The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
The Radical Right
Mary Mapes is a former CBS producer who broke the story about the Abu Ghraib torture and other abuses. She was fired by CBS because of the Far Right backlash after “60 Minutes” aired her story about then-President George W. Bush's draft dodging during the Vietnam War.
[She could have also mentioned Dick Cheney’s five deferments to avoid serving in Vietnam.]
As a result of her expose, right wing Bush supporters – clearly an oxymoron – waged a letter writing and internet blogging campaign probably unparalleled since the advent of the internet.
Mary called that group The Radical Right.
Such campaigns are not spontaneous; they are orchestrated. I believe that Mary was correct about a Radical Right. However, I also believe that it is used as a tool of the powerbrokers who seek to control this country. The powerbrokers are probably unconcerned by many of the causes that the Radical Right stand for. Yet, they meld those elements, some of which are even at odds with other members of the group, into a formidable pressure group for the powerbrokers' ends.
Some, or perhaps even most of the various groups, have legitimate purposes. Many, or perhaps most of them, may be well meaning. However, they are duped or mislead into doing what they perceive is best for the United States of America by the powerbrokers, who do not

have the best interests of the USA or its people at heart.
I believe that the Radical Right represents many socio-economic and religious components, composed of the following: (1) many of the Christian Fundamentalist churches, (2) Pro-Lifers, including many members of the Roman Catholic Church; (3) the businesses that participate in the InfraGard, including the media and the banking industry; (4) law enforcement on every level; (5) the intelligence community, both domestic and foreign; (6) many PACs and civic organizations; and (7) higher echelons of all three branches of government on the Federal, state, and local levels, including the state attorneys general. That does not, of course, mean that every member of those groups represents the Radical Right. Although the membership includes Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and other political parties, the guiding principles of the Republican Party probably dominate.
An anomaly is the university system. Universities are basically liberal in their philosophies.
However, they submit to the powerbrokers and the Radical Right due to the Federal funding that they usually receive from one avenue or another. Moreover, many university science laboratories work in conjunction with the powerbrokers in providing research furthering biological and neurological warfare. More than eighty universities and research institutes took part in the MKULTRA program from the 1950s into the 1970s.
In my opinion, the Radical Right probably comprises easily a fourth of the US population.
Several characteristics of the Radical Right give it power. First of all, it exercises control over the American society through the influence of the executive, judicial, and legislative processes. Secondly, it is highly organized. And thirdly, it reaches into the farthest corners of the national territory. The aims of the powerbrokers may not necessarily represent the aims of many groups of the Radical Right; nevertheless, the powerbrokers largely call the shots.
The powerbrokers behind the Radical Right decide who the friends and foes of the US are, and they also decide when, where, and how we fight our almost continuous wars. They manipulate the stock market and control the Federal Reserve Bank. They make our laws, including, for example, the Patriot Act. They determine what we watch on TV, what we buy and sell, and how much of our income we pay in taxes.
Those same powerbrokers also decide who actually fights our continuous wars. Years ago the powerbrokers had Congress to pass laws outlawing conscription. Today the U.S. Armed
Forces is now completely “voluntary.” What does that mean? It means that only young men from the poor and the lower middle classes, many of them Latinos and other ethnicities, volunteer for service and thus fight those wars. A “volunteer” army eliminates the powerbrokers’ family members from service, exactly what it was intended to do.
From a TI perspective, it appears that the overall aim of the powerbrokers and their Radical
Right is to fashion the US into its own view of a Judeo-Christian society. That means eliminating all freethinkers, whistle blowers, and liberal elements who pose a threat to those views. Conformity is their final objective. There is to be no dissent.
However, since the US still supposedly operates under a time-honored Constitution, the
Radical Right has to pursue its goals in an oblique manner not inconsistent with the written guarantees of that Constitution; thus, the advent of organized stalking and electronic stalking and mind control activities by unseen persons using unknown devices by remote that increasing numbers of Americans endure and that others face.

A facet of that objective appears to be a type of “social cleansing.” In addition to those targets already named, other persons engaging in family planning and abortion, in alternative life styles, in the drug culture, in liberal causes, and ex-cons and those who are seen as hopelessly disadvantaged, uneducated, and financially dependent are deemed
“expendables.” I suspect that the entire American population is undergoing systematic targeting by the powerbrokers to accomplish their objective. At their whim and order, any citizen can find himself on the “expendable” list and subjected to relentless electronic torture and mind control, the ultimate aim of which is his complete neutralization, including death.
The Radical Right organizations appear to emphasize the recruitment of members who are young, educated, and technically gifted. They especially look for members who possess computer skills, a knowledge of telephone and other communications, and a proficiency in electronics. Although not requisites, members of the Radical Right are more likely than not middle-class white males who are Christians or perhaps Jews. Others are not necessarily excluded but probably find that they are subjected to greater scrutiny than other members.
Four young men who recently (January, 2010) attempted to compromise Senator Mary
Landrieu's communications system in her New Orleans office probably typify the members who are recruited by the Radical Right groups. The men, all in their mid-twenties, have close ties to powerful Republicans, and two of them have connections with Israel. One of the young men, who had performed ex-oficio services for the CIA, had spent time in Israel. The four lawbreakers probably do not consider themselves either Rightists or Radicals. Indeed, if asked about their political leanings, they would probably call themselves Conservatives or
In the Radical Right's twisted concept of Utopian society, the family unit is the basis. I believe that is one of the reasons why the preponderance of REA targets, including many elderly people and divorcees, are single. Moreover, single people and those living alone are more vulnerable to the powerbrokers' electronic and neurological weapons and probably more easily managed.
Once those “undesirables” are hooked, the powerbrokers seek to either brand them as mentally incapable or cause them to commit suicide. In either case, they are neutralized. If either one or both of those efforts fail, the victim, or target, will be hounded until he loses his job or livelihood, becomes financially insolvent, and bereft of options concerning his future. At that point, once prostrated, if the target is considered recoverable and worth the effort, he will undergo a sustained “re-education” program through electronic stalking and mind control methods.
The recent economic crash may not have been altogether unforeseen, unplanned, and unpreventable. The crash plunged millions of middle-class Americans suddenly into bankruptcy and financial ruin. Imagine the opportunities presented to the powerbrokers either to neutralize or re-educate many of those people who currently do not subscribe to the Judeo-
Christian concepts of the Radical Right.
My attackers often tell me subliminally, “That hardheaded son-of-a-bitch does not understand what we're doing.” I reply subliminally, “Oh, yes I do understand what you're trying to do, you sorry bastards. I understand all too well. That is why I live to bring you sacks of shit down.”
I intend to be one of those incorrigible subjects who will not bend under any circumstances.

The Great Spirit accepts me for who I am. That is who I intend to remain – for as long as I live. I know that I am an obstacle to their objective, and I am very proud of that fact.
I have already learned how to ward off the worst of the attackers' electronic attacks; I hope to earn soon how to eliminate the V2K. I want to be among those who finally expose the cowardly and evil electronic stalking and mind control apparatus and bring it crashing down with a thunderous thud on the heads of the attackers. That will most definitely happen. I often tell the attackers, “Time is on MY side.”

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