Themes of the American Civil War

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Themes of the American Civil War The War Between the States by Susan-Mary Grant (
Corfield v. Coryell 322–3
Corning, Erastus 133
Corwin, Edward cotton 23, 157, 170, 171, 172, Coulter, E. Merton courage Cox, Karen Cox, LaWanda Craven, Avery Crimean War 100, 108
Crittenden, Thomas L. 115–6
Crittenden compromise, the Cuba xxiv, 48, 56, Cumming, Kate currency 18, 52–3, 171–2, Confederate 171–2
Curtin, Andrew G. 129, 135, 138
Cushing, Caleb 302
Daily Morning Chronicle 138
Dana, Charles A. 117–8, Davis, Jefferson 48, 49, 54–5, 60, 65, 66,
72, 77, 106, 110, 114, 120, 132,
151–65, 303, 306, 325; apologist stance 233; assessment of background 153–4; character on the Civil War 245n35;
comparison with Lincoln n conservatism 162–5; election, 154; emancipation proposals, 228, 231, 231–2, 236–7, federal vision 158; inaugural address and the Mexican War nationalism 152–60; religion respect for the Union 153; role and secession 152–3, 156,
159, 160; slave ownership 241; and slavery 154, 160–2, 164, 228; status war aims Davis, Joseph Davis, William C. 164, 165
Deavenport, Thomas Hopkin 84, 86–7
DeBow, JD. B. debt peonage 240


Declaration of Independence 5–6, 126,
127, 299, 300, 302
DeCredico, Mary A. democracy xix–xx, 178–9; fear of xxi–xxiii
Democratic Republicans 10–1, 13–4,
15, Democrats 22, 26, 27, 28, 46–7, 48–9,
50, 52, 53, 55–6, 101, 140, desertion Detainee Treatment Act 341
Dirck, Brian R. Direct Tax Act disease Donald, David 134
Doniphan, Alexander W. Douglass, Frederick 187, 188, 189, 191,
194, 199, 200, 205, 212, 214, 215,
215–6, 217, 222, 224, 226
Dred Scott case, the 211, 216, 217, 323,
325, 326, 344n16
Du Bois, WEB, 245n44
Duff, Mack Durant, Thomas 219, 220, 221
Durden, Robert F. 233, duty 84, 91, Early, Jubal Eaton, Clement 41, economic growth 11–2, 23–4, 42, economic impact of war 169–80; the
North 173–7; the South economic mobilization Eddy, Thomas 141–2
Edling, Max 8
Edmonds, Sarah Emma Edwards, Laura elections 11, 49–50, 53–4, 134, 138,
145–7, 211, 223, 223–4; state electoral topography Elliott, Samuel 251, emancipation 250; attempts to limit, 239–41, 243; Confederate proposals 228–43; Davis proposals, 228, 231, 231–2, 236–7, Lees support for 236; planters and support for 231, 237–8,
242; women Emancipation Proclamation, the xx–xxi, 64, 71, 127, 135, 142, 162,
199–200, 214–5, 256, 260, 264, 282,
308, 330
Embattled Courage (McPherson) Emerson, Ralph Waldo Engels, Friedrich enlistment 82
Escott, Paul D. 152, 153, 157, 234
Etheridge, Annie European Union, the 9
Ewell, Richard 103–4
Ex parte Milligan 328
Fahs, Alice Faust, Drew Gilpin 278–80, federal government 4, 321; economic power 17; employees 16; financial control 17–8; foundation of influence 21; power 8–9, 12–22, responsibilities 16–22; retraction of revenue 17–8; support for state finances 17–8; weakness of and the Western lands federal slave code, call for 48, 49, federalism 318–9, 333–4; Confederate
States of America 158
Federalist Papers, The 7
Federalists 12–3, 14, 22
Fehrenbacher, Don E. 41, 53
Finney, Charles G. 144
Fitzhugh, George Flanders, Benjamin Florida 49, 155, 188, fog of war 90
For Cause and Comrades (McPherson)
Forney, James W. 137
Forney, John W. Forrest, Nathan Bedford Fort Donelson Fort Pillow Fort Sumter 57–8, 84, 124, 125, 126,
135, 193, Fort Wagner, assault on 193–5, 195,
196, 197, 205–6, 217–8, 235
Forten, Charlotte Fortress Monroe Foster, CW. 189
Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth 280–1, France xviii, xxi–xxii, xxiii, xxiv, 6, 10,


Franco-Prussian War xxiv, 98n39
Frank, Joseph Frankel, Noralee Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria xxii
Fredericksburg, battle of 310
Fredrickson, George 59, free labor, threat of free soil 28
Freedman’s Village Freedmen and Southern Society project, University of Maryland 283,
Freedmen’s Bureau 203, 225, 240,
285–6, 330
Freehling, William 25, Freeman, Thomas D. 198–9
Frémont, John C. 127, 142, 145, Fugitive Slave Act 28, 84, 188, 211, Fuller, J. F. C. 68, 69, Gadsden Purchase Treaty Gaines, Edmund P. Gallagher, Gary W. 158–9, 304
Gallatin, Albert Garnet, Henry Highland Garrison, William Lloyd General Conference of the Methodist
Episcopal Church General Order No. 100, Instructions for

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