what your country can do for you. Block quotes are not surrounded by quotation marks. If the block includes quotations of words from someone other than the original speaker, those passages are set o by quotes:
Professor Brown liked the speech. The academic repeated one of the most
memorable statements in it,
“Kennedy said, Ask not what your country can do for you and then he moved onto other topics. I
liked that The professor then talked about the meaning of political speeches.
If your audience will be interested in the source of your block quotation, the simplest
way to present it is in parentheses directly after the passage but what you can do for your country (Kennedy,
Collected Speeches, p. There are other more elaborate procedures and rules in various systems for indicating the source of a quotation and showing it in a document.
Consult a stylemanual or writing guide recommended by your school,
business, or agency if you need to adopt a speci c system of citing or presenting sources for block or other quotations.
Block quotation is a form of
emphasis that can be applied to your own words in a written document. Indented passages standout even if they are not quotations from others.
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