1.1 Fire pump performance characteristic Carry out performance test run of fire pump inline with the design pump curve to ensure capability to deliver the largest firewater demand. 2.1 Fire pump initiation test The fire pumps shall start, upon receipt of start signal from Local panel pushbutton • F&G panel pushbutton • Fire main pressure switch It is not necessary to test all three of the above during each test performance, but the testing regime shall ensure all start signals are tested equally. 3.1 Fire pump status indication Initiation, and running, of the fire pumps shall be indicated on the control room fire and gas panel. 4.1 Fire pump HVAC The dedicated fire pump HVAC systems shall be operable in terms of min/max temperature and air changes for the duration of the test. Firewater discharge pressure Firewater flow rate >=(pressure) >=(Flow) To provide firewater on demand to extinguish or limit the spread and effects of afire SCE GOAL Fire pump running visible alarm HVAC system operable