55 Please show participants how they
transfer data elements from the registration books to the reporting format.
8.5 Brain storming, HIV/AIDS data and its use Encourage discussion among the participants on What information they
can derive from these data, and As managers of their health unit/institution, how they can use the information collected from HIV/AIDS service data. Write their responses on flip chart. Compare their responses with the list of
(HIV/AIDS)-HMIS indicators given in the Box below and appreciate for their responses. Tell that we will have a more detailed session on use of information later.
8.6 Session Summary End the session by summarizing what has been discussed in this session. Compare with the session objectives and see whether those objectives have been achieved. If not, go back to the relevant section of the session and complete that. Invite questions, if any, from the participants for further clarification on any issue within the subject matter of the session. Appreciate their active participation.
quarterly report sections VCT, Pre-ART & ART data Source of data Data Item Data source Clients receiving pretest counseling
VCT register column 7
HIV test accepted VCT register column 8 HIV final test result (Rand NR)
VCT register column 11 Cumulative enrollment in chronic care
Pre-ART register column 1 ART, started, by regimen and survival ART register Indicators that can be derived from HIV/AIDS
service data
VCT pretest counseling
VCT testing rate
VCT positivity rate
The cumulative number of PLWHA ever in rolled in HIV care. Number of HIV patients ever enrolled in chronic care.(pre)
Cumulative ART care enrolment cumulative number
PLWHA ever started on ART
ART by regimen Number of PLWHA currently receiving ART by
Survival rates at 6, 12, 24, 36,48 months