Tathapi (UGC Care Journal)
Vol-19-Issue-24-June-2020 Page Copyright ⓒ Author helping to ease these constraints of foreign investment in the Indian economy. Some of these initiatives include increasing the percentage of FDI in many of the Indian economic sectors including coal which will help it to become lucrative for foreign companies (NDTV profit,
2019) (IV. Contract manufacturing has been incentivized and the allowance of single brand retail has been done (India
briefing, 2019) (V. The next thing to be analysed would be to check for each of the
sectors for low correlation, since there is a possibility that other roadblocks may cause negligible FDI which may include but is not restricted to political control and sector specific restrictions. There have been restrictions on various profitable sectors like the Real estate and National aviation sector (UK
INDIA Business Council, 2014) VI.
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