Safety Critical Element Management Manual

Select Global performance standard template

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Select Global performance standard template
When the appropriate performance assurance level has been determined, the next step is to select the correct Global
Operate phase performance standard template for the SCE
group. These templates are Globally applicable, but can be modified by each Operating Company to add detail or clarification, provided that the functional criteria is not changed.
They are formatted to comply with the requirements of the
CMMS (and specifically SAP) in terms of minimum assurance tasks, assurance measures, assurance value and units of measure. An example of a Global performance standard template is given in Figure The full set of Global performance standard templates can be found at: ment_global_performance_standard_template
Each Global Operate phase performance standard template contains the following information.
Ba arrrriieerr RReeffeerreennccee - reference in accordance with its type, e.g.
structural barrier.
SSa affeettyy C
Crriittiicca all EElleem meenntt G
Grro ouup preference to the SCE group name and reference, e.g. PC Pressure Vessels. If additional performance standards are developed or the template needs to be broken down to cater for different equipment types within that SCE group, they shall be referenced with alpha extensions, e.g. PC001A, PCB, etc.
Go oa all - the functional goal of the SCE group in maintaining the hardware barrier.
PPeerrffo orrm ma annccee sstta annd da arrd do ow wnneerr - this needs to be completed locally with the TA at Operating Company level who shall own the contents of that performance standard.
FFuunnccttiio onna all ccrriitteerriia a - key specific functions that have to be achieved to meet the SCE’s goals. The functional criteria are typically broken down into discrete functional activities that all have to be achieved to meet the overall goal.
EP 2009-9009

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