On substances that deplete the ozone layer

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Annex to Chapter 6

The following sections describe technical progress and general characteristics of the transport refrigeration sector. Differences from other sectors are discussed. Fleet size and refrigerant charge estimates are provided in order to assess the relative importance and contribution of the various sub-sectors to the refrigerant banks and emissions.

A6.1 Requirements

Technical requirements for transport refrigeration systems are extremely complex. The equipment has to operate over a wide range of ambient temperatures and weather conditions (wind, solar radiation, rain, sea water spray, etc.). The equipment has to be able to carry any one of a wide range of cargoes with different temperature needs and even different temperatures simultaneously in different compartments.

All transport refrigeration systems have to be very robust and reliable to withstand vibrations and shocks. At the same time, the systems must be compact to maximise cargo space, and lightweight to reduce the energy required to move the vehicle.

It is imperative that spare parts (including refrigerant) are available along transport routes world-wide. Returning to a port can be a major issue for marine vessels in case of a refrigeration plant breakdown. This must be considered when design changes and improvements are made and introduced. Rigorous testing must be carried out so that only proven reliable systems are commissioned for field use.

Despite these efforts, refrigerant leaks inevitably occur within the refrigeration systems because of vibrations and shocks, and sometimes because of collisions with other objects. In addition, the harsh environmental conditions tend to accelerate the equipment aging. The equipment lifetime is usually between 10 and 15 years for road vehicles, railcars and intermodal containers, or less than 10 years in case of intensive use, and 20 to 25 years for merchant, naval and fishing vessels.

Safety is a number one priority in all transport refrigeration systems, because trained and certified service personnel may not be available along transport routes. Safe operation is particularly essential in the case of marine vessels, where evacuation is difficult or impossible. Safety must be either inherent in the fluids, or must be ensured through a number of technical measures.

A6.2 Vessels

It is assumed that nearly all vessels above 100 GT have refrigeration systems for their provision rooms and air conditioning for the occupied cabin space. IHS Fairplay, the sole global issuing body of the IMO Ship, Company and Registered Owner numbering system, claims to register nearly 180,000 ships of 100 GT and above (IHS, 2013). Of those, refrigeration is used more extensively for process or cargo cooling in several vessel types, namely cruise ships, refrigerated cargo ships and fishing vessels. Refrigerated cargo ships consist of specialized refrigerated ships (reefers), LPG carriers, nuclear fuel carriers and juice carriers. According to Lloyds Register porthole ships no longer exist and they have removed the survey requirements from their notation.

HCFC-22 has been the dominant refrigerant used aboard ships (estimated 80% of present fleet). HFC-134a has been the most often used alternative to HCFC-22 in new vessels for both air conditioning and refrigeration. R-404A and R-407C have been used mainly to retrofit HCFC-22. New ships may also use R-410A going forward, as it is becoming widespread in other sectors. HFC-23 is used for freezing at -60 °C and below (mainly fish as cargo). Natural refrigerants have been used in a relatively few vessels; primarily larger fish trawlers.

The typical charge size for different types of vessels is provided in Table A6-1 reprinted from the 2012 Lloyd’s report (IMO, 2012). Although the refrigerant charge of cruise ships can be as high as 4,000 kg or more, their fleet is small. In 2011, the total passenger and passenger/roll-on roll-off cargo fleet for ships of 300 GT and over was composed of 4,131 ships, including only 426 and 35 large cruise ships and liners, respectively (ISL, 2011). The number of reefers, LPG and LNG carriers, porthole container ships, nuclear fuel carriers and juice carriers is also very low. The only growing sector may be the LPG carriers, while cargo containerization has increased, this has removed cargo from reefer ships and which have therefore declined, porthole containers and their ships have disappeared.

Table A6-1: Average refrigerant charge size in kg (IMO, 2012)

Cruise Ship

Refrigerated Cargo

Fishing Vessel


Air Conditioning





Provision Room





Cargo Cooling





Engine Control Room





Wheel House





Spare Refrigerant










The ODS inventory is difficult to estimate. The 2012 Lloyd’s report quantified the inventory of ozone depleting refrigerant for 41 flag administrations, which estimated stock was greater than 100 t, at 17,696 t. Provided that these 41 countries made up over 82% of the estimated ozone depleting potential refrigerants used in the marine sector as stated in the report, the total inventory could be 21,580 t. Using a much less sophisticated approach, the 2012 TEAP Progress Report (TEAP, 2012) arrived at the total inventory estimate of 27,650 t.

The 2012 Lloyd’s report provided also a type-specific estimate of refrigerant leakage rates. The percentages were lower (5 to 15%) for cruise and refrigerated cargo ships, and higher (on average 50%) for the fish factory and trawlers. Regardless of type, the 2012 Progress Report provided an estimated leakage rate of 30% for HCFC-22. Based on the refrigerant charge size and the fleet size, the annual usage quantity (leakage) was estimated at 4.858 t in the Lloyd’s report and 8,420 t in the 2012 TEAP Progress Report.

The pieces of information collected so far on the estimated refrigerant charges, leakage rates and fleet sizes suggest that the fishing sector shall be consulted for more details.

Refrigeration systems have to comply with legislation of the state whose flag they are entitled to fly. In the case of servicing, refrigerant sales to vessels operating under a foreign flag are generally considered national exports and imports, and hence restrictions may apply.

A6.3 Trucks, trailers and rail cars

The road refrigeration market comprises several vehicle segments: small trucks and vans with a cargo volume below roughly 19 m3, large trucks with a volume between 20 and 59 m3, and trailers and semi-trailers with a box volume up to more than 100 m3. Small trucks and vans are used predominantly for distribution in urban and sub-urban areas, while long haul transport favors large trucks and trailers.

It is common to state the maximum refrigeration capacity at two or three operating conditions that represent frozen cargo and chilled (perishable) cargo. The exact rating conditions vary slightly for different markets and countries: the North American market prefers to rate at box temperatures of –17.8 ºC and 1.7 ºC at an ambient temperature of 37.8 ºC (AHRI, 2013), while the countries committed to the ATP Agreement (ATP, 2013) prefer the box temperatures of –20 ºC and 0 ºC at an ambient temperature of 30 ºC.

The flexibility required by the carriers of perishable food has brought up the need for multi temperature compartment box in all categories of vehicles, from small vans to the largest trailer. Multi-temperature equipment has been developed for nearly two decades to optimize different logistic scenarios. They allow the same vehicle with only one refrigeration unit to carry products at different temperatures in 2 or 3 compartments. They represent 25% of the French market (Cavalier, 2013) (25% is a weighted average of 9% vans, 44% trucks and 41% trailers). Some operators purchase only the multi-temperature equipment even if they often operate in mono-temperature mode.

If the exact rating conditions and the vehicle type are neglected, the maximum refrigeration capacity ranges from less than 500 W up to 10 kW at the frozen cargo temperatures and from less than 1 kW up to 20 kW at the chilled cargo temperatures. The refrigeration capacity during transportation varies with the actual heat load. Most units are able to provide heating in the cargo box, usually by means of hot gas (compressor discharge), electricity, or independent gas heating equipment.

Majority of road and rail equipment utilizes the vapour compression cycle. The systems for small trucks and vans are typically vehicle powered (direct drive). Large trucks and trailers are self-powered; they contain a power source independent of the vehicle, usually a diesel engine. So called multi temperature units can serve up to 3 compartments at different temperature levels in one vehicle. Single temperature units are traditional and more frequent.

The total world fleet size is difficult to estimate. The new published data suggest that the total fleet size is 2,000,000 vehicles and so is considerably smaller than anticipated previously in RTOC reports. Cavalier and Devin (Cavalier, 2013) analyzed UNECE, IIR, EU and expert’s figures and estimated the European Union fleet at some 1,100,000 vehicles. In China and India, the fleet size was estimated at 100,000 and 6,000 vehicles, respectively.

Of the road transport equipment, about 25% are trailers, 25% are large trucks and 50% are small trucks and vans (Cavalier, 2013). These data represent a shift if compared to the estimates presented in the RTOC 2010 report, where it was assumed that trailers and trucks represent, each, 30% of the fleet, and vans covered the remaining 40%. The portion may vary from region to region.

The refrigerant charges ranged typically between several hundred grams and 10 kg, usually less than 6 kg for small and large trucks. Micro-channel condenser technologies have become available because of technical progress in the last few years. Innovation reduced the refrigerant charge by approx. 30%: for example, in new trailer units, the charge has been reduced from around 7.5 kg to 5 kg.

Refrigerants typically used are R-404A and HFC-134a, in some cases R-410A. Cavalier and Devin reported that R-404A is present in more than 95% of equipment and HFC-134a in about 4% of equipment in the European Union.

There is an ongoing effort in the industry to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. Technologies and designs applied today in vapour compression systems include: micro-channel condensers to reduce refrigerant charge, hermetic solutions to reduce leak rates, reduced number of joints and better process controls and leak testing for joint integrity. In addition to the above, many solutions are being tested in a limited volume base such as alternative propulsion systems (hybrid, electric, etc.) instead of diesel engines.

There are two systems other than the vapour compression cycle and diesel engine system that are available in the market and used in road transport today. Their fleet size is currently, however, small.

Eutectic systems rely on the concept of latent heat. When the unit is plugged in, the eutectic solution is frozen; in operation and delivery, the system is unplugged and the eutectic solution changes state, absorbing heat and cooling the cargo. Eutectic systems have a fundamental advantage: they do not require a diesel engine, so they are noiseless, produce no emissions during operation, and need low maintenance. At the same time, some key limitations apply: they operate at a single temperature (they are not thermostatically controlled), and they have limited pull down, capacity and autonomy.

Cryogenic systems carry liquid nitrogen R-728 or carbon dioxide R-744 in an insulated tank. When needed, the liquid is expanded in a heat exchanger, absorbing heat and cooling the cargo, and then released to the atmosphere. Earlier technologies, where R-728 was supplied directly to the cargo box are not used any longer. Cryogenic systems are noiseless, reliable and offer fast pull down and high capacity regardless of the vehicle speed. On the other hand, they require periodic refilling and infrastructure for liquefied gases. The carbon emissions from liquefying the gas need be considered.

The principles of the cryogenic and eutectic systems are illustrated in Figure A6-1.

Figure A6-1: Schematic of a cryogenic system (left) and an eutectic system (right)

Refrigerated railcars have become very rare. There is a clear and definite trend to replace them with intermodal refrigerated containers that can be placed on a flat car. There is a small market of refrigeration systems built to handle severe rail and intermodal duty.

A6.4 Intermodal containers

The intermodal containers category includes refrigerated ISO containers (reefers), air freight containers, and small containers and insulated boxes.

Refrigerated ISO containers generally come in 20 ft and 40 ft lengths. Non-standard sizes exist as do swapbodies. The fleet size numbers are fairly accurate. It is estimated that, in 2013, there were approximately 100,000 units of 20 ft containers and 1,000,000 units of 40 ft containers in use. There are about 100,000 new refrigerated containers built annually.

The vapour compression cycle has been the only technology used in refrigerated ISO containers. Because the equipment lifetime is around 12-15 years (up to 18 years in new equipment), and the last HCFC units were produced in 2000, only a few HCFC units may be still in use in ocean traffic today. Current systems utilize HFC-134a or R-404A.

Approximately 60% of new units are fitted with hermetic scroll compressors, about 40% of the units are equipped with reciprocating, single or 2-stage compressors. The current technology features have resulted in reduced refrigerant charges and reduced emissions. The typical charge is approximately 4.5 kg, some manufacturers reporting charge of 2.8 kg HFC-134a.

All container units are electricity driven due to availability of electric grid on ships. When used on land (trailers, flat railcars, etc.), electricity is supplied from the electric grid or from a diesel engine generator set (gen-set) that is mounted on the unit front or the trailer.

The refrigeration performances can be tested according to ISO 1496-2:2008. The maximum refrigeration capacity is commonly stated at three operating conditions that represent frozen cargo and chilled (perishable) cargo. The maximum refrigeration capacity is around 4 kW at a box temperatures of –29 ºC, around 6 kW at a box temperatures of –18 ºC, and it is around 12 kW at a box temperatures of 2 ºC, all rated at the ambient temperature of 38 ºC. All units are able to transport any type of cargo in any climates. This means that both refrigeration and heating must be supplied.

Reducing energy consumption has been a continuing effort in reefer container industry. Manufacturers have focused on compression technology, technologies to part load operation of compressor (such as digital or variable speed by frequency inverters), and improving the control logic, mainly looking for an optimized balance between air temperature control range and energy consumption.

The safety requirements are most complex for intermodal equipment because of the various modes of transport (ship, terminal, road, rail, public events), including air freight. Therefore the reefer industry and operators have established a full operation control technology reporting and documenting the different states of reefer container positions, locations, forwarding information, as well as refrigeration system related information such as cargo temperature.

Dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) and gel packs are the most common types of coolants used for air freight transport. Dry ice is classified as “dangerous goods” and subject to IATA regulations – mass is declared. A small number of air freight containers use HFC-134a in a battery-powered vapour compression cycle. The cooling capacity as well as the refrigerant charge is low.

Small containers and insulated boxes are usually used in road transport. They are refrigerated mainly with dry ice, but also with eutectic plates, ice slurry or small vapour compression units. Boxes are generally not reusable and refrigerated with eutectic sticks or solid carbon dioxide. They are widely used for transport of pharmaceutical products and samples of food products.

A6.5 Temperature profiles

Both ambient temperature and cargo temperature vary during the operation of a refrigerated ISO container. Figure A6-2 presents the average annual ambient temperature profile collected by Maersk Container Industry (König, 2013b). It covers random container operations in a representative container fleet during a period of three years. The data include operations on vessel (including systems using both water-cooled and air-cooled condensers), rail and road, as well as operations in terminals. Temperatures between 17 and 33 C represent 73% of the time.

Although ambient temperature profiles may vary from shipping line to shipping line, they peak most frequently between 21 and 33 C. Temperatures around 29 C are the most frequent and close to the ATP rating temperature of 30 C (ATP, 2013).

Most frequent cargo temperatures are as follows: -18 C (41%, frozen), 0 C (28%, chilled) and 15 C (17%, banana). The other temperatures represent 14% of the refrigerated ISO container fleet operation (König, 2013b).

Figure A6-2: Average annual ambient temperature of reefer container fleet (König, 2013b)

Chapter 7


Air-to-air air conditioners and heat pumps
Chapter Lead Author
Daniel Colbourne
Sukumar Devotta

Samir Hamed

Fred Keller

Makoto Kaibara

Ting Xun Li

Rajan Rajandran

Tetsuji Okada

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