Title: Overlaps in habitat use of fishes between a seagrass bed and adjacent coral and sand areas at Amitori Bay, Iriomote Island, Japan: Importance of the seagrass bed as juvenile habitat
Title: Impact of exploratory offshore drilling on benthic communities in the Minerva gas field, Port Campbell, Australia
Source: MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2005, Vol 59, Iss 3, pp 217-233
Author(s): Wearne LJ; Morgan JW
Title: Community-level changes in Australian subalpine vegetation following invasion by the non-native shrub Cytisus scoparius
Source: JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE 2004, Vol 15, Iss 5, pp 595-604
Author(s): Rindi F; Guiry MD
Title: Composition and spatio temporal variability of the epiphytic macroalgal assemblage of Fucus vesiculosus Linnaeus at Clare Island, Mayo, western Ireland
Author(s): Simonini R; Ansaloni I; Pagliai AMB; Prevedelli D
Title: Organic enrichment and structure of the macrozoobenthic community in the northern Adriatic Sea in an area facing Adige and Po mouths
Source: ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE 2004, Vol 61, Iss 6, pp 871-881
Author(s): Colloca F; Crespi V; Cerasi S; Coppola SR
Title: Structure and evolution of the artisanal fishery in a southern Italian coastal area
Source: FISHERIES RESEARCH 2004, Vol 69, Iss 3, pp 359-369
Author(s): Barlow J; Peres CA
Title: Avifaunal responses to single and recurrent wildfires in Amazonian forests
Title: Epibiota communities of the introduced and indigenous macroalgal relatives Sargassum muticum and Halidrys siliquosa in Limfjorden (Denmark)
Source: HELGOLAND MARINE RESEARCH 2004, Vol 58, Iss 3, pp 154-161
Author(s): Antoniadou C; Nicolaidou A; Chintiroglou C
Title: Polychaetes associated with the sciaphilic alga community in the northern Aegean Sea: spatial and temporal variability
Source: HELGOLAND MARINE RESEARCH 2004, Vol 58, Iss 3, pp 168-182
Author(s): Guerra-Garcia J; Garcia-Gomez J
Title: Polychaete assemblages and sediment pollution in a harbour with two opposing entrances
Source: HELGOLAND MARINE RESEARCH 2004, Vol 58, Iss 3, pp 183-191
Author(s): Baker ME; Wiley MJ
Title: Characterization of woody species distribution in riparian forests of Lower Michigan, USA using map-based models
Source: WETLANDS 2004, Vol 24, Iss 3, pp 550-561
Author(s): Reid MA; Quinn GP
Title: Hydrologic regime and macrophyte assemblages in temporary floodplain wetlands: Implications for detecting responses to environmental water allocations
Source: WETLANDS 2004, Vol 24, Iss 3, pp 586-599
Author(s): Chick JH; Ruetz CR; Trexler JC
Title: Spatial scale and abundance patterns of large fish communities in freshwater marshes of the Florida Everglades
Source: WETLANDS 2004, Vol 24, Iss 3, pp 652-664
Author(s): Witkowski A; Lange-Bertalot H; Kociolek JP; Ruppel M; Wawrzyniak-Wydrowska B; Bak M; Brzezinska A
Title: Four new species of Nitzschia sect. Tryblionella (Bacillariophyceae) resembling N-parvula
Source: PHYCOLOGIA 2004, Vol 43, Iss 5, pp 579-595
Author(s): McArdle BH; Anderson MJ
Title: Variance heterogeneity, transformations, and models of species abundance: a cautionary tale
Author(s): Piepenburg D; Muller B
Title: Distribution of epibenthic communities on the Great Meteor Seamount (North-east Atlantic) mirrors pelagic processes
Source: ARCHIVE OF FISHERY AND MARINE RESEARCH 2004, Vol 51, Iss 1-3, pp 55-70
Author(s): Hartmann FM; Kloppmann MHF
Title: The impact of the Great Meteor Seamount (North-east Atlantic) on the nutritional condition of larval Vinciguerria nimbaria (Phosichthyidae) - A histological study
Source: ARCHIVE OF FISHERY AND MARINE RESEARCH 2004, Vol 51, Iss 1-3, pp 71-88
Author(s): Diekmann R; Piatkowski U
Title: Species composition and distribution patterns of early life stages of cephalopods at Great Meteor Seamount (subtropical North-east Atlantic)
Source: ARCHIVE OF FISHERY AND MARINE RESEARCH 2004, Vol 51, Iss 1-3, pp 115-131
Author(s): Pusch C; Beckmann A; Porteiro FM; von Westernhagen H
Title: The influence of seamounts on mesopelagic fish communities
Source: ARCHIVE OF FISHERY AND MARINE RESEARCH 2004, Vol 51, Iss 1-3, pp 165-186
Author(s): Pusch C; Schnack-Schiel S; Mizdalski E; von Westernhagen H
Title: Feeding ecology of three myctophid species at the Great Meteor Seamount (North-east Atlantic)
Source: ARCHIVE OF FISHERY AND MARINE RESEARCH 2004, Vol 51, Iss 1-3, pp 251-271
Author(s): Broadhurst MK; Wooden MEL; Young DJ; MacBeth WG
Title: Selectivity of penaeid trap nets in south-eastern Australia
Source: SCIENTIA MARINA 2004, Vol 68, Iss 3, pp 445-455
Author(s): Perkol-Finkel S; Benayahu Y
Title: Recruitment of benthic organisms onto a planned artificial reef: shifts in community structure one decade post-deployment
Source: MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2005, Vol 59, Iss 2, pp 79-99
Title: Effects of copper mine tailings disposal on littoral meiofaunal assemblages in the Atacama region of northern Chile
Source: MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2005, Vol 59, Iss 1, pp 1-18
Author(s): Gage JD; Lambshead PJD; Bishop JDD; Stuart CT; Jones NS
Title: Large-scale biodiversity pattern of Cumacea (Peracarida : Crustacea) in the deep Atlantic
Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES 2004, Vol 277, pp 181-196
Author(s): Vita R; Marin A; Madrid JA; Jimenez-Brinquis B; Cesar A; Marin-Guirao L
Title: Effects of wild fishes on waste exportation from a Mediterranean fish farm
Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES 2004, Vol 277, pp 253-261
Author(s): Gheskiere T; Hoste E; Vanaverbeke J; Vincx M; Degraer S
Title: Horizontal zonation patterns and feeding structure of marine nematode assemblages on a macrotidal, ultra-dissipative sandy beach (De Panne, Belgium)
Source: JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH 2004, Vol 52, Iss 3, pp 211-226
Author(s): Jokiel PL; Brown EK
Title: Global warming, regional trends and inshore environmental conditions influence coral bleaching in Hawaii
Source: GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 2004, Vol 10, Iss 10, pp 1627-1641
Author(s): Chryssanthi A
Title: Crustaceans distribution pattern on vertical cuffs in the north Aegean (eastern Mediterranean)
Title: The effects of large-scale fragmentation on bryophytes in temperate forests
Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY 2004, Vol 41, Iss 5, pp 910-921
Author(s): Pagola-Carte S
Title: ABC method and Biomass Size Spectra: what about macrozoobenthic biomass on hard substrata?
Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA 2004, Vol 527, Iss 1, pp 163-176
Author(s): Galacatos K; Barriga-Salazar R; Stewart DJ
Title: Seasonal and habitat influences on fish communities within the lower Yasuni River basin of the Ecuadorian Amazon
Source: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY OF FISHES 2004, Vol 71, Iss 1, pp 33-51
Author(s): Guidetti P; Fraschetti S; Terlizzi A; Boero F
Title: Effects of desertification caused by Lithophaga lithophaga (Mollusca) fishery on littoral fish assemblages along rocky coasts of southeastern Italy
Author(s): Giberto DA; Bremec CS; Acha EM; Mianzan H
Title: Large-scale spatial patterns of benthic assemblages in the SW Atlantic: the Rio de la Plata estuary and adjacent shelf waters
Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE 2004, Vol 61, Iss 1, pp 1-13
Author(s): Harrison TD
Title: Physico-chemical characteristics of South African estuaries in relation to the zoogeography of the region
Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE 2004, Vol 61, Iss 1, pp 73-87
Author(s): Millie DF; Carrick HJ; Doering PH; Steidinger KA
Title: Intra-annual variability of water quality and phytoplankton in the North Fork of the St. Lucie River Estuary, Florida (USA): a quantitative assessment
Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE 2004, Vol 61, Iss 1, pp 137-149
Title: Aquatic mesocosm assessments of a neem (azadirachtin) insecticide at environmentally realistic concentrations - 2: zooplankton community responses and recovery
Source: ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY 2004, Vol 59, Iss 2, pp 194-204
Author(s): Salovius S; Kraufvelin P
Title: The filamentous green alga Cladophora glolmerata as a habitat for littoral macro-fauna in the northern Baltic Sea
Source: OPHELIA 2004, Vol 58, Iss 2, pp 65-78
Author(s): Penchaszadeh PE; Bigatti G; Miloslavich P
Title: Feeding of Pseudechinus magellanicus (Philippi, 1857) (Echinoidea : Temnopleuridae) in the SW Atlantic Coast (Argentina)
Source: OPHELIA 2004, Vol 58, Iss 2, pp 91-99
Author(s): Cranfield HJ; Rowden AA; Smith DJ; Gordon DP; Michael KP
Title: Macrofaunal assemblages of benthic habitat of different complexity and the proposition of a model of biogenic reef habitat regeneration in Foveaux Strait, New Zealand
Source: JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH 2004, Vol 52, Iss 2, pp 109-125
Author(s): Segurado P; Araujo MB
Title: An evaluation of methods for modelling species distributions
Source: JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY 2004, Vol 31, Iss 10, pp 1555-1568
Author(s): Gray CA; Johnson DD; Young DJ; Broadhurst MK
Title: Discards from the commercial gillnet fishery for dusky flathead, Platycephalus fuscus, in New South Wales, Australia: spatial variability and initial effects of change in minimum legal length of target species
Source: FISHERIES MANAGEMENT AND ECOLOGY 2004, Vol 11, Iss 5, pp 323-333
Author(s): Edgerly JS; Rooks EC
Title: Lichens, sun, and fire: A search for an embiid-environment connection in Australia (Order Embiidina : Australembiidae and Notoligotomidae)
Title: Phytoplankton community composition and size distribution in the Langat River Estuary, Malaysia
Source: ESTUARIES 2004, Vol 27, Iss 4, pp 716-727
Author(s): Crinall SM; Hindell JS
Title: Assessing the use of saltmarsh flats by fish in a temperate Australian embayment
Source: ESTUARIES 2004, Vol 27, Iss 4, pp 728-739
Author(s): Meng L; Cicchetti G; Chintala M
Title: Nekton habitat quality at shallow water sites in two Rhode island coastal systems
Source: ESTUARIES 2004, Vol 27, Iss 4, pp 740-751
Source item page count: 12
Author(s): Bishop MJ
Title: A posteriori evaluation of strategies of management: The effectiveness of no-wash zones in minimizing the impacts of boat-wash on macrobenthic infauna