The silent massacre

The Essence of Mind Control

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
The Essence of Mind Control
As already stated, if a target receives remote-operated electronic effects, he probably also receives the hidden voices and thus mind manipulation. However, he may not at first hear those voices. Some targets never hear the voices. Nevertheless, they are there.
Attackers “hook” targets’ minds and hear their thoughts for years before they start the actual mind manipulation. In addition to “mining” the targets’ thoughts and watching their activities, the perpetrators interview people who know the targets, their family members, and their friends. The object is to reconstruct the target’s entire life, identify all relatives, friends, and acquaintances of the target, and learn any smut and dishonesty connected to the target to later make him feel guilt. Finally, armed with all of the data that they have retrieved from the targets’ own minds, along with the targets’ files and records obtained from various sources, the attackers begin their assault.
Friends and relatives of the targets often unwittingly divulge information about the targets through “friendly” conversations with the perpetrators’ accomplices. In addition, sometimes the accomplices pose as law enforcement officers and private detectives to intimidate people

into telling all they know about targets. Actual law enforcement officers also doubtlessly cooperate in some cases. Only with the total of this knowledge about the target can mind control be used effectively.
Mind control follows a well established plan, based far more on psychology than on electronic assault. There are three phases to that plan.
(1) First, is the intelligence gathering stage mentioned above. (2) Next, the attackers condition, or sensitize, the victim by assaulting him with the various symptoms and conditions caused by their directed energy weapons. It is during this phase that the victim is conditioned to respond to the various codes introduced probably through hypnotism. (3) And finally the attackers start their telepathic interrogations, induced dreams, scripted scenarios, and other mind manipulation methods.
In the last phase, the attackers often pepper the targets with the “audible” voices (V2K), which only the target hears. Their aim is to neutralize the victim by (1) rendering him incapable of functioning in society, (2) causing him to commit suicide, or (3) murdering him in planned accidents or through induced diseases such as cancer
Mind control is achieved through a combination of psychological trickery and electronic effects. The electronic effects are largely utilized to re-enforce the psychological aspects of mind control. Although the electronic effects are painful and sometimes even debilitating, they are usually bearable. As long as people have control of their minds, they can normally handle pain. On the other hand, mind control seeks to dominate both the mind and the body of targets, to gain absolute control over those persons and manipulate their every thought and action.
Make no mistake about it; attackers are highly trained in both psychology and computer/electronics. Their backgrounds may not have been psychology; yet, they have been taught how to apply it. They are probably far more adept at applying and understanding the electronics than the psychology. However, whoever wrote the ultra-secret training manual, probably a team of psychiatrists and intelligence interrogators, were masters in psychological application.
Mind control seeks to disenfranchise the target of his ability to function through a series of clever psychological tactics. We have already mentioned several of those. Here are some others.
(1) Knowledge of surveillance. After a long period of observation and “mining” the targets’ thoughts, the attackers let targets know that they are objects of electronic surveillance. They reveal that they know intimate details of the targets. The total loss of privacy of thought unnerves the targets and makes them still more vulnerable to other psychological and electronic attacks.
(2) Loss of control of thought. Not only do attackers know the targets’ thoughts but they also plant thoughts in those targets. Targets find themselves thinking of subjects and performing acts that they ordinarily would not think or do. Those thoughts occur at strange times. Certain thoughts and reactions occur time after time. Many of them are sexual in nature. Targets may at first believe that those thoughts and actions are their own and they may be somewhat

puzzled by them; however, they eventually learn that those thoughts and actions stem from subconscious suggestions made to the targets’ mind through V2K.
(3) Making the target appear crazy. Through subliminal whispering, attackers make targets very forgetful. They forget names of people whom they know well. They forget where they place objects. They forget to do things on their list of things-to-do. By projecting voices, attackers convince targets that others are talking about them. All of that makes targets think that they are losing their minds or developing Alzheimer’s. Those same actions suggest to observers the same message. All true TIs are acutely aware of that mind control objective.
(4) Assigning guilt. The attackers’ computer can cause targets to hear certain words entered into the attackers’ computer whenever they watch TV or converse with others. The words triggered usually deal with sex, violence, and other negative topics. Targets start believing that they are actually thinking those words. That causes them guilt, which aids the attackers in instilling and re-enforcing that very guilt.
Mind reading and subliminal talking programs leading to mind manipulation are perfected, in full usage, and being carried out on a massive scale both in the United States and abroad.
Nevertheless, many areas of the targets’ mind still remain to be probed and studied.
Involuntary brain mapping and neurological experiments concerning those areas doubtlessly continue.

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