21 Ask, from where can we get the data for the numerator and denominator of these indicators Emphasize that in order to properly manage the health system/health unit, we need proper data collection, aggregation and reporting. Explain that in the following sessions we will be discussing HMIS data and data collection instruments in detail. After these discussions of data and information available in the HMIS, we will discuss the See-Plan-Do cycle in more detail. Examples for Indicator calculation LBW proportion =
Number of liveborns weighing <2500g
X 100
Total number of live-births weighed
HEW delivery coverage rate =
Number of deliveries attended by HEW
X 100
Estimated number of deliveries
Case fatality rate =
Number of IPD deaths (cause: meningitis)
X 100
Total number of discharges (dx: meningitis)
of data for HMIS indicators
Data on numerators
Tally sheets
Data on denominators
Population statistics
Tally sheets