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RESULT: I.2. Tailored and balanced IP legislative, regulatory and policy frameworks



Host Country/


Expert Mission on the implementation of the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement

February 12 to 13, 2014


To: (i) foster preparatory work for accession of the ASEAN Member States (AMS) to the Hague Agreement through further sharing of information, experiences and issues of each AMS with respect to accession to the Geneva Act; and (ii) discuss the possible solutions and best practices among AMS and the International Bureau of WIPO.

WIPO National Workshop on Mediation in Intellectual Property Disputes

March 11
to 12, 2014


To provide a better understanding of: (i) the process of mediation in IP disputes; and (ii) benefits of mediation to lawyers and in-house counsels who assist their clients or organizations in IP filings with the concerned IP Offices or who advise or represent their clients or organizations in IP disputes before that Office.

Project on Integration of Intellectual Property into National Innovation Policy Formulation

April to November 2014

Sri Lanka

To: (i) assess the efforts that have gone into innovation policy making in the country and the impact of those efforts on the ground; (ii) identify gaps and needs, if any; and (iii) make recommendations as to the support that can be provided towards integrating the IP actors and the IP system into the innovation system.

WIPO Sub-regional Workshop on the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs

September 18 to 19, 2014

Singapore/ Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam

To enhance understanding of the issues involved in accession to the Hague Agreement.

WIPO Regional Seminar on Building Respect for IP for Members of the Judiciary

November 24 and 25, 2014

Sri Lanka/Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan

To: (i) discuss the scope and impact of counterfeiting and piracy in the region, including the need for public awareness; (ii) examine evidentiary and procedural requirements in criminal and civil proceedings, interim measures and orders, corrective measures, as well as sentencing options; (iii) review topical issues, case-law developments, including online IP infringements; and (iv) exchange experiences and information.

Translation of National Legislation

2014 (Initiated)


The national legislations on Industrial Property and Copyright are undergoing translation into Dzongkha.

RESULT: III.2. Enhanced human resource capacities able to deal with the broad range of requirements for the effective use of IP for development in developing countries, LDCs and countries with economies in transition



Host Country/


Expert Mission on Patent Search and Examination

March 10
to 14, 2014


To: (i) provide training on patent information, publication practices, utility of patent information, and patent databases; and (ii) train on patent search strategies, Intellectual Patent Classification (IPT), International Search Report (ISR) and International Preliminary Examination Report (IPER).

Expert Mission on Trademark Examination and Related Administration

March 24
to 28, 2014


To focus on the basics of trademark examination (formality as well as substantive examination), trademark search, and opposition procedures.

WIPO Regional Seminar on IP, Technology Transfer and Commercialization

August 27
and 28, 2014

Singapore/ Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam

To strengthen the capacity of IP Offices and research institutes to address IP issues involved in technology transfer and commercialization of inventions.

WIPO Sub-regional Seminar on Effective Utilization of the Trademark Classification Systems

October 27 and 28, 2014

Brunei Darussalam/ Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam

To provide the participants with an opportunity to learn about trademark classification systems, including the Nice, Vienna and other useful classifications systems.

Development of a Case Study on Green Technology Needs and Opportunities

April 2014 (Initiated)

Indonesia, Philippines and Viet Nam

To: (i) identify the specific needs of two countries (to be selected) on green technology; (ii) describe and formulate the needs for uploading into the WIPO GREEN database; (iii) identify collaboration opportunities around the identified needs with particular emphasis on national capacity and SME contributions, and facilitate the development of a technology transfer agreement; (iv) develop a case study based on the findings and the evidence on the technology transfer landscape, which will also include a part on WIPO GREEN’s contribution to overcoming the challenges; (v) showcase WIPO GREEN as an effective marketplace tool for finding and displaying needs and technological solutions; and (vi) build capacity on IP issues related to technology transfer and for using IP as a tool for development (commercialization, licensing and IP management).

Development of a WIPO IP Statistics Manual

April 2014 (Initiated)

All WIPO Member States

To: (i) disseminate best practices in the compilation and reporting of IP statistics; (ii) establish statistical definitions that promote the harmonized reporting of IP statistics, including IP statistics reported to WIPO; and (iii) guide users of IP statistics on statistical definitions and classifications, as well as possible analytical uses of IP statistics.

Training Course on the Examination Practices of Industrial Property (Basic Program)

January 20
to 31, 2014

Japan/ Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Singapore,
Tajikistan and Viet Nam

To enhance important basic knowledge of the laws and substantive examination procures in the field of examination of industrial property rights.



Host Country/


Training Course on IP Management and the Formulation and Implementation of Results-Based IP Office Plans

January 29
to February 5, 2014

Japan/ Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam

To: (i) increase the knowledge of participants of modern IP management practices; and (ii) enhance the capacity of participants to formulate, implement and evaluate IP Office plans that are time-bound, results-oriented, and have a measurable impact.

Training Course for Patent Examiners on Specified Technology (Biotechnology)

February 12
to 19, 2014

Japan/ India, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam

To: (i) acquaint the participants with current trends and modern practices in the examination of patents related to Biotechnology; (ii) impart practical knowledge and insights on patent examination methodologies;
(iii) offer an opportunity to share experiences and views among participants on patent examination issues; and (iv) enhance participants’ professional capabilities for examination of Biotechnology patents.

Training Course for Patent Examiners on Specified Technology (Optical Apparatus)

February 20
to 27, 2014

Japan/ Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam

To: (i) acquaint the participants with current trends and modern practices in the examination of patents related to Optical Apparatus; (ii) impart practical knowledge and insights on patent examination methodologies;
(iii) offer an opportunity to share experiences and views among participants on patent examination issues; and (iv) enhance participants’ professional capabilities for examination of Optical Apparatus patents.

Training Course on the Use of Information Technology in Industrial Property Administration

October 27 to November 7, 2014

Japan/Bangladesh, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Chile, India, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam

To: (i) familiarize the participants with recent developments in information technology in relation to industrial property administration, dissemination of industrial property information, and provision of online services; (ii) impart practical knowledge of latest tools and technologies via interactive sessions, as well as through visits to relevant private entities; and (iii) provide an opportunity to exchange views and concerns among participants on topical related issues, and thereby enhance the participants’ professional capacities in planning and managing the use of information technology in industrial property administration.

Training Course on the Examination Practice of Industrial Property (Intermediate/ Advanced Program)

November 10 to 21, 2014

Japan/Brazil, Chile, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, Turkey and Viet Nam

To: (i) provide the participants with a basic knowledge of laws and procedures in the field of examination of IPRs; (ii) showcase emphasis on dialogue with JPO examiners on relevant issues through interactive sessions; (iii) enhance JPO examiners’ professional skills through their active participation in the on-the-job training; and (iv) provide the participants with an opportunity to exchange views on topical issues in the field of industrial property.

Training Course on Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights

December 1
to 12, 2014

Japan/Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam

To enhance the judges’ and prosecutors’ skills in the area of IP enforcement by: (i) examining the minimum standards and flexibilities contained in Part III of the TRIPS Agreement; (ii) considering evidence in judicial proceedings; (iii) reflecting on recent case-law developments; and (iv) discussing other related topical issues in the context of the Advisory Committee on Enforcement.

Long-term Fellowship

April to October 2014

Japan/Cambodia and Lao People’s Democratic Republic

To increase the pool of IP experts in the region who can undertake teaching and research assignments on IP issues.

Research by WIPO Japan Office on Successful Cases Linking Business and IP

to December 2014

All WIPO Member States

To: (i) undertake research and collection of successful cases linking business and IP, by the WIPO Japan Office, with particular emphasis on cases associated with developing countries; and (ii) enrich the IP Advantage Database.

Translation of WIPO Publications

2014 (Initiated)

Viet Nam

The following WIPO publications are undergoing translation into Vietnamese: Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (DL-302: WIPO Academy e-learning material) and Patent Information Search (DL-318: WIPO Academy e-learning material).



Host Country/


Provision of IP Reference Material



One set of essential IP publications was provided to the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and Industry and Government of India.

RESULT: IV.4. Enhanced technical and knowledge infrastructure for IP Offices and other IP institutions leading to better services (cheaper, faster, higher quality) to their stakeholders



Host Country/


Project on Strengthening the Infrastructure of ASEAN IP Offices to Support Regional Cooperation in Patent Work Sharing

April 2014 (Initiated)

ASEAN Member States

To consist of the following elements: (i) development of a standard server (software platform) that enables ASEAN IP Offices to securely share their dossier information, including patent search and examination results, with other IP offices through the WIPO CASE network, as well as retrieve documents from other IP Offices and effective utilization of the software platform; (ii) a WIPO Sub-regional Workshop on Knowledge-Sharing and Strategic Planning to Support Regional Cooperation in Patent Work Sharing; and (iii) WIPO Sub-regional Workshop on Software Platforms for Patent Work Sharing.

Manual for Open Source Patent Analytics Tools and Related WIPO
Sub-regional Seminar

April 2014 (Initiated)

All WIPO Member States

To strengthen the capacities of patent information specialists of IPOs and of other public institutions in preparing patent landscape reports by: (i) preparing a manual on the use of open source patent analytics tools; and (ii) organizing a sub-regional seminar to present the Manual to potential users and explain how to effectively use it.

Capacity Building for Effective Innovation Support Services, in particular Access to and use of Technology Database

April 2014 (Initiated)

Malaysia, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Viet Nam

To contribute to effective innovation support services, in particular the use and exploitation of technology databases by local researchers in the ASPAC region by: (i) reinforcing training of staff in national Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs), and (ii) making available translated training/information materials in selected local languages. The project would consist of the following elements: (i) A sub-regional seminar to discuss and develop a practical roadmap for the ASEAN countries for implementing innovation support services, held in Malaysia, November 2014; (ii) WIPO National TISC Training Seminar to be held in Mongolia, in 2015 and (iii) Translation into local languages of WIPO patent information search training materials for Bangladesh (Bengali), Cambodia (Khmer), and Viet Nam (Vietnamese) in 2015.

JAPAN/ INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Donor Contributions and Expenditure in 2014

Balance as of December 31, 2013

Income 2014

Expenditure 2014


Balance as of December 31, 2014





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