The silent massacre

Anxiety, the Ultimate Weapon of the Attackers

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Anxiety, the Ultimate Weapon of the Attackers
As we targets know, many victims of organized stalking, electronic stalking, and mind control commit suicide. That act does not result from the physical electromagnetic harassment or even from the neurological effects, including the synthetic telepathy voices. Any target can endure the physical pain and the psychological harassment. Instead, the suicides are caused by anxiety.
I shall repeat ad nauseam that every target who gets the directed energy and electromagnetic attacks also gets the subconscious voices. I believe that victims of gang stalking are probably also electronically monitored and subjected to mind control. Most targets will not be able to hear those subconscious voices. However, I somehow learned to hear them. That I can hear those voices on a deeper level may be accidental, a special gift, or something sent to me by a
Higher Power. Whatever the reason, I am very grateful for that ability.
I have already mentioned that I was struck in the mid-1970’s by something similar to anxiety and again in 1999 with extreme anxiety. At the time, I had no idea that I had been targeted since the ‘70’s. The second round of anxiety can best be called a panic attack, which was the most horrible feeling that I have ever experienced in my life. It occurred during a period in my life when I was most vulnerable: my mother had just died; my remaining two siblings were angry with me over my executorship of the estate; I was selling my home; and I was trying to figure out what to do and where to go next. I asked a niece who is a nurse to recommend a psychiatrist. I made an appointment with that psychiatrist, and when after two visits he told me that I did not need him, I rose above the anxiety problem and went on with my life. That was before I realized that psychiatrists were accomplices of the powerbrokers. I do believe, however, that that particular psychiatrist was among the few who had not sold out to the system or at least had not sold out completely.
In the meantime, in late 2005 I learned that I was a target. The attackers’ harassment program included electronic attacks and synthetic telepathy voices. I got the V2K 24/7.
Naturally, I was supposed to hear those voices. Only much later did I learn to hear the voices of my attackers that I was NOT supposed to hear. Those voices – I call them “silent” or subconscious voices – were too low in volume for my conscious to hear. They were aimed at my subconscious to keep me from hearing them.
After I began to catch the subconscious voices, which were usually conducted by repetitious loop play tapes, I realized that the attackers’ main objective was to cause anxiety. The attackers knew that my son and I enjoyed a particularly close relationship, and they set out to wreck that relationship while at the same time filling me with anxiety. They have failed in both objectives. Yet, they continue to send voices to my subconscious about my son and his

family, for example, that my son had drowned, that he had lung cancer, that he had been taken to the emergency room, that he was molesting his little daughter, that he was going bankrupt, that he was involved in prostitution, that my daughter-in-law had breast cancer, and anything else that they think will induce anxiety.
But as the old expression goes, something happened on the way to the forum. I am no longer the vulnerable target of the mid-1970’s and 1999. Now cognizant of what produced my previous anxiety and now able to hear the voices used to induce it, I am now an expert on anxiety. I not only can handle it but I can also anger and frustrate the attackers. I tell them,
“There is absolutely NOTHING that you can do to me physically or neurologically to induce anxiety.” That pisses the attackers off, which give me a great deal of satisfaction.
I am currently developing a free course for other targets about anxiety, or panic attacks, what causes them (the subconscious voices), how to deal with them, and how to go on with their lives. In addition, I believe that I can teach other targets to hear the subconscious voices. My purpose is to prevent targets from considering suicide as an option. Targets cannot yet stop the remote electronic stalking and mind control attacks, but they can learn to deal with those attacks.

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