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Dr. Roman Lanno

Comments on Chapter 2 - Integrative Health and Ecological Effects Overview
Chapter 2 presents the integrative summary and conclusions from the Pb ISA with a discussion of evidence presented in detail in subsequent chapters.
Is this a useful and effective summary presentation?
The structure and presentation of Chapter 2 is logical and provides a good summary of the approach and the rationale behind causal determinations for human health and welfare. Leaving out many specific references is fine here since this summary is intended for a broader audience and a completely scientific format may prove distracting for many readers. Figure 2-1 provides particularly good synopsis of spectrum of scientific evidence for human health effects of Pb. The tables within sections summarizing data for causal determinations are good, as is the final summary table, 2-8.
Is the framework for causal determination appropriately applied?
Please comment on approaches that may improve the communication of key ISA findings to varied audiences. The health and ecological effects of Pb are mediated through multiple interconnected modes of action and there is substantial overlap between the ecological and health endpoints considered in the causal determinations. Since the mechanism of Pb toxicity is likely conserved from invertebrates to vertebrates to humans in some organ systems, the scientific evidence was integrated across the disciplines of health and ecology. Please comment on this approach e.g., is this a useful and effective integration of the scientific evidence?
The discussion of commonalities in modes of toxic action across varied taxa is an important step in highlighting the connection between human and ecological receptors and is a bold step for the EPA to attempt. Overall, the argument for various general modes of toxic action is strengthened by presenting similar findings from many taxonomic groups and this is captured very well in section 2.7.1, Modes of Action Relevant to Downstream Health and Ecological Effects.
One way of increasing the readability of this section (and the entire ISA document) would be the standardization of units used in expressing concentrations for measured parameters and especially for Pb dose. Blood Pb levels are consistently expressed as ug/dL and there is some useful discussion about expressing blood Pb levels using ug/L if we were to consider even lower blood Pb levels in assessments. However, Pb doses are expressed in a number of ways which make interpretation for the reader very difficult, especially if they are not scientists. For example, consider Table 2-6 which deals strictly with human data. Blood Pb levels are clearly expressed in ug/dL, but Pb dose is presented in pM, nM, uM, and ppm. Although it may be difficult to standardize M expressions due to the many orders of magnitude difference, ppm is not a very meaningful expression of dose. This should at least be converted to SI units, mg/L, but more usefully, expressed as a molar value, so as to facilitate comparison with other Pb dose measurements in the table.
Following up on Table 2-6, I checked Krieg (2007) and it was not very clearly stated what the Pb dose was, so where did the 20 ppm come from? (HERO was great for making these comparisons very quickly, very slick!) In Wiebe and Barr (1988), the dose was 20 ppm in drinking water, not air, so this should at least be expressed in mg/L. In Huel et al. (2008), Pb and As were measured in hair samples of women as exposure dose and correlated with Ca pump activity in RBCs from umbilical cord blood. In Kern et al. (2000), in vitro tests were conducted examining the conformation of calmodulin in the presence of Ca and Pb and dose was expressed as pM of free metal ion, Pb2+ or Ca2+. In order to make the interpretation of dose easier, it would be good to include additional information regarding the medium in which Pb dose was measured (e.g., hair, in vitro test solution, drinking water). This would reduce confusion in the interpretation of Pb dose. Additionally, it would be important to include the form of Pb that was measured as dose (e.g., total Pb, modeled Pb2+), so as to incorporate the concept of bioavailability into the measurement of dose. This may be less applicable in human health exposures, but is very important when examining ecological data. To summarize, effective comparisons of exposure dose can be mediated by:

  1. Expressing exposure dose consistently in SI units (e.g., ug/L, mg/kg, etc.), preferably as molar concentrations, where possible. Dose as ppm is not acceptable. Dose expressed on a molar basis makes sense since it is not the mass of Pb at the site of toxic action that causes effects, rather the number of moles of Pb.

  2. Observed effects could be discussed in the order of “policy relevance”, discussing the context of the exposure. For example, in soil ecological exposures, tests conducted in natural soils, with measured Pb concentrations, using organism reproduction as an endpoint would have the highest relevance for assessing the effects of Pb on welfare. Experiments conducted with nematodes, using Pb added to agar or solutions, with unmeasured Pb concentrations, and endpoints of behavior and non-specific developmental anomalies would have little policy relevance.

With respect to the ecological effects section of Chapter 2, a summary of the various endpoints used to assess Pb toxicity are presented, but unlike the human health section, very few measures of dose are presented. As discussed above, the comparison of modes of toxic action among taxa is a good idea, but at least some measures of dose should be provided for ecological exposures. Even though ecological exposure measures may not translate directly into human exposure values, for those readers that would like to try and make a comparison, the values would be available. Summary tables of responses and doses (as in Table 2-6) would provide a good summary and make interpretation of the ecological data somewhat clearer.

Additional comments related to specific sections of Chapter 2 are provided below.
Page 2-13 – Figure 2-1 is great! Wonderful summary – a similar figure for ecological effects would be striking.
Page 2-19, line 13 – change “Pb levels in as low” to “Pb levels as low”
Page 2-22, lines 9-10 – What is meant by “target”? Is this a site of toxic action or simply a site for the absorption of Pb from the GIT, or both?
Page 2-24, line 21 – closing bracket needs to be added
Page 2-26, Table 2-3 – This could be a very powerful table if another column was added that provided an exposure dose level, especially if exposure dose could be expressed in terms of air Pb levels
Page 2-28, line 3 – What is meant by “dissolved Pb”? Is that Pb2+ or operationally-defined as Pb in a solution passed through a 0.45 um filter?
Page 2-28, line 31 – The rate of Pb accumulation in earthworms is also affected by the feeding biology of the different species
Page 2-29, lines 34-36 – It is completely expected that responses will differ when organisms are exposed to Pb in different soils due to the effects of soil type on Pb bioavailability, so unless, the soil is the same identical soil in terms of physical/chemical characteristics, the phrase “the same medium, e.g., soil” is not correct. This should be reworded.
Page 2-30, line 12 – change “physiochemical” to “physicochemical”. Physiochemical refers to physiological and chemical while physicochemical refers to physical and chemical.
Page 2-35, lines 5-6 – The reason evidence for Pb effects on growth is strongest in plants is that growth is the primary endpoint measured in plant tests, while reproduction is the primary endpoint measured in tests with soil invertebrates. Growth is rarely measured in soil invert tests, so perhaps this could be captured somewhere in these sentences.
Page 2-40, lines 13-15 – These concentrations of Pb are not very different. Is there another reason for differences in numbers of resident aquatic plants?
Page 2-40, line 27 – change “though” to “through”
Page 2-47, line 7 – insert “fuel” after “fossil”
Page 2-49, line 6 – Insert “evidence” after “body of” and “in” after “presented”
Page 2-55, line 5 – Change “sectin” to “section”
Page 2-56, line 13 – insert “to” after “continue”
Page 2-57, line 5 – insert “of” after “modifiers”; line 16 – remove “i”
Page 2-58, line 27 – Write out Fluorine in full at beginning of sentence; line 28 – insert “study” after “toxicological”
Page 2-59, line 23 – What is meant by this sentence? How does Pb bioaccumulation by aquatic organisms change the aquatic environment? Either provide specifics or remove.
Comments on Chapter 7 - Ecological Effects of Lead
Chapter 7 is a discussion of the ecological effects of Pb. Effects on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems are first considered separately. They are then integrated by classes of endpoints (bioaccumulation, growth, mortality, hematological effects, development and reproduction, neurobehavior, community and ecosystem effects).

Does the panel consider this approach appropriate?
This approach is complete but involves some redundancy as some data sets can be used in more than one topic area. Overall, the reiteration is useful and this structure is easy to follow.
Is it appropriate to derive a causal determination for bioaccumulation as it affects ecosystem services?
This is a grey area question. Of itself, the bioaccumulation of Pb is not a toxic effect, but the normal adaptation of an organism to maintain homeostasis when challenged by a stressor. The magnitude of the stressor determines whether there is an effect (see schematic of bioavailability below). At low levels of Pb exposure, the rate of uptake of Pb is such that organisms that can bioaccumulate Pb will do so in a manner that partitions or detoxifies Pb within the normal range of physiological functions. This can be termed benign bioaccumulation. Once the rate of uptake of Pb exceeds the capacity of the organism to detoxify Pb, toxic effects become evident within the exposed organism, so at this point, bioaccumulation is no longer benign, but toxic. However, the effect is the mode of toxic action mediated through the interaction with some biological molecule in the organism, not the phenomenon of bioaccumulation. In terms of ecosystem services, there will be a level of bioaccumulation at a lower trophic level (benign or toxic) that will be ingested by a higher trophic level. If this level of Pb bioaccumulation in the lower trophic level results in a toxic effect in the higher trophic level, then a causal determination is warranted for bioaccumulation. If there is enough substantive evidence that trophic transfer results in toxicity, then a causal assessment is appropriate. Most of the available data suggests that biodilution is the predominant fate of Pb during trophic transfer, but some studies suggest some effects, so a causal determination is probably warranted.
Has the ISA adequately characterized the available information on the relationship between Pb exposure and effects on individual organisms and ecosystems, as well the range of exposure concentrations for the specific endpoints?
I guess this depends upon one’s perspective. Since this document focuses on new data since 2006, the range of exposure concentrations presented in text and tables covers that time period. In the context of all available information, the newer data may not be adequately characterized. The newer data should be adequately characterized by providing some information on the relevance of this data to existing data. This could be accomplished by providing all-inclusive tables or figures (e.g., species sensitivity distribution) with all the other relevant data from previous ISAs that could be used to make a decision regarding a secondary NAAQS for Pb. For example, data on chronic toxicity from the current ISA could be plotted on an existing SSD for Pb from previous ISA documents using different color symbols so it is immediately evident where the new data lie, similar to the presentation for human data in Figures 2-2 and 2-3.
Are there subject areas that should be added, expanded upon, shortened or removed?
Page 7-8: A summary of background Pb levels in soils, similar to what is presented on page 7-50 for the Aquatic Ecosystem Effects section, would be useful in the interpretation of the relative Pb levels used in soil toxicity tests. A reasonable presentation of background Pb levels in US soils is available in the US EPA EcoSSL guidance document for Pb (US EPA 2005).
Another useful addition would be background schematics on the concept of bioavailability to ecological receptors and one for specifics of the biotic ligand model (BLM). The bioavailability schematic can be found in the US EPA Framework for Metals Risk Assessment (2007) and is similar to the schematic below. The BLM schematic can be found in any number of papers that describe the model. Both these diagrams can form a focus when discussing the bioaccessibility, bioavailability, bioaccumulation, and toxicity of metals in aquatic, sediment, and soil media. They would also provide a graphic illustration of the concepts central to any discussion of metal toxicity to ecological receptors.

One point of clarification that would be useful is distinguishing between bioconcentration and bioaccumulation and ensuring that these terms are used in the proper context throughout the document in the discussion of Pb bioavailability to ecological receptors. Bioconcentration and bioconcentration factor (BCF) refer to uptake of a compound strictly from water and are usually constructs of laboratory exposures. Bioaccumulation and bioaccumulation factor (BAF) refer to the summative uptake of a compound from all possible media (e.g., water and/or air + diet), so if organisms are being fed in the lab during tests or for almost all field exposures, bioaccumulation is the proper term to use.
The concept of bioavailability should be incorporated into the discussion of Pb exposure by clearly defining the chemical measure of exposure. Measurements of exposure can be total Pb (a vigorous acid digest of the medium), dissolved (total Pb in solution passed through a 0.45 um filter), solvent extracted (total Pb in a weak acid or weak salt extract of a sediment or soil), solid-phase extract (total Pb in diffusion gradient thin films (DGTs) or cation-exchange resin that diffuse through a membrane and hydrogel layer), free ion can be measured directly (maybe not for Pb), or based upon models such as WHAM, the Pb2+ concentration can be estimated from total dissolved Pb and other water chemistry parameters such as pH, DOC, carbonates, etc. Various combinations of these techniques can be used to estimate free Pb ion in water, sediment pore water, and soil solution.
In order to have any idea of how all the modifying factors of Pb bioavailability alter bioaccumulation and toxicity in various environmental media, Pb concentrations must be measured in some way. Data from any studies only expressing exposure as nominal concentrations is excluded from EcoSSL or Water Quality Criterion development data sets. There appear to be a number of references in the ISA where this is the case, so care must be taken in describing the relevance of these studies if they are to be included in the ISA.
If the ISA was expanded to consider dose-response in terrestrial systems, should we limit data to field soils?
Absolutely, artificial soil (AS) is not a soil, but a standardized test substrate, and data generated using AS has no relevance to any application in real soils. Artificial soil is used as a reference condition (not necessarily a good one) in standardized laboratory bioassays with soils and as a standardized test matrix for conducting “proof of concept”-type bioassays with soil invertebrates. In the development of EcoSSLs, the US EPA did not consider data generated using AS as acceptable for the development of EcoSSLs. For plants, hydroponic tests may serve a purpose, but not really for examining the effects of Pb in soil since the matrix itself has a tremendous effect on plant physiology.
If the ISA were expanded to consider dose-response in aquatic systems, how might we most efficiently present toxicity data that varies greatly by organism, and environmental parameters that influence bioavailability (pH, dissolved organic carbon etc.)?
Probably the best way to present dose-response data for aquatic systems would be to standardize dose to the free Pb ion using an aquatic metal speciation model such as WHAM. The next step would be to standardize further with a biotic ligand and effect to create a Pb BLM, but I’m not familiar with how far this has been developed.
Another approach may be to “bin” values in a more qualitative way and construct species sensitivity distributions (SSDs) for a certain range of conditions. By selecting the most important water quality parameters that modify Pb bioavailability (e.g., hardness, DOC) within the range of these parameters normally found in US waters, toxicity data could be examined under conditions of high (e.g., low pH, hardness, DOC), moderate (e.g., intermediate pH, hardness, DOC), and low (e.g., high pH, hardness, DOC) bioavailability. This would be similar to using a water hardness regression to determine site-specific guidelines for Pb and also to the approach used for the development of Ecological Soil Screening Levels for soil.
Additional comments on Chapter 7
Page 7-10, line 8-9 – “Pb had been removed by resident plant species” – does removed imply that the plants took up Pb and the plants were harvested, to completely remove the Pb? Otherwise, Pb will simply be recycled into the system via plant residues.
Page 7-14, lines 11-12 – “direct adsorption from the atmosphere” – does this mean that the Pb was then absorbed by the tree or was it measured as surficial, adsorbed Pb?
Line 16 – “incidental processing” should be defined here
Page 7-17, line 23 – these are low levels of Pb in soil and represent background concentrations in many soils. Data from experiments with low levels of Pb in soils must be interpreted carefully and raises the question of how to consider data from organisms exposed to low levels of Pb.
Page 7-19, lines 24-27 – If no evidence for a regulatory mechanism for Pb was observed, (i.e., no saturation of uptake mechanisms?) why would snails have to grow additional soft tissue to retain additional Pb? Please clarify.
Page 7-20, line 5 – What were the correlation coefficients?
Page 7-21, lines 24-26 – Worms increasing soil pH via mucous secretions seems highly unlikely and soil pH is very stable? If soil pH were increasing then why would Pb bioavailability increase? The needs rewording or removal.
Page 7-24, line 12 – What are Rumex K-1 plants?
Page 7-25, lines 10-12 – These statements require references
Page 7-27, lines 4-6 – Exactly what is stated here? Is it being implied that photosystem II effects of Pb would be expected in all plants? That would only be if Pb is translocated to or absorbed by leaves and shoots. If Pb doesn’t get to the chlorophyll (e.g., by physiological exclusion mechanisms) then toxicity would not be observed. I think this sentence needs to be reworded.
Page 7-29, line 28 – What is the relevance of hydroponically grown plants to the toxicity of metals in soils. This is a huge extrapolation and no hydroponics data was used in the development of EcoSSLs.
Page 7-30, lines 10-28 – Are these tests conducted in agar? If so, they have little relevance to soil toxicology. Are these developmental and behavioural effects specific to Pb?
Page 7-31, lines 9-14 – Is an increase in cellulase activity actually a negative effect on the worms? Seems to me that would enhance digestion of plant material.
Page 7-31, lines 22-26 – Topical application to snails – this is not a standard methodology applied to soil organisms. Was the 500-2,000 ug Pb applied to the snails the mass of Pb applied or the concentration of the topical solution and how was dose ensured? Was the LD50 and internalized dose or was it still surficial?
Page 7-35, lines 6-8 – I don’t see the relevance of in vitro oocyte exposure to NAAQS development.
Page 7-36, 1st paragraph – What type of soil was used?
Page 7-36, 3rd paragraph – Were these LC50s incipient lethal levels or just 28-day exposures? Since there were no differences in Pb content between species, it’s possible that an ILL had been reached.
Page 7-36, 4th paragraph, line 34 – P. kimi populations would be extirpated in Artificial Soil? The relevance here is not clear.
Page 7-37, 1st paragraph – Nominal concentrations in an undefined soil type is not information that can be used.
Page 7-40, 2nd paragraph – This interpretation is unclear. If species composition of microbial communities changed, the authors cannot state that decomposition rates may decrease unless they measured decomposition. This is due to functional redundancy of microbial communities in soil.
Page 7-47, line 22 – change “layer” to “horizon”
Page 7-52, line 2 – change “qualities” to “quantities”
Page 7-63, line 3 – I think Lemna are free-floating and not rooted macrophytes
Page 7-66, line 36 – What does “significant amounts of metal” mean? Statistically significant relative to controls or reference organisms?

Page 7-67, line 21 – Should this be “exoskeleton > mid-gut gland > muscle > hemolymph”?

Page 7-68, lines 9-11 – Are these values actually different? They don’t seem to be unless the precision of the measurements is really high?
Page 7-68, last paragraph and Table 7-4 – BCF and BAF appear to be used interchangeably and their use should be consistent.
Throughout the text, the statements “accumulated significant amounts of metal”, “significantly increased”, or “detected at elevated levels” are used, but the relevance of these statements is often missing. Were Pb levels higher than in controls or reference organisms, higher than in organisms exposed to different concentrations, etc.? These need to be clarified.
Page 7-73, line 27 – remove “internally”
Page 7-87, line 24 – change “aspirate” to “aspartate”
In terms of quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) of the experimental design and data measurements, what determines whether data from recent studies is used in the assessment or development of a NAAQS for Pb? As I’ve noted in many cases for soil toxicity tests, many of these studies would be excluded from EcoSSL development since they do not meet QA/QC criteria for soil toxicity data and have no relevance to assessing the toxicity of Pb in soil. How are data used where Pb exposures are very high by an exposure pathway that has low relevance to environmental exposures (e.g., in vitro exposures)?
Page 7-92, line 26 – Should this be “epidermal absorption” to gain an internal dose?
Page 7-92, line 32 – Xenopus laevis is the African Clawed Frog (not a toad)
Page 7-94, line 23 – This is a low EC20 but it is also unbounded? What is the preferred method for expressing this type of data?
Page 7-95, lines 9-13 – This is a comparison of toxicity in between freshwater and marine bivalves
Page 7-95, lines 34-35 – How many molts actually occur in 10 days and is this a realistic parameter?
Page 7-104, section on Species Sensitivity

Bioaccumulation may not be a toxic effect if it’s in the realm of normal homeostasis of an organism, so differences in Pb bioaccumulation by different species does not necessarily have anything to do with sensitivity to Pb.

Page 7-105, lines 10-11 – Aren’t exoskeleton and hardened exterior tissue the same thing?
Page 7-110, line 5 – replace “bioconcentrated” with “bioaccumulated”
Page 7-110, line 7 and page 7-61, line 16 – The term “biodilution” is used to describe two different processes. Page 7-61 is “growth dilution” in relation to bioaccumulation studies
Page 7-114, line 8 – It’s unclear to me which routes of entry actually occur in plants. Stomata are on the undersides of leaves and aerial Pb can enter the leaf through the stomatal openings. What about Pb that is deposited on the upper surface of the leaf? Does this enter the leaf as well or does it only remain adsorbed to the surface?
Page 7-116, lines 17-18 – Limited information is available on growth effects on in invertebrates since growth is not a measured endpoint in most standardized invertebrate tests since it’s too variable and often organisms lose weight during tests due to substrate effects.
Page 7-117, line 27 – Heat shock proteins are a non-specific stress response and it’s not clear to me how they are relevant to Pb exposure.

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