Themes of the American Civil War

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Themes of the American Civil War The War Between the States by Susan-Mary Grant (
the Government of Armies of the
United States in the Field (Lieber
Code) General Survey Act General William T. Sherman and
Total War (Walters) 68–9
Generalship of Ulysses S. Grant, The
(Fuller) Georgia 22, 40, 41, 44–5, 46, 47, 49,
51–2, 74, 76, 155, 188, 204, 230–1,
235, Gettysburg, battle of 88, 162, Gladstone, William E. 303
Glymph, Thavolia 285, 286
Gooding, James Henry 191, 198, Goodwin, Doris Kearns xv
Gorgas, Josiah 70
Government’s War Powers under the
Constitution of the United States,
The (Whiting) Grand Review of the Armed Forces Grant, Ulysses S. 64, 69, 75, 76, 93, 103,
114, 127, 287; chief of staff drinking 118; as General-in-Chief
118–21; leadership style 116–8,
120–1; and Lincoln 119; personality rise of 114–8; at Shiloh staff 119–20; war aims Graves, Robert Great Britain attitude to the Civil War xxi and the Emancipation
Proclamation xxi fear of democracy xix–xx, xxi Reform Bill, 1867 xxiii;
as threat 300; and the War for
Independence Greeley, Horace 76, 127, 133, 137, Green, Nat Griffith, D. W. Griffith, Paddy Grouchy, Emmanuel group loyalties Guantanamo Bay 340, 342, 343,
guerrillas 67, Gulliver, John 146
Habeas Corpus Act 72, 124, 138, 145,
308, 327, 330, 336 1863 72, 320–1 1867 Hague Conventions Hahn, Michael 220, 221, 224
Halleck, Henry W. 112, 114–5, 118–9,
120, 121, 131
Halpine, Charles 190
Hamdan, Salim Ahmed Hamilton, Alexander 7, Hammond, James H. Hampton Roads conference 76
Hanscom, Simon P. 137
Hardee, William J. 112, Harlan, John Harmon, Henry S. Harper, Francis 205, 312
Harpers Ferry 274
Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 267
Harrison, William Henry Hartford Convention, 1814 10
Hattaway, Herman 120


Hatton, George Hay, John 130, 133, Hess, Earl J. 82, 91
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth 188–9,
192, Hill, AP. Hitchcock, Ethan Allen 107
Hodgers, Jennie Hodges, Albert 133, 137
Hodgson, William B. 246n63
Holden, William W. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr xiv
Holt, Michael Homestead Act, the 20, Hood, John B. 92, 119, Hooker, Joseph 117, hospitals Hughes, Henry 241, Hughes, Robert 185
Humez, Jean M. Humphreys, David Hunter, Andrew Hunter, David 127, Hunter, Robert MT. Huntsville ideology 66–7, immigration imports 17
Independent 140
Indians 5, 10, 19, 103, 210, individual rights 317, 319, 320–3,
336–7, 338; Confederate contributions to industrial revolution industrialization 16, 42, 65, 171, internet, the xiii–xiv interstate communications Iowa Ireland Italy xxiii
Jackson, Andrew 14–5, 18, 19, 20, 22,
25, 101, 105, 125, 153, Jackson, Thomas J. Stonewall n, Jackson, William Andrew James, Henry James River 114
Jamieson, Perry D. Jay, John Jefferson, Thomas 10, 13, 16, 19, Jim Crow laws 185, 203, 319–20, Johns, Henry T. Johnson, Andrew Johnson, Michael P. 40, Johnson, William H. Johnston, Albert Sidney 93, Johnston, Joseph E. 92, 94, 106, Joint Committee on the Conduct of the
War 108–9, 119, 188, Jones, Archer Jones, Charles Colcock 47, 248n78
Jones, Jacqueline 283, 284, Jones, Joseph Lee 345n34
Juárez, Benito xxii, xxiv
Kansas 28, 189
Kansas–Nebraska Act 84
Kean, R. G. H. 242, 244n12
Kennedy, Anthony Kentucky 10, 48–9, 72, 153, 203, 256,
262, 330
Kerber, Linda King, Wilma Knights of the Golden Circle 72
Kousser, J. Morgan 43
Ku Klux Klan 197
Ku Klux Klan Act Lane, Jim 189, 192, 196
Larkin, Samuel Larson, Kate Clifford Latin America xviii leadership 88, 92–6, 100–21, 101–2,
147; changing roles Confederate system 120; dynamism and friendship Grants 114–21; Lee’s 108, 110–4,
120; McClellan’s 107–13; moral dimensions 106–7, 111; and personality 103; Scott’s legacy, 108, 111, 113; sense of duty staff system 117–8, training Lee, Robert E. 73, 84, 103, 105, 159,
229, 230, 231, 233, 279, 287; chief of staff 117; comparison with
McClellan 110–3; leadership 108,
110–4, 120; leadership style 112–3;


strategy 113; support for emancipation legitimacy Leonard, Elizabeth 269, 272, Leopold, King of Belgium xxii lessees letters Levine, Bruce xv
Levy, Leonard liberty xix
Lieber, Francis (Lieber Code) 67, 138,

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