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Program Manager Mr. A. Sundaram


  1. Costs related to safety and security services during 2014 continued to be consistent with previous years’ costs as a percentage of total organizational expenditure. The Program continued to manage organization-wide safety and security systems throughout the year, including the new WIPO Conference Hall facilities, which opened in September 2014.

  1. The year 2014 saw a number of important safety and security achievements, notably the opening of the new WIPO Access Center (AB reception) and the Security Coordination Operations Center (SCOC), in time to successfully support the twenty-second session of the PBC and the fifty-fourth series of meetings of the WIPO Assemblies. In addition, the H-MOSS project neared completion, with 95 per cent of new systems, including a new access control system, technically advanced anti-intrusion measures, a closed circuit television (CCTV) camera system, an emergency communications and response system and a fire detection/control system, fully operational by the end of 2014. These enhancements significantly strengthened safety and security throughout the WIPO campus, and in line with the project plan, enabled a gradual but less than anticipated reduction in the level of on-site security staff in 2014.

  1. The H-MOSS project is expected to be completed in 2015. As a result, several dependent, non-critical safety/security aspects (upgrades to lighting systems in two facilities, a VHF radio system upgrade, and enhanced access and CCTV systems for the WIPO CAM facility), originally planned to be started in 2014/15, have been deferred to the 2016/17 biennium.

  1. To optimize operational capacity of the SCOC and the new systems, safety and security staff and members of the on-site security guard team underwent specialized trainings. New safety management procedures were implemented, and the existing standard operating procedures (SOPs) and specific policies were updated. Furthermore, new security staff performance measures were identified and incorporated into the SOPs, with a view to further enhancing efficiency and emergency response capacity.

  1. In November 2014, safety and security assessment audits of the Rio de Janeiro and New York Offices were undertaken resulting in a number of recommendations for both Offices to enhance the safety/security of WIPO staff, better protect the Organization’s assets and ensure compliance with UN safety and security procedures. In addition, an out-reach program under the SCOC was established for WIPO’s External Offices to better address safety and security management through concerted coordination and a 24/7 security support service.

  1. The total number of reported safety and security incidents in 2014 remained low, with only two safety-related incidents resulting in injury. The total percentage of safety-related incidents with injuries amounted to 0.9 per cent for the year.


Expected Result: IX.4 An environmentally and socially responsible Organization in which WIPO staff, delegates, visitors and information and physical assets are safe and secure

Performance Indicators



Performance Data


% of WIPO staff, delegates & visitors reporting a work related injury or incident

Updated Baseline end 2013:

The total percentage of staff related incidents with injuries amounted to less than 2 % during 2012/13 (6 in 2012; 4 in 2013)

Original Baseline P&B 2014/15:
2% or less of total stakeholders / clients reporting a work related injury or incident

2% or less

The total percentage of safety-related incidents with injuries amounted to 0.9% in 2014, with two safety-related incidents being reported.

On track

% of timely requests for safety & security assistance at conferences or events held in or outside of Geneva

Updated Baseline end 2013:

During the biennium, a total of seven audits of external conferences/meetings were completed with assistance from the respective country offices of UN DSS and complied with all UN safety/security management system standards:

  • three (2012)

  • four (2013)

In addition, audits were completed for two external events managed directly by WIPO. (100% of all requests were responded to in a timely manner).
In 2012, there were two audits undertaken of External Office premises (Singapore and Tokyo)..
Original Baseline P&B 2014/15:
65 % or more of total stakeholders / clients requesting timely for safety & security assistance at conferences or events held in or outside of Geneva

80% or more

In 2014, all requests (100%) for safety and security assistance for all internal Geneva-based meetings and social functions, as required, were met.
In November 2014, two safety and security assessment audits of the Rio de Janeiro and New York Offices were undertaken.

On track


Budget and Actual Expenditure (by result)

(in thousands of Swiss francs)

Budget and Actual Expenditure (personnel and non-personnel)

(in thousands of Swiss francs)

NOTE: The 2014/15 Budget after Transfers reflects transfers as of March 31, 2015 to address needs during the 2014/15 biennium in line with Financial Regulation 5.5.

A. Budget after Transfers 2014/15

  1. The slight increase in the 2014/15 Budget after Transfers is the net result of, on the one hand, implementation of cost efficiency measures in 2014/15 (non-personnel resources) and, on the other hand, an increase in personnel resources to enhance safety and security at WIPO, in particular in relation to the maintenance of safety-related systems and equipment and the enhancement of UN-HMOSS standards.

B. Budget utilization 2014

  1. Budget utilization is within the expected range of 40-60 per cent for the first year of the biennium and is on track.

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