Themes of the American Civil War

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Themes of the American Civil War The War Between the States by Susan-Mary Grant (
Slavery, Capitalism, and Politics in the
Antebellum Republic (Ashworth) xv slaves and slavery xxiv, 4, 24–6, 66–7,
170, 212, 217, 250–4. see also
African-Americans; emancipation;
abolition 77, 127, 172, 219, anticipation of freedom assertiveness 254–5; civil rights Confederate emancipation proposals 228–43; and the
Confiscation Acts 72; and the
Constitution 323; and the CSA
constitution 324; Davis and 154,


160–2, 164, 228; Davis’
emancipation proposal 162, 228,
231, 231–2, 236–7, 242; dislocated dissolution of 234–6, 245n44;
earnings 255; exclusion from the
West 28; exempted areas 260,
261–2; expansion of 23, 24–5, 57,
152, 154, 249; fear of insurrection by 161; the federal compromise freeing 255; hiring out of 252;
impressment 252–3; Lincoln and xx–xxi, 127, 128, 301; Marxism and military service 187, 188,
228–43; military training 231; non-slaveowning white dissent 43,
59; and Northern capitalism Northern churches and numbers 161, 210, 249; politics of property 250; reform 248n78;
refugeeing 253, 254–5; rescuers runaways 161, 211, 234, 252,
254, 255–6, 261, 274–5, 284–5; and secession 40–1, 43, 47–8, 55–7, 58,
59–60; sense of community Southern reform movement taxes on 13; under Union authority vulnerability 251; and war aims 64–5; women 254–5, Smalls, Robert Smith, William social mobility sources xiii–xiv, xv
South, the. see also Confederate States of America agricultural decline 172,
176; Black Codes 239–40, blockade 67, 171; capitalism in 170,
177–8; Celtic heritage 88; churches commitment to slavery cotton trade 171; and the
Declaration of Independence defining 155–6; Democrats 46–7,
50, 52, 53, 55–6; diversity economic change 42–3; economic growth 23–4, 154; effect of defeat fear of insurrection finances 171–2; free blacks gender boundaries 280–1, ideology 66–7; Indian clearances loss of wealth 172; manufacturing output 75–6, 173; memorial tradition 281–2; minority interests modernization 50–3; morale motivation 83–4; nationalism 16,
27–8, 29, 45–6, 152–60, n, 303–5, 311; non-slaveowning white dissent 43,
45–7, 59; occupation of 67–8,
255–63; plantation system planter class 161–2; political leadership and secession 47–50,
54–7, 58, 152–3; political system, 163–4; radicals 41–2, railroads 50–1, 51–2, 53, 66, 76, 158,
172; Republicanism 44–5, resistance to emancipation proposals 232–3; secession. see
secession; sectional rivalries shortages 85; social identity state governments 46; and states rights 14, 25; threat to 25; voter participation 46, 59–60; wages war economy 171–3; and the
War for Independence South Carolina 6, 11, 15, 17, 22, 44, 46,
47, 54, 56, 57, 74, 153, 155, 187, 204,
264, 281–2
Southern Lady From Pedestal to Politics,
1830–1930, The (Scott) sovereignty national 6; of the people state 8, 54, Spain xxi
Spencer, Belle 267–8, spies Stamp Act, 1765 5
Stampp, Kenneth Stanton, Edwin M. 67, 107, 202
Star 130
state finances, federal support for state governments power 16; the South
state loyalties 3, state sovereignty 8, 54, statehood, applications for states rights 7, 9, 13, 14–5, 25, 46,
152–3, 153, 154, 159, n, 306,
321, 321–2, 322–3, 330, Stephens, Alexander H. 45, 76, 127,
233, n, n, Stephens, George E. 191, 199–200, Stones River (see Murfreesboro)
Stowe, Harriet Beecher 312


strategy 69, 105, 109, 110–1, 113, 116
Stringfellow, John Henry Strong, George Templeton Sumner, Charles 220, 222, 312
Sunday Morning Chronicle 137
Superintendents of Contrabands (later
Negro Affairs) 257, Supreme Court, the 18, 317, 319–20,
325–6, 328, 331, 332, 334, 335–8,
338–9, 340, 341–3
Sutch, Richard Sutherland, Daniel Sword, Wiley 95
Swtoeckl, Edouard de xxii–xxiii tactics 88–90, 98n39
Taney, Roger Brooke 18, 326, 327,
Tara Revisited Women, War, and the
Plantation Legend (Clinton) Tariff of Abominations tariffs taxation 12, 13, 17–8, Taylor, Zachary 101, Taylor, Susie King 259
Team of Rivals The Political Genius of
Abraham Lincoln (Goodwin) xv telegraph, the 121, 125, Tennessee 10, 22, 43, 57–8, Tennessee River terrorism Texas 26, 27, 47, 49, 155, 156, 202, Thirteen Colonies, the 4–5, Thomas, Emory M. 69, Thomas, George H. 93, 115–6, Thomas, Lorenzo Thornton, J. Mills 42, 51
Thornwell, James Henley 241
Tilton, Theodore 144, timeline 348–62
Times of London xx
Tocqueville, Alexis de 14
Toombs, Robert 45, 49, total war 65, Treasury Department, the troops 147. see also African-American troops backgrounds 86; camp life discipline 86, 87, 88–9, exhaustion 229; experience formations 89; group loyalties motivation 82–5, 91–2, numbers 66, 70, n reenlistment routine 87; training 86, wages 84
Troubled Commemoration The
American Civil War Centennial,
1961–1965 (Cook) xv
Truth, Sojourner 274–5, Tubman, Harriet 274–5, 277
Tulis, Jeffrey K. 155
Turchin, Nadine Turner, John 202
two-party system 10–1, Tyler, John 15, unconditional surrender Underground Railroad, the uniforms Union, the 3–30; African-American loyalty to 214–7; Davis and divisive legacy 298–9, 300–1, 309,
313; effect of victory foundation of 4–9; ideology of Lincoln and 126–8, 295–6, link with the nation 296–302,
302–3; and national development nationalism 304–5, 306–8,
309–10; religious support for and revolutionary symbolism 307,
309; spiritual dimension 141, 153,
299–300; strength of 3–4; weakness of 3, 9, 297, Unionism United Daughters of the Confederacy
United States of America, foundation of urbanization US. Army command philosophy
103; staff system 104; structure
U.S. Sanitary Commission US. Military Railroad 66
Vallandigham, Clement L. 72, 308, Van Buren, Martin Vance, Zebulon B. 58, 158
Vandiver, Frank E. 69, 120, 163
Varon, Elizabeth Velazquez, Loreta Vermont 10, veterans 203–4


Vicksburg, siege of 75, 117, 118, 162,
229, Victoria, Queen xxiii
Virginia 10, 11, 21, 27, 49, 58, 108,
110, 156, 187, 204, 254, 256–8, Virginia House of Burgesses volunteers 82–5, 85, 95, 125, 187, Wade, Benjamin 222
Wade–Davis Reconstruction Bill 222,
Wadsworth, James S. wages 170–1, 173–4, 178–9, 197–9, 255,
257, 258, 259, 260, 275
Wakeman, Sarah Rosetta 272
Waldstreicher, David Walker, Mary Edwards Walker, W. HT. Wallenstein, Peter Walters, John B. war 64–78; code of conduct gendered nature of 271; limited 65,
73, 107–14; modern 65–8, 89,
100–1; Napoleonic 89; and popular rule 43–4; social dimensions total 65, war aims xx, 64–5, 68, 69, 75, 76–7,
116–7, 128, 234, 311, War Democrats war economies the North 173–7; the
South War of 1812 10, 13–4, 16, 17, 19, 125,
187, War of Independence 5–7, 12, 16, 44,
101, 187, 297, 298, war on terror 320, Warren, Robert Penn 165
Washburne, Elihu B. Washington, George 9, 12–3, 22, n, 118, 299, weapons 66, 85, 88–9, Weed, Thurlow 135
Weigley, Russell F. Welter, Rush West, the economic growth exclusion of slavery from settlement of West Indies West Point military academy 16, Western theater, the 114–6, Whig Party 15, 22–3, 23–4, 29, 52, Whiskey rebels 10, Whites, LeeAnn 278, Whiting, William Whitney, Eli 54
Why the South lost the Civil War
(Beringer) Wilder, Charles B. Wilderness campaign Wiley, Bell 84, 271, Wiley, Calvin H. Williams, T. Harry 69, 73, Wilson, James H. Wilson, Joseph T. Winthrop, John xviii
Wisconsin Wise, Sydney F. women 72–3, 267–89, n activism African-American 274–5,
282–6; battlefield service 271–7,
279; contribution 269–70, doctors 273–4; female soldiers gender boundaries 273, 276,
277, 280–1, 282; Northern 275–7,
277, 285; nurses 272, 273–4, 276,
279, 287–8; patriotism 280; in popular literature 277–8; role 272,
276–7, 280, 286–9; runaways and sacrifice 280–1; slaves 254–5,
269, 282–6; Southern 269, 270,
277–82; spies 279; wages 275; war work 267–8
Woodworth, Steven E. World War I World War II 68, 91, 342
Yancey, William 55, Yates, Richard Young, Elizabeth 271
Zollicoffer, Felix 93


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