The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
A “Master Plan”
One morning in early 2010, the attackers said something to me through their synthetic telepathy about a “master plan.” As usual, I laughed at them and ridiculed them, telling them that I had no interest in a master plan. One of the attackers whom I call Shitface insisted,
“You don’t understand. YOU are a part of that master plan.” I laughed again and replied, “I also have a master plan, and you are NOT a part of it.”
The attackers were probably engaging in their usual deception and lying when they talked about a master plan. On the other hand, there may be a group or groups in the United States that seek to establish a sick version of Utopia in which many people will be excluded.
Electronic stalking and mind control may be the vehicle for the genocide required to establish that homogeneous society. If that is correct, the master plan will almost certainly be a United
States of America governed by the Radical Right’s Judeo-Christian teachings.
Does that sound too right winged to be true? Not really. I know Evangelicals who, I am sure, would welcome the creation of a Fundamentalist Christian-type government theocracy in the
United States similar to those in the Islamic republics. You probably do, also. Is there a movement afoot to put such a master plan into effect? If so, such a theocracy would almost certainly exclude Moslems, Buddhists, atheists, agnostics, and perhaps Roman Catholics and
Orthodox Jews on religious pretexts. On the social level, it would probably also exclude divorcees, lesbians, homosexuals, welfare recipients, the very poor, social activists, and any other person who poses a threat to their intended master plan.
Dual Electronic Stalking Systems
I believe that the U. S. Government does target Americans for experiments and other reasons. Indeed much existing and emerging information supports that belief. However, after many years of victimizing Americans through the military, intelligence community, the FBI and other Federal agencies, perhaps the penal system, and probably approved research institutes, the powerbrokers may have lost control of that secret means and methods. Today those device(s) and methods have probably fallen into the hands of other elements who pursue their own agendas. Thus, there is a dual, or parallel, system of electronic stalking and mind control that pervades the USA, on the one hand the U.S. Government and on the other hand, rogue elements of various types.
Moreover, I believe that high officials in the U.S. Government “approve” various people to be
“sold” or let out to various groups, companies, and even countries. This is not an official government action but one made by top persons in the government privy to top secret projects. Those whose names are on the secret list can be experimented upon, tortured, or

otherwise neutralized.
Use your reasoning ability. Why do the FBI and other law enforcement and intelligence agencies refuse to investigate targets’ complaints of electronic stalking and mind control? I suggest that they cannot investigate targets' claims of REA without taking the risk of exposing their own program of REA. Thus, the governmental powerbrokers instruct law enforcement, state attorneys-general, and others not to interfere. In the meantime, the non-government forces' use of electronic stalking and mind control has proliferated. Today various non- government groups and organizations probably cooperate loosely with each other to carry out their own objectives and to help each other using the secret device(s) and methods.
The non-government groups are probably Far Rightists. As U. S. demographics change and minorities become more visible, as gay rights and abortion rights groups get increasing recognition and power, as generational have-nots become more restive, as white collar and other criminals get more daring, as the disparity between rich and poor grows wider, radical groups have formed to seek to maintain the status quo. It is always the ultra-conservatives and radical rightists who wish to slow down social, political, religious, and economic change.
Despite the oratory skills and the liberal leanings of the current president, it is an inescapable fact that the executive and upper echelons of government represent the powerbrokers. In addition, the non-governmental abusers of Americans' rights also represent the powerbrokers. Any way that a researcher views the situation, he will probably conclude that the powerbrokers that represent one group or another sponsor both the government REA program and the non-government rogue REA programs. This means that the proliferation of electronic stalking and mind control can be viewed as a conflict of social classes, with the shrinking middle class and the growing lower income strata pitted against the powerbrokers and those whom they approve.

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