The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
The Actual Attackers
The attackers themselves are only trained hirelings, perhaps ex-government employees and
Far Rightists. They do not know the intricacies of how targets are hooked; they only know how to carry out the techniques of electronic torture and mind control on the targets. If attackers work under the aegis of the FBI, as many targets believe, they probably will have security clearances and will be sworn to secrecy. That probably means that if the perpetrators use civilians, those civilians are retired law enforcement officers, ex-military, and ex- and retired local, state, and Federal and state government employees. The civilians will probably

be deputized as Federal Marshals, Special Agents, or given some such title.
The attackers who think that they control my life have told me subliminally that they are protected. Indeed, under the Patriot Act, those deputies would not be subject to
prosecution. However, once tested before the court, that provision of the Patriot Act will almost certainly be struck down. People cannot be deputized to break the law before the fact on peers who have not been charged with a crime. The test case will probably go to the
Federal District Court or even to the Supreme Court before it is finally decided against the attackers. That may be the break that targets look for in determining who is doing the REA and how.
Handling targeted individuals has actually become an underground occupation. Attackers are selected on the basis of their proven loyalty to the hierarchy (ex-military and ex-police), potential years of service (although probably retired, the attackers must be young enough to produce for a number of years), their various professional qualities and capabilities
(specialists in computers and electronics, agents with previous psychological operations, or psyche ops, experience, and telecommunications engineers), and their psychological profiles.
In some cases, religious leaders may be selected for their Right Wing views and then trained and sworn to secrecy.
Moreover, the attackers do not work casually in their off-hours; their work is full time. Why do I say that? Well, because each shift of attackers has to advise the other shifts about what they did to the target and what his actions and reactions were. That requires much coordination among the shifts. The off-duty shifts must either listen to the recordings or watch the videos of the preceding shifts so that no gap will occur in the continual psychological harassment of the victims. Nevertheless, they will sometimes goof.
For example, knowing how close I am to my little granddaughter – I babysat her the first year of her life -- my attackers continually tried for months to convince me through the V2K that my son, her father, was molesting her. Then, months later, another shift of attackers told me that my son was going to heaven but I was not! Some inconsistency! So, you see their work is full of imperfections. Through our two-way subliminal communication, I call the attackers “the f—k ups.” One of the attackers recently told me that I had cost them “a lot of money.” I laughed and told them I was only beginning, that I was not only going to break them but was also going to bring them down.
Attackers for the most part are of only average intelligence – and sometimes far below average – and largely uninformed. They are probably recruited from Far Right groups that believe in their twisted manner of thinking that they are somehow aiding the USA or from ex- types who do it for the money. Although they are paid for their services, they perform their sadistic activities with fervor. Most of them have probably been duped into believing that they are performing a public service in carrying out their criminal activities.
In my particular case, the attackers are obviously of Deep South origin and possess very limited intellectual capacity. If they are not from my locality, they are from a very similar locality. Whenever I ridicule them mercilessly, which is frequent, they very often retort in childish manners. They cannot digest what I say and reply quickly and cleverly. Perhaps they believe that since they are the unseen attackers, they have a decided advantage over me.
Indeed they do. However, I go about my life in the same way that I always have without letting

their electronic and neurological outwardly affect my life.
When attackers are selected and hired, they are advised that their job is for life. They take an oath, which includes swearing not to divulge their operations at any date and giving their complete fidelity to the “system.” They are permanent employees in the most literal sense.
Thus, some of the attackers who began their work decades ago will probably already be in their seventies by now, perhaps even in their eighties. Since it is very difficult for attackers to do their work without their spouses’ knowledge, the spouses are also very often hired as attackers. In other words, there are almost certainly many husband and wife teams of attackers. I believe that entire dysfunctional families may be recruited as attackers.
The attackers’ earlier experience and their training after their selection prepare them to carry out their work systematically and perfunctorily without any touch of human emotions. Their work is work. Like murder-for-hire killers, the attackers carry out their assignments. Allowing any emotion or empathy for their targets to enter into their work would emasculate their mission, which is to neutralize the target totally – one way or another.
The attackers must necessarily work in teams, and the members of those teams will not change, for they depend on continuity to capitalize on their knowledge of the target -- his contacts, his business affairs, his behavior pattern, and his thoughts. A team will consist of at least six attackers working three eight-hour shifts. In rare cases, there may be only one handler per shift using recorded tapes and other programs to make it appear that there are many persons involved. In many cases, there are a larger total number of attackers working shorter shifts of four to six hours each.
I now feel certain that the groups of attackers, at least in my case, probably operate in shifts from several areas many miles apart. One of those groups, probably a local one, has the major responsibility for harassing me. All of the groups of attackers probably watch my activities and communicate with each other perhaps by closed circuit TV, cell phone, or some other means. The several groups of attackers are chosen to cover every phase of a target’s life. Through interviews with people who know my family and from extracting my memories, they have intimate knowledge of the rural community in which I was raised, which is located in an adjoining parish, and they also know about my entire family.
There is also at least one member of my attackers who is Spanish speaking, as I speak, read, and write Spanish. The Spanish used in that group is not translated Spanish but spoken
Spanish. It would make sense in my case for one group to know Spanish, for I lived for years in Latin America. The attackers give each target an identification code name. Because of my familiarity with Latin America, mine is “Estados Unidos” (United States). They may also be trying to make me believe that my attackers are Hispanics.
To cover all aspects of my life, which the attackers have admirably done – I reluctantly give the evildoers that credit – would require groups familiar with: the community in which I was born and spent the first fourteen years of my life; with the Washington, DC metropolitan area; with my university studies; with my career and the colleagues with whom I worked; with my military record; and with the countries in which I had lived and the languages used in those countries. The attackers with that knowledge could not possibly be gathered into a single group. Therefore, I am reasonably sure that several groups act in consonance by remote. The coverage provided by the round-the-clock handler groups probably explains why I get no

obvious neighborhood stalking.
Using deception, the attackers will attempt to convince the target that the REA network is far broader and more influential than it actually is. Their voice simulations and recordings give targets the perception that at least three or four attackers are present at all times; whereas, oftentimes probably a single individual is manipulating the simulated voices. Moreover, if the target receives the voice-to-skull (V2K) talking from the attackers, the attackers will take credit for any negative event that happens in the everyday life of the target though many of those actions are simply natural occurrences. Using the computer software, the attackers will also try to appear far more intelligent and informed than they actually are.
Rapid communication is indispensable to the attackers and their accomplices. That probably means that they use cell phones or walkie-talkies, which make the attackers very mobile. In addition, the attackers and their helpers make heavy use of the internet for their criminal activities. A photo is made of the target before or early in the harassment process, and that photo is circulated in round-robin fashion over the internet by email. Everybody who uses the internet knows how that works: Photos of the targets, including pictures of his vehicle and house, are sent by accomplices to all of the addresses on their email accounts. Those addressees in turn send the same message to their list of addresses. It exponentially widens until literally thousands of people have received the message with the photos. That internet network works marvelously for the attackers, for wherever the target goes, he is recognized and harassed.
There is a psychological impetus behind the group effort to harass the target. Many of the participants, or secondary accomplices, are persons just “having a little fun. Many people who often use the internet and who have time on their hands seize the opportunity to participate in a harassment scheme. It is exciting for them. It gives them power. To some participants, such an action stimulates them sexually. They do not ponder the effect that their actions might have on the target. Moreover, the attackers will have disseminated scandalous rumors about the target along with the photos. Enlisting unwitting accomplices in an internet harassment scheme is far easier than most targets imagine.
My attackers have attempted through their 24/7 voices, or V2K, to make me believe that they represent particular groups. First, they pretended to be Christians. In addition, they have purported to be extortionists, law enforcement, vigilantes, the military, various ethnic groups, political groups, and other people and organizations. The attackers often tell targets that they are CIA or FBI. If that happens, it is absolutely false. If the CIA and FBI were involved in electronic stalking and mind control, they most certainly would not divulge that to the targets.
Attackers utilize their mind control methods at maximum efficiency at night once targets go to sleep. Thus, I believe that the best-educated and most knowledgeable attackers and those who are most adroit at using psychology probably operate on the night shift. The day-shift attackers are probably much more proficient in dealing with matters involving the professions, trades, and occupations, i.e., everyday activities of the target, than they are at exercising mind control.
It is very important for all attackers to know everything possible about the target. Thus, members of the handler team will know each other well, and they will discuss the targets among themselves. Attackers may even consist of husband and wife teams or several family

members working together. There is evidence that the attackers can operate from several different locations in consonance with each other; however, if that is true, one of the attackers in one of the locations must operate the super computer that performs much of their electronic and mind control functions.
The attackers’ psychological harassment can be effective only if they also know what family members and friends think about the targets. Therefore, they may indeed also “hook” the minds of those people surrounding the targets. If not, they will directly and indirectly devise ways to talk with those family members and friends to pry information from them. I have seen much evidence of that from things that the attackers have said.
One of the attackers who does the V2K on me is a female whose voice sounds much farther away than the others. That, of course, is probably deception through sound distortion.
Moreover, it may be a recording, as the attackers very often play recordings. The attackers may not necessarily know all of the accomplices who assist them in neighborhood stalking and other activities. The accomplices are probably contacted by cell phones using codes to advise them of the target’s location and to advise them of their tasks. The female voice may not even be female at all due to the capability of the attackers to simulate voices.
The attackers’ operational sites will probably differ from locality to locality, depending on the identity of the attackers. If renegade or regular law enforcement are directly involved, secure departments of police stations and sheriff’s offices may be utilized. As law enforcement facilities operate 24/7, round-the-clock activities by attackers would go unnoticed. If individuals outside of law enforcement work as attackers, their operational sites may be located in safe sections of churches, businesses, communications providers’ facilities, and private residences.
Every TI knows that his attackers are professionally trained in the application of their electronic torture and mind control methods. The entire electronic stalking and mind control scheme took years in the making and involved experts in many fields. Attackers will be completely aware of the importance of psychology in torturing the victim. It is abundantly clear that psychologists and psychiatrists had a hand in developing those skills and training those attackers. It is known that that group assisted the CIA and the US military in developing interrogation and torture methods used against Guantánamo detainees, a program approved by The American Psychological Association.
Attackers are well trained in operating the various mind control and electronic torture computer programs, in psychology and human behavior, and in interrogation techniques.
They are also briefed about the targets and either provided written information about the targets or allowed to take notes on them. Details used by attackers in mind control on the targets would be impossible to remember without recording them in some manner.
Information revealed by attackers show clearly that they have access to government and other files on the targets.
I’ve recently come to believe that at least one of the attackers is either in the medical field or has been given some training in physiology. I can feel some device (call it laser for the moment) probing certain areas. The operator is looking for the sciatic nerve, various optic nerves, the urethra of the penis, certain organs, particular muscles, and other key areas on the body. That person probably uses a type of dial or pointer to ferret out the exact spot on

the target’s body that he wants to affect.
The attackers use a combination of specialized computer software along with subliminal talking to accomplish the mind control portion of REA. Neither the computer software nor the subliminal talking alone can conduct mind control. First, the software programs must be employed for the attackers to detect lying, force targets to tell the truth, register their emotions, and “soften” the targets. Then, with the aid of the software, the attackers interrogate and continually ply their vicious hateful drivel through the voices, or V2K.
Continuity is very important in carrying out mind control. The idea is to give the targets no respite from those activities. Their aim is to wear them down. They often do, and many of the targets commit suicide.
Once the targets’ conditioning has been achieved, the attackers begin “mining” the victims’ thoughts and memories by asking questions, staging holographic scenarios for the target to act out, projecting pictures and images before the target to pick his thoughts about them, inducing dreams in which the target interacts with known and unknown other people, listening to his natural thoughts, and eavesdropping on his conversations with others. Through local accomplices, the attackers will locate old friends and relatives of the target and through guile and misrepresentation will extract information about the target. No area or time period in the target’s life is left untouched by the interrogators. The attackers will “mine” those thoughts and memories for the slightest bit of information that will allow the attackers to manipulate that individual. The attackers, or interrogators, are trained to apply psychology .
A paper on the NSA’s interrogation techniques gives an example that explains the interrogation process and mind probing much better than I.
The subliminal message delivered to you could be "Mr. Jones, imagine that the IRS were auditing your taxes. Think back to a time you have cheated on your taxes and that you are worried that the IRS might find out in an audit. If you have never cheated on your taxes and have nothing to fear you will feel an itch on your right-hand ear lobe that will go away when you scratch it. If you can be caught by an IRS audit, you will feel an itch in the left nostril of your nose that will disappear after you itch [sic] it twice." From your perspective, you have just had a fleeting thought about your past tax returns and had an innocent itch
(thought label). To the NSA On-Duty Officer (ODO), or interrogator, you have just communicated to him whether you have ever: 1) cheated on your taxes, and 2) If the IRS could catch you in an audit.
If the target’s thoughts indicate that he has cheated on his taxes, the interrogator will delve more deeply into the matter to determine the item, date, and amount. The next step is for the interrogators to pass that information to a higher agent, who will advise higher-up officials in the IRS. That official in turn will order the appropriate IRS office to audit the target’s tax return for that year. As a result, the target is likely to be heavily penalized and perhaps even imprisoned for tax evasion. That target has then been discredited by having to pay a large sum to the IRS or being made a felon. The target is effectively neutralized.
In applying their neurological methods, the attackers will tell the targets stories about events in their early lives (which they probably gather primarily from the targets’ own thoughts). They will know every friend and acquaintance of the target, every relative, and every enemy. They will know the target’s foibles and his virtues, his prejudices and his ideals, his likes and

dislikes, and his fears and strengths; his religious beliefs and how strongly he holds those beliefs; how he feels about the government and the government’s leaders; his income, his investments, his net worth, the banks that he uses, his bank account balances down to the penny, his usual expenditures, including his utility and other accounts, his credit card numbers and the card balances and payments, and how he spends his money.
They will also have copies of the target’s FBI and Army records, his education records from
Kindergarten through high school, and his college/university transcripts. They will know his sexual preference, his sexual habits, his sexual hang-ups, his sexual potency or impotency, and any sexual indiscretions. They will know what social clubs, political organizations, bars, restaurants, and churches that the target attends. They will know the people whom he visits and who visit him.
Attackers are not chosen at random. Although computers can mimic accents to a certain extent, the effected speech will not be perfectly authentic. Thus, the attackers chosen will have total familiarity with the target’s area and will know the sayings, the expressions, and the vernacular of that locality. My attackers speak with an exaggerated Deep South accent. That attackers fit that mode does not necessarily mean that they will still live in and operate from that area; their locations are yet to be determined.
The backgrounds and educational levels of the attackers will also often approximate those of the target. I come from a rural background; thus, my attackers have a general knowledge of farming, crops, and rural life. They also have knowledge of carpentry, plumbing, drywall preparation, electricity, and other skills, as I am often engaged in home improvement projects.
However, the attackers will try to give the target the impression that they know much more about his environment and work than they actually do. Attackers operate in pairs or in small groups working in shifts to complement each other in covering the entire spectrum of the target’s everyday world.
Knowing that I appreciate politeness, the attackers use politeness to persuade me to obey their commands. Sometimes to make me remain in bed longer in the morning, the attackers play a synthetic telepathy recording of a female saying, “Please do not get up. Please remain in bed a while longer.” The recording sounds like an automated announcement on a public transit, for example, “Please remain seated until the train comes to a complete stop.” One of them also often says, “I’d appreciate it if you’d sleep late tomorrow morning.”
The attackers can actually cause somatic illnesses in targets through the power of suggestion. I woke early one morning to hear the female attacker repeating, “Chest cold.
Chest cold. You’re going to have a chest cold.” If a target is unaware of those voices, in all likelihood he will develop a chest cold due to the power of suggestion. However, being able to hear the attackers wards off those psychologically-induced somatic illnesses. I did not get a chest cold.
The people who carry out mind control through the voices will attempt to convince the targets that they are far greater in number than they actually are and more politically connected than they actually are. In early 2010, the attackers told me that I was going to be served a warrant by the local authorities. I told them that I had done nothing to receive a warrant, so let them come.

On another occasion, they told me that they were going to send the “Death Squad” later that night. I told them, “Send those bastards on.” I made a joke out of it, telling them that I was going to leave the outside doors unlocked that night because the members of the “Death
Squad” would otherwise be too dumb to get inside. I did indeed leave the doors unlocked and showed the attackers before I retired that they were unlocked. .
The attackers are psychopathic criminals who break many laws. Here are some of those criminal acts for which someday they will stand trial: (1) stalking with malicious intent, (2) physical and psychological harassment, (3) coercion (in attempting to make the victim do things that he/she does not want to do with their mind control methods), (4) psychological and virtual rape, (5) breaking and entering (which they often do to intimidate the victims by unlocking locked doors, turning back clocks, moving items in rooms, hiding other items, etc.),
(6) burglary and theft (which they commit when they enter a victim’s home and take items to confuse and disorient the victim), (7) recording a victim’s conversations without his/her consent, (8) voyeurism (through their ability to view the victim), (9) assault and battery (by using electric shock, etc. against the victims), (10) slander (by circulating rumors and stories about their victims), (11) libel (when those rumors and stories are put into print in the form of emails, etc), (12) computer hacking, (13) phone tapping, (14) first degree murder (when a victim suffers a fatal car crash because of sleep deprivation), and (15) attempted murder
(when their plans do not succeed), (16) in many cases, assisting a suicide, (17) torture, and
(18) acts of terrorism. In addition, the attackers break many FCC laws regulating communication and the use of frequencies and the air ways.
When the secret of electronic stalking and mind control is finally known and the criminals behind it brought to justice, the powerbrokers will attempt to use the Patriot Act and other
Executive Orders and legislation to protect the attackers. They will not be successful. The courts will find that no government employee, nobody working for the government, nor any other individual, regardless of his job, can receive immunity from breaking the laws. Former
Nazi concentration camp guards have unsuccessfully made the argument before the court that they were only acting under orders.
Once the system that employs electronic stalking and mind control comes crashing down, the attackers and their known accomplices will become “the fall guys.” It will probably take several years to charge and convict them. In the meantime, the powerbrokers will be making their plans. Convicting the higher-ups will be much more difficult.

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