era of world peace and Soviet prosperity

(2) conditions that helped lead to the breakup of the Soviet Union

(3) a successful transition to a command economy in Russia

(4) censorship of the news media in Russia
106. One reason Mikhail Gorbachev implemented the policies of glasnost and perestroika in the Soviet Union was to

(1) eliminate freedom of speech and press

(2) destroy the power of the opposition party

(3) dominate the governments of Eastern Europe

(4) encourage political discussion and economic reform
107. In the 1980s, Mikhail Gorbachev’s attempts to change the Soviet Union resulted in

(1) an increase in tensions between India and the Soviet Union

(2) a strengthening of the Communist Party

(3) a shift from producing consumer goods to producing heavy machinery

(4) a series of economic and political reforms
108. ". . . The Communist party of the Soviet Union has been and remains a natural and inalienable part of social forces. Their cooperation will make it possible to attain the ultimate goal of Perestroika: to renew our society within the framework of the socialist choice, along the lines of advance to a humane democratic socialism. . . ."

Which leader would most likely have made this statement?

(1) Kwame Nkrumah

(2) Mohandas Gandhi

(3) Benito Mussolini

(4) Mikhail Gorbachev

109. In the Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev, the trend toward private ownership of businesses represented a move away from

(1) a traditional economy

(2) a command economy

(3) a free-market economy

(4) laissez-faire economics
110. Mikhail Gorbachev instituted the policies of glasnost and perestroika to

(1) reinforce the basic economic principles of Communism

(2) bring the Soviet Union into the European Economic Community

(3) reform the Soviet Union politically and economically

(4) gain acceptance for free political elections
111. "By gently pushing open the gates of reform, he unleashed a democratic flood that wiped out the Soviet universe and washed away the Cold War."

This statement most likely describes the actions of

(1) Ruhollah Khomeini

(2) Ho Chi Minh

(3) Pol Pot

(4) Mikhail Gorbachev

113. During the 1980s in the Soviet Union, a major element of the economic policy of perestroika was

(1) increased collectivization of farms

(2) more reliance on local and regional decision-making

(3) the expanded use of national five-year plans

(4) an emphasis on the redistribution of wealth
114. During the 1980s, the Soviet Union experimented with modifications of its command economy by

(1) eliminating central planning

(2) allowing private ownership of major industries

(3) introducing some market economy strategies

(4) legalizing independent trade unions
115. A major development in relations between the Soviet Union and the United States occurred in the late 1980s when the two nations agreed to

(1) purchase all their oil from Mexico

(2) withdraw from the United Nations

(3) eliminate a group of nuclear missiles

(4) ban arms sales to developing nations
116. "The Soviet people want a clear perspective . . . unconditional democracy . . . Glasnost in all things, big and small . . . respect for hard work . . . and faithful service for the cause and the good of society."

The main idea of this quotation is that

(1) the political system of a Communist nation cannot be changed

(2) foreign aid is needed to achieve economic stability

(3) the nation has been damaged by civil unrest

(4) both the government and the people must make major changes

117. Which economic policy of the Soviet Union in the 1980s was most different from the economic policies of Stalin?

(1) government ownership of the means of production

(2) the development of heavy industry

(3) central planning of basic economic decisions

(4) private management of some businesses
118. In the Soviet Union, Lenin's New Economic Policy (NEP) and Gorbachev's policy of perestroika were similar in that each

(1) included some practices of capitalism

(2) rejected central government involvement in the economy

(3) established a series of Five-Year Plans for economic growth

(4) linked economic growth to military strength
119. During the 1980s Mikhail Gorbachev introduced perestroika in the Soviet Union to

(1) improve the economy and decentralize decision making

(2) abandon arms treaties with the United States and Western Europe

(3) tighten government controls over the communication media

(4) suppress the growing nationalist movements in Eastern Europe
120. During the Presidency of Mikhail Gorbachev, which problem faced the Soviet Union?

(1) Ethnic minorities demanded the right of self-determination.

(2) Agricultural production grew faster than food consumption.

(3) The nations of Eastern Europe insisted that the Soviet Union keep troops in Eastern Europe.

(4) Western European nations refused to trade with the Soviet Union.
125. During the late 1980s in the Soviet Union, the policy of perestroika was an attempt to solve economic problems by

(1) introducing elements of capitalism into the Soviet economy

(2) limiting imports into the Soviet Union

(3) relying more heavily on central planning of the Soviet economy

(4) cutting back the amount of credit given to small businesses
126. The events that led to the overthrow of Czar Nicholas II in 1917 and to the forced resignation of Mikhail Gorbachev in 1991 show that

(1) economic crises often lead to political change

(2) Russian absolutism continued into the 1990s

(3) international conflicts often strengthen the power of leaders

(4) Russia is an ethnically unified nation
127. One similarity between V. I. Lenin's New Economic Policy of the early 1920s and Mikhail Gorbachev's perestroika policy of the late 1980s was that they both

(1) stimulated agricultural and industrial production by implementing some elements of Capitalism

(2) reduced Russia's trade deficit by importing more grain from Canada

(3) prevented foreign economic competition by imposing high tariffs

(4) expanded trade into newly acquired colonies

128. In the late 1980s, Mikhail Gorbachev's decision to stop interfering in the internal affairs of Eastern European nations led directly to

(1) the collapse of the free-market economies in the region

(2) an increase in Cold War tensions

(3) a renewal of religious violence between Orthodox Christians and Russian Jews

(4) the collapse of the communist governments in the region

129. One similarity between V. I. Lenin's New Economic Policy and Mikhail Gorbachev's policy of perestroika is that both policies

(1) supported collectivization of farms in the Soviet Union

(2) allowed some aspects of Capitalism in the Soviet economy

(3) increased citizen participation in the Soviet Government

(4) strengthened governmental control over the Soviet Republics
167. What has the end of communism in the Soviet Union caused many countries in Eastern Europe to do?

(1) shift to a command economy

(2) maintain a communist form of government

(3) pursue free-market economic policies

(4) join the Warsaw Pact
170. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, Russia has attempted to build an economic system based on

(1) a return to feudalism

(2) the ideas of Marx and Lenin

(3) the writings of Mao Zedong

(4) a free-market system
173. One reason for the collapse of the Communist economic system in Eastern Europe during the early 1990s was that this system

(1) lacked adequate incentives to maintain high productivity

(2) used the principles of mercantilism

(3) encouraged laissez-faire practices and policies

(4) relied on the outdated law of supply and demand

Self Determination After the Cold War
157. After the breakup of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Soviet Union, new nations were formed.

(1) New nations are generally too poor and weak to become active members of the United Nations.

(2) New nations rarely use their limited resources to wage war.

(3) National and ethnic differences often lead to instability and violence in new nations.

(4) Self-determination generally leads to democratic forms of government in new nations.
158. Changes in the political borders of Eastern European countries during the 1990s were a result of the

(1) failure of communism

(2) expansion of the Warsaw Pact

(3) end of free trade

(4) decline of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
159. In 1989 and 1990, Lithuania's declaration of independence, the overthrow of Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, and the election of Lech Walesa as Poland's President reflected

(1) the continued strength of the Warsaw Pact

(2) the movement toward policies of self-determination in Eastern Europe

(3) an increased military role for Russia in this region

(4) the polarization of the nations of Eastern and Western Europe
163. "The Soviet Union Splits into 15 Republics"

"Yugoslavia Experiences Internal Conflict"

"Germany Reunifies"

Which conclusion do these three headlines suggest?

(1) Communism remains an important force in Europe.

(2) Many Western European nations are experiencing civil war

(3) International sanctions strengthen a nation's ability to govern.

(4) The forces of nationalism can either divide or unite a nation.

164. In the early 1990s, Czechoslovakia drew the attention of the world when it

(1) expanded its territory south into Bosnia-Herzegovina

(2) divided into two independent nations in a peaceful manner

(3) became the first nation to rejoin the Warsaw Pact

(4) resisted a United Nations invasion of Slovakia
Fall of the Berlin Wall

133. During the Cold War, which event occurred last?

(1) Cuban missile crisis

(2) destruction of the Berlin Wall

(3) Berlin airlift

(4) launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union

134. The destruction of the Berlin Wall and the breakup of the Soviet Union signify the

(1) end of the Cold War

(2) collapse of the Taliban

(3) strength of the Warsaw Pact

(4) power of the European Union
137. The destruction of the Berlin Wall in 1989 is symbolic of the

(1) end of the Soviet domination of Eastern Europe

(2) declining power of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

(3) fall of the Weimar Republic

(4) collapse of the European Union
138. Which is a valid statement about the reunification of East and West Germany in 1990?

(1) East German prosperity made reunification desirable for West Germany.

(2) Reunification was linked to the withdrawal of United States forces from Western Europe.

(3) Reunification occurred despite concerns by other European nations over the power of a united Germany.

(4) A reunified Germany promised to withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
139. The unification of Germany in 1990 symbolized the

(1) rise of religious fundamentalist leaders

(2) collapse of collective security pacts

(3) failure of a Communist system

(4) rejection of democratic principles
140. The destruction of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany in 1990 are events that symbolize the

(1) end of the Cold War Era

(2) end of democracy in Germany

(3) fall of Nazi power in Germany

(4) increased influence of the Warsaw Pact
142. The end of the Cold War is best symbolized by the

(1) establishment of the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan

(2) formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Common Market

(3) withdrawal of United Nations forces from Somalia and from Kuwait

(4) destruction of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany
Command Economy vs. Capitalist Economy

90. Which statement describes one major aspect of a command economy?

(1) Supply and demand determines what will be produced.

(2) Most economic decisions are made by the government.

(3) The means of production are controlled by labor unions.

(4) The economy is mainly agricultural.

92. What is a key principle of a market economy?

(1) The means of production are controlled by the state.

(2) Supply and demand determine production and price.

(3) Employment opportunities are determined by social class.

(4) Businesses are owned by the people collectively.
93. • The state sets the price of consumer goods.

• A factory manager meets production quotas for the month.

• A central planning agency determines wages for agricultural workers.

Which type of economy is illustrated by these statements?

(1) market

(2) command

(3) traditional

(4) laissez-faire

94. "A group of planners makes all economic decisions. The group assigns natural, human, and capital resources to the production of those goods and services it wants. The group decides how to produce them and to whom to distribute them."

This description best applies to the

(1) manorial economy of feudal Europe

(2) mercantile economy of 18th-century Europe

(3) command economy of the Soviet Union

(4) market economy of the United States

95. Which is generally a characteristic of a Communist economy?

(1) Investment is encouraged by the promise of large profits.

(2) The role of government in the economy is restricted by law.

(3) Government agencies are involved in production planning.

(4) Entrepreneurs sell shares in their companies to the government.
98. Which statement best describes how a command economy functioned in the Soviet Union?

(1) The laws of supply and demand controlled the economy.

(2) Trade policies mandated that imports exceed exports.

(3) The success of the agricultural sector controlled the price of manufactured goods.

(4) A central authority determined the type and quantity of goods to be produced.
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