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Program Manager Mr. Y. Takagi


  1. In 2014, progress was uneven as regards International Classifications and WIPO IP Standards, exceeding expectations in certain areas and trailing behind in others.

  1. As regards the Nice Classification, a total of 570 new amendments and 20 new information files were introduced in 2014. The number of amendments represents a 32 per cent increase over 2013. In addition, the official Spanish version of the NCL 10-2015 was made available in XLS format in November 2014.

  1. In the International Patent Classification (IPC), the modified publication platform to facilitate the use of the system, including a new search tool and the IPC/CPC/FI parallel viewer, was launched in April 2014. Due to the implementation of several new revision projects for the maintenance and enhancement of the IPC, the number of new subdivisions introduced in 2014 (337) was lower than anticipated. The number of new groups being introduced is expected to be achieved by the end of the biennium.

  1. At its fourth session, the Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS) was unable to adopt an agenda, resulting in informal decisions not being formalized. Despite this set-back, there was one new standard adopted and one standard revised informally in 2014.

  1. The use of internet tools for accessing classifications and standards publications showed stable growth with visits to the IPC Publications substantially higher (a 61 per cent increase over 2013), due to the inclusion of revised classifications and new tools. The number of visits to NICE Pub and to Locarno Home also saw increases of 8.4 per cent and 21.3 percent respectively. The Vienna Home publication and the WIPO Standards Handbook saw decreases of 8.7 per cent and 29.7 per cent as compared to 2013, possibly due to the institutional challenges faced in the CWS.

  1. The work of Program 12 continued to support the implementation of DA Recommendations 8, 30 and 31 by facilitating access for developing countries to publicly available patent information. In doing so, it also contributed to efforts related to the transfer of technologies.


Expected Result: IV.1 Updated and globally accepted system of international classifications and WIPO standards to facilitate access, use and dissemination of IP information among stakeholders in the world

Performance Indicators



Performance Data


No. of amendments and information files introduced into the Nice Classification

Updated Baseline end 2013:

432 modifications in 2013

339 modifications in 2012
9 information files revised and 17 new information files introduced
Original Baseline P&B 2014/15: No of amendments and info files introduced in 2013.

Increase compared to baseline

279 amendments in English

291 amendments in French

570 Total
20 new information files

39 information files revised

On track

Performance Indicators



Performance Data


No. of new subdivisions introduced into the IPC per year

Updated Baseline end 2013: 617
Original Baseline P&B 2014/15: 500 new groups (average of 2009-13)

800 new groups per year

337 new groups were introduced in 2015.01 version of the IPC

Not on track

No. of amended and new standards adopted

Updated Baseline end 2013:

One new Standard adopted and two amended in 2012. One Standard and the Glossary amended in 2013.

Original Baseline P&B 2014/15: Average 2012/13 (tbd)

Increase compared to baseline

One new standard adopted and one revised informally (2014)

on track

No. of users accessing the Internet publications of international classifications and standards, in particular from developing countries

Updated Baseline end 2013:

IPC Home: 387,093

IPC Pub: 670,032 (extrapolated from data Jan-May 2013 and readjusted by the same method of measurement used for the 2014 data)

NICE Home: 533,846

NICE Pub: 2,386,409

LOCARNO Home: 36,727

VIENNA home: 32,416

WIPO Standards(Handbook): 94,463

Original Baseline P&B 2014/15: tbd end of 2013

5% increase compared to baseline

IPC Home: 291,845 (24.6 % decrease) (44.08 % of visits from developing countries)

IPC Pub: 1,078,752 (61% increase; (extrapolated from data Jun-Dec 2014)

NICE Home: 497,629 (6.8 % decrease) (35.14% of visits from developing countries)

NICE Pub: 2,587,788 (8.4% increase) (43.97% of visits from developing countries

LOCARNO Home: 44,557 (21.3 % increase) (38.42% of visits from developing countries)

VIENNA home: 29,596 (8.7% decrease) (56.32 % of visits from developing countries)

WIPO Standards (Handbook): 66,399 (29.7 decrease %) (29.04% of visits from developing countries)

on track

On track

on track

On track

On track

on track

on track


Budget and Actual Expenditure (by result)

(in thousands of Swiss francs)

Budget and Actual Expenditure (personnel and non-personnel)

(in thousands of Swiss francs)

NOTE: The 2014/15 Budget after Transfers reflects transfers as of March 31, 2015 to address needs during the 2014/15 biennium in line with Financial Regulation 5.5.

A. Budget after Transfers 2014/15

The slight decrease in the Budget after Transfers for 2014/15 reflects the result of reclassifications downward of two posts (personnel resources) and a reduction under non-personnel resources to implement cost efficiency savings.
B. Budget utilization 2014

  1. Budget utilization is within the expected range of 40-60 per cent for the first year of the biennium and is on track.

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