viii) To suggest the basis for limiting/fixing, of the sum insured and the nature of coverage and indemnity levels.
(ix) To explore financial support to Crop Insurance and define the possibilities for re- insurance.
(x) To workout Management/Administrative arrangements for effective implementation of Crop Insurance Public Private Participation – Other infrastructure.
(xi) To suggest the structure of a business database and Management Information
System (MIS), to continuously
monitor and analyze factors, such as current customer needs,
preferences, practices and the nature of competition.
(xii) To review the present status of the National Agricultural Insurance Scheme
(Modified Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme) and suggest measure for making the scheme more cost effective and beneficial to the farming community.
(xiii) To review the suitability of various types of crop insurances –
individual versus area based, single risk versus multi-risk insurance – rainfall versus all weather insurance and suggest a cost effective and beneficial Crop Insurance Scheme.
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