Owner: ebis guide Revision Number: 29 Last Revision Date: November 20, 2015 Table of Contents Preface 9

d.Service Ordering – Product Link

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d.Service Ordering – Product Link

When a service contract is ordered for a Cisco product, partners should associate it with a Cisco product they are ordering in the same Purchase Order or with a Cisco product at partner site (include products that were ordered in another PO or are in transit from Cisco). Based on the type of service partners are ordering and how their system is integrated to Cisco’s systems, they will provide the linkage differently. If Cisco is unable to identify the covered product in relation to the service lines, orders are rejected.

e.Service for Products on the Same PO

All partners must send in the Line ID and Parent Line ID attributes on the 3A4 XML order via the ConfigurationInformation tag. For Services lines, the Parent Line ID will indicate the product for which the service is being ordered.

If no Line ID or Parent Line ID is provided, the system will treat the line as a major line. If only a line ID is provided, the system will treat it as a major line.

Unlinked Lines will have a Parent Line ID of ‘0’. A Best Guess Logic (BGL) is applied to determine the best match for unlinked lines.

In case of ordering services/subscriptions attached to system included items, partners are expected to send the system included items along with the associated services/subscriptions on the PO. In case such services/subscriptions are on the PO without the covered product (system included items), system would expand the PO with auto included items, as part of existing configuration validation process and will apply Best Guess Logic (BGL) to try linking these service/subscriptions to those items

An example of the service follows:

PO Line Ref

Config Info (lineID; parentLineID

along with other data not depicted here)






10; 0;

Option- minor product



21; 10




30; 10,but for unlinked service 30; 0



40; 0

The LineID,parentLineID can be any number. LineID must be unique.

ParentLineID of a major line will be 0.

Figure : Service for Products on the Same PO Order

When partners use the AcquireQuote/Transfer Quote Web Service and Punch Out to the CCW Configuration UI, the service linkage information (Line ID and Parent Line ID) is sent to them as part of the TransferQuote output.

Partners will need to provide the LineId, ParentLineId, and CiscoProductReference returned by the TransferQuote WebService in the ConfigurationInformation field data.

The Cisco Product Reference contains a database key that allows us to retrieve the path data from the Configuration Set.

Table : PIP 3A4 Version 02.00.00 – Service for Products on the same Order



PIP Element


Field Length



| |-- proprietaryInformation.FreeFormText

Used to send multiple Cisco proprietary information in = format. Use ‘|’ as a delimiter for multiple values, and no whitespace should exist around equal sign.
Name: ConfigurationInformation

Partners should map a service to hardware in the order as part of the 3A4 request. The mapping is provided at the service product level and contains the Line ID of the product it covers. The Line ID must be unique for each product in the 3A4 request.

Note: If the partner is ordering only Service Only type order, the partner needs to provide coverage information via the Serial Number.

f.Service Ordering for Product(s) at Partner Site

Partners order without a Cisco Service Quote - Partners must provide reference information as proof of purchase of the equipment. They can provide either the serial number of the equipment or the PAK number for non-serialized parts, such as software.

Serial Number – Partners can specify the serial number of the hardware product for which they are buying a service contract. If service is ordered for a non-serialized part, the serial number is not required. System also accepts one or more serial numbers for a given service line.

In order to place orders with services whose associated products orders are not shipped as yet (no serial/PAK numbers), certain distributors can place orders with such services by referencing the coveredProductNumber name value pair at line level to indicate the associated covered Product. Along with this, these certain distributors will need to send in at a header level tag 342, a name value pair of serviceOrderType = PARTIAL, in order to indicate to the system that the order contains service lines with partial information. Please contact B2B project manager to get the list of distributors who are enabled to avail this ordering feature.

Note: A Cisco service product may service different Cisco products. If partners need to order service for two different products that are serviced by the same service product, they should order service on two separate lines and provide the service linkage for the respective product.

The optional nature of service ordering for products at a partner site is evidenced by the cardinality value of 0..1 in the table that follows.

Known Limitation

The system cannot currently proceed with processing orders with only service lines, but no serial number information/PAK number information at line level. Such orders will be rejected.

Table : PIP 3A4 Version 02.00.00 – Service Ordering for Products at Partner Site



PIP Element


Field Length



| |-- proprietaryInformation.FreeFormText

Used to send multiple Cisco proprietary information in = format. Use ‘|’ as a delimiter for multiple values, and no whitespace should exist around equal sign.
If there is more than one serial number (like partners are ordering service for multiple quantity), provide them in separate name/value separated by pipe.
Name: SerialNumber
Example: coveredProductNumber= Cisco1801

Maximum length of a SN is 60 characters



| |-- proprietaryInformation.FreeFormText

Used to send multiple Cisco proprietary information in = format. Use ‘|’ as a delimiter for multiple values, and no whitespace should exist around equal sign.
Example – serviceOrderType = PARTIAL
The valid values for this name value pair is “PARTIAL” any other value sent on this name value pair is ignored.

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