Notes from Fedora Linux Toolbox: 1000+ Commands for Fedora, CentOS, & Red Hat Power Users Christopher Negus 978-0470082911

Ch 11: Managing Network Connections

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Ch 11: Managing Network Connections

GUI based tools

Network Configuration via GUI works mostly



Start at bottom of TCP/IP stack

1 - Check cables on local card and on routers/gateway etc

2 - Check that card is properly installed and has the correct drivers

3 - Check the settings for the card to make sure you do not have mismatches

4 - If all else fails get a NIC that is supported in Linux

Checking Links

/sbin/ethtool -- lots of help info

/sbin/ethtool | less -- nothing because help output goes to stderr (ethtool 2>&1 | less)
sudo /sbin/ethtool eth1 -- settings for eth1

Settings for eth1:

Supported ports: [ MII ]

Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full

100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full


Supports auto-negotiation: Yes

Advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full

100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full


Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes

Speed: 100Mb/s

Duplex: Full

Port: MII


Transceiver: external

Auto-negotiation: on

Supports Wake-on: g

Wake-on: d

Link detected: yes

sudo /sbin/ethtool -i eth1 -- driver information

driver: forcedeth

version: 0.61


bus-info: 0000:00:12.
sudo /sbin/ethtool -S eth1 -- Statistics

sudo /sbin/ethtool -s eth1 speed 100 duplex full autoneg off -- change card settings temp.

-- /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 contains “permanent” settings

-- less /usr/share/doc/initscripts-*/sysconfig.txt

sudo netstat -i -- network statistics

sudo netstat -nap -- information about all network processes

Managing Network Connections

sudo /sbin/service

Usage: service < option > | --status-all | [ service_name [ command | --full-restart ] ]

/sbin/service network restart or status or stop or start

sudo /sbin/chkconfig

usage: chkconfig --list [name]

chkconfig --add

chkconfig --del

chkconfig --override

chkconfig [--level ]

less /usr/share/doc/initscripts-*/sysconfig.txt
sudo /sbin/ifdown eth1

sudo /sbin/ifup eth1

Viewing Ethernet Connection Information

/sbin/ifconfig -- connection info for all active (add -a to get inactive) connections

/sbin/ip addr show eth1 -- similar information

/sbin/ip a -- info for all interfaces

/sbin/ip help -- (addr help, route help, tunnel help)
ipcalc -bmn




Wireless Connections

Use the GUI if at all possible

wireless-tools, ndiswrapper, etc from
/sbin/lspci | grep wireless -- to see wireless PCI cards

/sbin/iwconfig -- same sort of info as ifconfig but for wireless

/sbin/iwconfig –help -- essid, channel, sens, key, .....
Dial-Up Modems – Skipped
Checking Name Resolution

cat /etc/resolv.conf



dig or -- search the servers in resolv.conf

dig @ -- search a specific server

dig + trace -- recursively trace DNS servers

host -- reverse DNS lookup

More Troubleshooting

/sbin/ip route -- like old route command dev vmnet8 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src dev vmnet1 proto kernel scope link src

default via dev eth1

ping gateway to see if connected
/sbin/arp -v -- list ARP cache entries by name

Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask Iface

DirectvDvr ether 00:50:00:d4:bb:5c C eth1

home ether 00:15:6c:8c:61:44 C eth1

Gimli ether 00:17:02:bb:1e:5b C eth1

traceroute -- * * * probably means firewall

sudo traceroute -T -- use TCP packets not default UDP (bypass firewall)

sudo traceroute -n ... -- disable name resolution

Network Statistics

netstat -s -- summary of TCP, ICMP, UDP connections

netstat -tanp -- TCP connection information

netstat -uanp -- UDP

Other Useful Tools

sudo /usr/sbin/tcpdump -- (-v or -vv for more stuff)



CH 12: Accessing Network Resources
Sometime even when a GUI is available command line commands are VERY useful
Browse the web

lynx -- old text based browser

links -- newer command but /usr/bin/links -> elinks

elinks -- the current “choice” allows mouse use & colors in terminal session

-- Control Keys Table 12-1 pg. 210 (Esc toggles menu on/off)

Transferring Files -- wget

-- download files using http or ftp



wget –user=someuser –password=passwordforuser


-- download single web page

wget /3351/index.html

-- download single page along with required images, etc and use local file names

wget -pk
-- append html to downloaded files so .cgi or .asp etc will work locally

wget -E

-- recursively mirror entire site -- be careful!!!!

wget -m

-- combining above we get

wget -mEkK

-- restart an incomplete download

wget -- start download

--- assume it is interrupted here ---

wget -c -- finish

Transferring Files -- curl

-- curl (client for URLs) is also available for single shot downloads

Transferring Files -- lftp

lftp -- anonymous connection

lftp bob:mypasswd@server1 -- authenticated connection but bad to type pass this way

lftp -u bob server1 -- will ask for password

-- once session is open

pwd, cd, ls, get (download), put (upload), Ctl-z (set download to background,

mget (get all in.), mput (put all in), bookmark, quit
Transferring Files -- ssh

-- warning you do NOT get a warning about overwriting existing files when using some of these

scp mfile bob@server1:/home/bob/tmp -- file up, will ask for password

scp server1:/home/bob/myfilke ./ -- file down, assumes bob is current user

scp -p ... -- preserves permissions and timestamps

scp -P 4382 ... -- use port 4382 not the default of 22

scp -r mydir bob@server1 -- recurse mydir and copy all
-- sftp uses ssh but allows an ftp like interface ( ? for a list of commands)

sftp bob@server1 -- then use any of the ftp commands to copy & move around

Sharing remote directories -- NFS (Network File System)

-- works in some Windows ops too

service nfs start -- starts service configs are /etc/sysconfig/nfs, /etc/exports

/usr/sbin/exportfs -v -- shows all shared directories along with permissions

service nfs reload -- reload nfs with changes to /etc/export

exportnfs -r -- load changes to /etc/export

exportnfs -vr

/usr/sbin/showmount -e -- show directories available on local system

showmount -e -- show directories available on other system
mount /Gandalf/nfsDIR -- mount remote (nfs3)

mount -q rw,hard, intr ... -- options can also be entered on mount line

mount -t nfs4 -- nfs4 is more versatile but less used might not work

Sharing remote directories -- SAMBA

-- SMB (server message block is old) cifs is current file system type

-- GUI config tools are availble (swap is a nice easy web interface)

  1. sudo yum install samba-swat

  2. sudo /sbin/chkconfig swat on

  3. sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd start

  4. elinks http://localhost:901/

findsmb -- scan network for shares




--------------------------------------------------------------------- Gandalf [WIZARDS] [Unix] [Samba 3.0.21c]
smbtree -- text representation of network shares




\\ARIEL\C$ Default share

\\ARIEL\Belinda (C)

\\ARIEL\Easy (E)

sudo smbpasswd -a bob -- add an existing Linux user as a samba user

smbclient -L Ariel -- list services available by a server to current user or anonymous

smbclient -L Ariel -U bob

sbmclient // -U bob -- ftp style connection
-- mounting

sudo mount -t cifs -o username=bob,password=mypass //server1/myshare /where/I/mountedit

sudo mount -t cifs '//Ariel/Easy (E)' /Gandalf/Belinda/Easy /

-o credentials=/home/bob/.cred,uid=500,gid=500

smbstatus -- current mount and lock status
nmblookup Ariel -- lookup IP for samba server Ariel

testparm -- check samba configuration

testparm -v | less -- show default parameters you did not set

Sharing remote directories -- sshfs --

yum install fuse-sshfs

sshfs bob@server1:/home/bob/myshare /Gandalf/RemoteSites/bob -- mount will as password

sudo umount /Gandalf/RemoteSites/bob -- unmount
Ch 13: Remote System Admin
Most professional linux admins do not run X on production servers

Thus command line admin is a necessity

Old tools like telnet, ftp, rsh, rexec, rcp are security risks (text userid and password)

Modern tools like ssh, scp, sftp are much more secure

Legacy tools are sometimes good for troubleshooting

telnet 80

GET / HTTP/1.0

--- extra carriage return here

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Remote admin with ssh


-- make sure sshd service is running by default

-- /etc/ssh/sshd_config server configuration file

Port 1248

X11Forwarding yes

AllowTcpForwarding no

-- /etc/ssh/ssh_config client configuration file

ForwardX11 yes (or ssh -X bob@someserver each time connect)
Regular use

ssh bob@server1 -- the 'correct' way to change users

ssh server1 -- login to remote as current user

ssh -p 1248 bob@server1 -- port other than default of 22

ssh tunneling (a good howto is here )

ssh -X or with configuration correctly setup kcalc etc

ssh -L 1234:localhost:631 remoteserver -- tunnel CUPS server
ssh -l remoteuser -nNT -R 1100: remoteip -p remotesshport

ssh user@remotehost -L 24800:remotehost:25 -N

-- use myserver to connect to internet

ssh -L myserver

-- ssh as a SOCKS Proxy

ssh -D 12345 myserver //look at man pages

then change connection settings in firefox to match

(preferences-advanced-settings-manual connection SOCKS:localhost port:12345)

ssh public key login

cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts -- existing public keys for previous connections

ssh-keygen -- generate public / private keys for current user

-- leaving password prompt blank makes connections easy but is risky

copy ~/.ssh/ to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 on remote server

ssh-agent -- gives the ability to store keys for duration of this session

eval 'ssh-agent' -- adds vars to environment

ssh-add -- will add default private key (ssh-keygen) to

Using screen: A rich remote shell Cool!!!

ssh gives you one temporary screen at a time, if it times out or dies you loose everything

yum install screen (FC8 by default)

ssh into remote server

screen -- you now have a screen running on remote server

screen -ls -- list active screens

Ctrl-a, d -- detach screen, leave it running but return to ssh terminal window

Ctrl-a, ? -- help

screen -r -- reattach to a previously detached screen (works even after quitting ssh)

screen -r 7089.pts-2.myserver -- reattach if are multiple detached screens

screen -S mysession -- name the screen session

screen -x or screen -x mysession -- share screen session (same user logged on)

-- try this

ssh into some server



Ctrl-a, d

exit ssh

ssh again into same server

screen -r -- top will still be running

Using a Remote Windows Desktop

WinXP – Control Panel / System / Remote enable and add users

yum install rdesktop tsclient
tsclient & -- graphical Terminal Server Client

rdesktop Ariel

rdesktop -u bob -p password win1

rdesktop -f win1 -- maximize display

rdesktop -0 -r sound:local win1 -- direct sound from server to client

Other remote linux apps

xhost -- non encrypted ssh better

Sharing desktops with VNC

yum install vnc vnc-server


VNCSERVERS=”1:bob 2:thomas”
vncpasswd -- set current user vnc password
chkconfig vncserver on -- set vnc server to run

make sure to open TCP ports 590+displaynumber in iptables

vncviewer myserver:1 or myserver:2 -- connect to vncserver from client

-- above is a really simple window manager so on the server

edit ~/.vnc/xstartup and add


exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc

and restart the vncserver

-- on untrusted networks tunnel vnc

ssh -L 5902:localhost:5902 vncserver

Can share a vnc desktop using Vino
Ch 14: Locking Down Security (for working with user accounts see also Ch10 in Fedora Bible 2011 notes)

“Securing your Linux system means first restricting access to the user accounts and services on the system. After that, security means checking that no one has gotten around the defenses you have setup.”

Fedora is designed to be secure by default:

  1. no user accounts with blank passwords

  2. firewall is restrictive by default

  3. most network services are off

  4. SELinux is set to enforcing if you do not change this on the install

Working with users and groups

ALWAYS LOG IN AS A REGULAR USER! Then use su or sudo to gain root access

/etc/ssh/sshd_config PermitRootLogin no

The GUI way for servers:

webmin: ( -- remember to change default port from 10000

cPanel (, Plesk (, Ensim (
Adding user accounts

--> sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -D -- show useradd default values

GROUP=100 -- default group

HOME=/home -- base home directory

INACTIVE=-1 -- password expiration is disabled

EXPIRE= -- Don't set password expire date

SHELL=/bin/bash -- default shell

SKEL=/etc/skel -- copy default home config files from here

CREATE_MAIL_SPOOL=yes -- create mail spool directory

-- fedora overrides the default group with a new group for each new user

-- above values in /etc/default/useradd

useradd bob -- typed as root allows change of password for bob

-- root is only warned if bad password is used
-- some of the options for useradd

sudo /usr/sbin/useradd –help

-b, --base-dir /var/users -- base directory for the new user account

-d, --home-dir /home/jj -- home directory for the new user account

-e, --expiredate 2009-01-01 -- set account expiration date to 2009-01-01

-g 700 -u 700 -- use specific GID & UID for new user

-G students,tomcatusers -- list of supplementary groups for the new user
sudo /usr/sbin/groupadd -- before adding a user to a group the group must exist

groups bob -- list the groups bob belongs to

bob vboxusers

-- some of the real config files for users and groups

/etc/passwd test:x:502:503::/home/test:/bin/bash

/etc/shadow test:$1$cvOBzy34DGAgHfr3XcdeAmEJ1:14134:0:99999:7:::

/etc/group test:x:503:drjohn,bob
Changing default useradd values

edit /etc/default/useradd & /etc/login.defs to make changes permanent

user options above in useradd command to make temporary changes
add files or directories to /etc/skel to change 'startup' /home/newuser (ex public_html)
Modifying User Accounts

sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -c “Dr Bob” bob -- change bob's comment field

sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -s /bin/sh bob -- change bob's default shell

sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -L bob -- lock the bob user account

sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -U bob -- unlock the bob user account
chsh -s /bin/sh -- change current user's shell to /bin/sh

-- change finger information

-- change office, home phone, office phone, full name

chfn -o "BA607" -h 806-687-9028 -p 806-438-2049 -f "DrJohn"


Login Name Tty Idle Login Time Office Office Phone

bob DrJohn *:0 Oct 20 13:30 BA607 806-438-2049

-- above information is stored in the 5th field of the /etc/passwd file

-- ONLY edit the /etc/passwd file carefully and with vipw
Deleting User accounts

/usr/sbin/userdel bob --delete user bob

userdel -r bob -- delete user, home directory, and mail spool
Managing Passwords

-- modify current user password

--> passwd

Changing password for user bob.

Changing password for bob.

(current) UNIX password:

New UNIX password: I typed hi

BAD PASSWORD: it is WAY too short

New UNIX password: I typed hello

BAD PASSWORD: it is too short

New UNIX password: I typed password

BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a dictionary word

--> sudo passwd bob


Changing password for user bob.

New UNIX password: I typed hi

BAD PASSWORD: it is WAY too short

Retype new UNIX password: I typed hi

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
-- moral is be VERY careful when setting/modifying passwords as root

sudo passwd -l bob -- lock the bob user account

sudo passwd -u bob -- unlock the bob user account

-- this is done by placing !! at the front of the password field in /etc/shadow


-- administrator can require users to change passwords regularly

passwd -n 2 bob -- set minimun password life to 2 days

passwd -x 300 bob -- set maximum password life to 300 days

passwd -w 10 bob -- warn of password expiration 10 days in advance

passwd -i 14 bob -- days after expiration that account is disabled

-- view password expiration information

--> chage -l bob

Last password change : Oct 20, 2008

Password expires : December 31, 2008

Password inactive : January 31, 2009

Account expires : never

Minimum number of days between password change : 0

Maximum number of days between password change : 99999

Number of days of warning before password expires : 7
-- as root can use the chage command to manage password expiration

sudo chage -I 40 bob -- make account inactive in 40 days

sudo chage -d 5 bob -- force user's password to expire in 5 days

-- 0 above would force password change on next login

Adding Groups

-- similar commands as for users above

-- groupadd, groupdel, groupmod, groupmems (add & remove members)

groupadd Marketing -- add group Marketing

groupadd -g 701 tomcat -- add group tomcat with GID of 701

groupmod -g 777 tomcat -- make tomcat group GID 777

groupmod -n tomcat tomcatS08 -- change name of tomcat group to tomcatS08
groupdel tomcat -- delete tomcat group

Checking on Users

find -nouser -- No user corresponds to file’s numeric user ID.

find -nogroup -- No group corresponds to file’s numeric group ID.

find -uid nnn -- File’s numeric user ID is nnn.

find -user bob -- File is owned by user bob (numeric user ID is allowed).

--> sudo du -sh /home/test/ -- check on disk usage in user's home dir

2.2M /home/test/ -- -sh means summarize results and make human readable

-- fuser, ps, top identify running commands and can check for users (Ch 9)
sudo last -- lists the most recent successful logins

sudo lastb -- lists most recent unsuccessful logins

-- on zeus I get page after page after page

sudo who -u -- list who is currently logged in long form

sudo users -- list who is currently logged in short form
--> id ==> uid=500(bob) gid=500(bob) groups=500(bob),502(vboxusers)

--> who am i -- long form

bob pts/4 2008-10-20 16:49 (localhost.localdomain)

--> whoami -- short form


--> finger -s bob -- short form

Login Name Tty Idle Login Time Office Office Phone


--> finger -l bob -- long form

Login: bob Name: DrJohn

Directory: /home/bob Shell: /bin/bash

Office: BA607, 806-438-2049 Home Phone: 806-687-9028

On since Mon Oct 20 13:30 (CDT) on :0 (messages off)

On since Mon Oct 20 13:31 (CDT) on pts/1 from :0.0

3 hours 48 minutes idle

(messages off)

On since Mon Oct 20 13:31 (CDT) on pts/2 from :0.1 (messages off)

On since Mon Oct 20 13:31 (CDT) on pts/3 from :0

3 hours 48 minutes idle

On since Mon Oct 20 16:49 (CDT) on pts/4 from localhost.localdomain

No mail.

No Plan.

-- when ~/.project (single line) and ~/.plan (multi line) files are added results become

--> finger -l bob

Login: bob Name: DrJohn



To make the Internet safer


By teaching

students how to become

Linux professionals

Working with System Logs (for firewall info see below)

/var/log ... -- system logs are here and in subdirectories

-- fedora uses rsyslogd (system log daemon) and rklogd (kernel log daemon)

-- started by /etc/init.d/rsyslog (a newer better version of syslogd)

-- rotation is handled by /etc/cron.daily/logrotate

-- based on settings in /etc/logrotate.conf & in /etc/logrotate.d/

logwatch -- a system log analyzer and reporter than allows summary messaging

sudo logger Hello World from bob -- add messages to log files (new Video card)

sudo cat /var/log/messages

... Oct 20 17:38:26 localhost durrett: Hello World from bob

Linux Bible 2010 Edition: Boot Up to Ubuntu, Fedora, KNOPPIX, Debian, openSUSE, and 13 Other Distributions by Christopher Negus

Last annotated on December 2, 2010

Chapter 12: Securing Linux

In This Chapter Linux security checklist Using password protection Monitoring log files Communicating with secure shell tools Understanding attack techniques Protecting servers with certificates Using special Linux security tools distributions

Why should you care about security? According to the Internet Storm Center (, a computer connected to the Internet has an average of 16 minutes

Linux Security Checklist

Control physical access

Add users and passwords—Creating separate user accounts

Set read, write, and execute permissions

Protect the root user

Use trusted software

Get software updates

Use secure applications

Use restrictive firewalls

Enable only services you need

Limit access to services

Check your system

Monitor your system

Use SELinux

your computer, then, is safer. As Red Hat continues to work out the kinks in SELinux, there has been a tendency for users to see SELinux failures and just disable the entire SELinux service. However, a better course is to find out whether SELinux is really stopping you from doing something that is unsafe.

Finding distribution-specific security resources

Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora security—Check the Red Hat Security site ( for RHEL security issues (that typically relate to Fedora systems as well). From here you can look for and read about available updates. You can also get information on security training and consulting from Red Hat, Inc. For Fedora security issues, see the Fedora Wiki (

Refer to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Security Guide for an in-depth look at Linux security for Red Hat systems. You can access this guide online from the following Ubuntu security—Find security guides and tools for Ubuntu on the Ubuntu security page ( Gentoo security—Included on the Gentoo Linux Security page ( are tools, announcements, and links to security policy and project documents associated with securing Gentoo systems. Find the Gentoo security handbook here:

Choosing good passwords

(choosing a sentence on your personal Web page is a bad idea).

Table 12-1 lists examples of strong passwords and the tricks used to remember them.

Mrci7yo! My rusty car is 7 years old!

2emBp1ib 2 elephants make BAD pets, 1 is better

ItMc?Gib Is that MY coat? Give it back

The passwords look like gibberish

Using a shadow password file

Checking for the shadow password file The password file is named passwd and is found in the /etc directory. The shadow password file is named shadow and is also located in /etc. If your /etc/shadow file is missing, it is likely that your Linux system is storing the password information in the /etc/passwd file instead.

A Practical Guide to Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux by Mark G. Sobell

Last annotated on December 1, 2011

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