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Program Manager Mr. M. A. Getahun


  1. The year under review saw continued progress in the negotiations of the WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (the IGC). Under its new mandate for the current biennium established in 2013, the IGC met three times (IGCs 26, 27 and 28). The IGC followed a clearly defined work program and sound working methods. Member States continued to organize consultations and preparatory meetings before IGC sessions. The IGC made progress in “text-based negotiations” pursuant to its mandate. By the end of the third and final session for the year (IGC 28), the IGC had further streamlined a consolidated text on genetic resources (GRs) and made further progress on the texts on traditional knowledge (TK) and traditional cultural expressions (TCEs). The Secretariat continued to endeavor to play a neutral, professional and efficient facilitatory role in support of the IGC process and to further improve the services provided to IGC participants as a follow up to the evaluation conducted by WIPO’s Internal Oversight Division (IOD) in 2013, which found a high rate (96 per cent) of satisfaction among IGC participants. Although the Secretariat continued to facilitate the participation in the IGC process of indigenous peoples and local communities as far as possible, the Voluntary Fund for Accredited Indigenous and Local Communities remained depleted. The WIPO General Assembly in October 2014, while taking stock and considering the texts and the progress made, was not in a position at that particular juncture to agree on an IGC work program for 2015.

  1. The successful conclusion of the IGC’s negotiations is the subject of DA Recommendation 18, which urges the IGC “to accelerate the process on the protection of GRs, TK and folklore, without prejudice to any outcome, including the possible development of an international instrument or instruments”. The Program’s norm-setting activities within the IGC continued to be inclusive, member-driven and based upon open and balanced consultations, involving civil society at large (Recommendations 15, 21 and 42), taking into account the public domain (Recommendations 16 and 20) and flexibilities in international IP agreements (Recommendations 14 and 17). The IGC’s negotiations contributed to the mainstreaming of development considerations and were supportive of the UN development goals (Recommendations 12 and 22). 

  1. In terms of capacity building and awareness raising, work continued on outreach to indigenous peoples and local communities with a view to enhancing their familiarity with IP and facilitating their effective participation in the IGC process; supporting, upon request, the development of national and regional legislation and policies; and forging practical solutions at all levels through increasing understanding of the issues and options. In 2014, the Secretariat responded positively to slightly more than 40 requests from Member States, NGOs, indigenous peoples and local communities, industry associations and universities for briefings and other presentations on IP and TK, TCEs and GRs, whether in Geneva or abroad. Given the intensity of and focus on the IGC process, large capacity building or technical assistance projects or events were kept to a minimum. One country received legislative and policy assistance at its request. A Practical Workshop for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities on Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge was organized in December 2014. WIPO continued to contribute as a technical partner to regional projects in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean. WIPO also continued to make available a series of short, accessible publications on the key issues, and published a practical guide regarding Intellectual Property and Folks, Arts and Cultural Festivals8.

  1. In fostering cooperation with other relevant intergovernmental organizations and fora, the Secretariat cooperated even more closely with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization, including through co-organizing workshops for officials and indigenous and local communities. The Secretariat also worked with the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) and participated in its 13th session in May 2014 and the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples in September 2014, in order to further engage with indigenous and local community organizations and other UN organizations and extend its outreach to them. At the request of the Secretariat of the UNPFII, the WIPO Secretariat provided financial support for the drafting, by an indigenous expert, of a technical review for the UNPFII of the draft IGC texts from a human rights perspective.

  1. The Program’s technical assistance, capacity building and legislative assistance activities contributed directly to development and the fulfillment of other DA Recommendations, notably ensuring development-oriented, demand-driven technical assistance (Recommendations 1 and 12), providing legislative and policy advice on national legislation (Recommendations 11, 13 and 14), raising awareness on TK, TCEs and GRs related IP issues (Recommendation 3), and cooperating on IP related issues with UN agencies (Recommendation 40). 


Expected Result: I.1 Enhanced cooperation among Member States on development of balanced international normative frameworks for IP and agreement on specific topics on which international instruments are agreed

Performance Indicators



Performance Data


Agreement in the IGC’s negotiations on an international legal instrument(s) on TK, TCEs and GRs

Updated Baseline end 2013: The WIPO General Assembly in October 2013 agreed on a renewed mandate of the IGC for 2014/15 and a work program for 2014
Original Baseline P&B 2014/15:

Negotiations underway under IGC mandate for 2012-2013 and work program for 2013

Adoption of an international legal instrument(s) by a possible Diplomatic Conference

After three further sessions in 2014, the IGC made progress in its text-based negotiations pursuant to its mandate.

The WIPO General Assembly in October 2014 did not agree on a work program for the IGC in 2015.

on track

Expected Result: III.2 Enhanced human resource capacities able to deal with the broad range of requirements for the effective use of IP for development in developing countries, LDCs and countries with economies in transition

Performance Indicators



Performance Data


% of participants in WIPO activities who report enhanced capacity to understand and use IP principles, systems and tools for the protection of TK and TCEs, and for management of the interface between IP and GRs

Updated Baseline end 2013: 95 % (79 out of 83) participants reported positively (feedback questionnaire used in five activities organized by the TK Division in 2012/13)
Original Baseline P&B 2014/15:

Not yet available


91% (163 out of 179) participants reported positively (feedback questionnaire used in nine activities organized by the TK Division in 2014)

On track


Budget and Actual Expenditure (by result)

(in thousands of Swiss francs)

Budget and Actual Expenditure (personnel and non-personnel)

(in thousands of Swiss francs)

NOTE: The 2014/15 Budget after Transfers reflects transfers as of March 31, 2015 to address needs during the 2014/15 biennium in line with Financial Regulation 5.5.
A. Budget after Transfers 2014/15

  1. The decrease in the Budget after Transfers under result I.1 (Development of balanced international normative frameworks for IP) reflects a reduction in respect of the initially planned resource allocation for a Diplomatic Conference in the area of IP and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC).

  1. Program 4 includes resources allocated to the Department of Traditional Knowledge and Global Challenges relevant to Expected Result VII.2.

B. Budget utilization 2014

  1. Budget utilization is within the expected range of 40-60 per cent for the first year of the biennium and is on track.

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