The silent massacre

The Attackers’ Accomplices

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
The Attackers’ Accomplices
Accomplices help the attackers in various ways. Without the accomplices, the attackers would not be able to operate effectively. They may not be able to operate at all. If we are to believe that much of the electronic stalking and mind control is carried out through microchips implanted in unknowing targets, those small devices would very likely have to be implanted by medical personnel. There is much circumstantial evidence that doctors, nurses, and others do indeed implant microchips. They are perhaps misled into that crime by the powerbrokers, who explain that the microchips will only be used to track the targets. Regardless of the reason why the medical community cooperates, they are violating the Hippocratic Oath, various laws, and human rights in doing so.
Other accomplices aid the attackers’ electronic and mind control assault by physically stalking the targets. Targets who receive the electronic and mind control effects also often complain of organized stalking in their neighborhoods and other places. The accomplices are normally people of all walks of life who have been enlisted by the attackers to participate in the REA by harassing the targets. They are often volunteers who get an adrenalin rush and a perverse sense of pleasure and power in being able to bother others. Some accomplices who live near the targets and render their fulltime services to harass them are paid salaries or receive other benefits from their help.
Attackers are permanent personnel. On the other hand, accomplices are not necessarily permanent employees and they probably receive only on-the-job training. They usually only provide on-site organized stalking, and although they are often paid, they do not have any on- hands dealings with the actual handler operations. The accomplices are intentionally kept out of the tight operations circle, for the greater the number of people that knows about the electronic and mind control operations, the greater the risk of discovery.
Electronic and mind control assailants also often depend on local accomplices to help with their aims. I classify the accomplices as active and passive. The first group (the actives) participates in street theatrics, gaslighting, and gang stalking; the second group (the passives) knows what is going on but keeps quiet. Unknown persons have entered my house in my absence on several occasions and taken items and rearranged other items although that does not happen often in my case. I get very little overt harassment from organized stalkers.
In October of 2008 while I was away on a several-day trip, someone entered my house and took from the center of my bed a round magnet with which I always sleep that measures two inches in diameter by a half inch in thickness. That magnet never leaves my bed and my house. When I change sheets, it goes right back into the bed. I later found the magnet in
January, 2009 in the back of a little-used closet. Sometimes the intruders will enter again in the target’s absence to replace the object in its original location to make him think that he is losing his mind, one of their main objectives. Targets call that tactic “gas lighting.”
Accomplices of the REA perpetrators perform the actual foot work. Many of the accomplices work in legitimate businesses such as delivery organizations. In my case, UPS has failed to deliver at least five items that I ordered or that someone was sending to me. Two of the items were returned to the senders without my being notified. Never once did a UPS driver leave a

notice on my door or in my mailbox that he had attempted to deliver packages. Accomplices also work among law enforcement, in the postal system, telecommunications companies, especially local internet providers, and other legitimate businesses.
The local helpers of the REA assailants usually do not forcefully enter houses of targets but use either a master key or an electronic device that opens any locks. Likewise, they will never steal any item of great value. After gaining entry, the accomplices will rearrange items in the house or place them in locations where the target would never put them. Their mission is: to make the victim think that he is going crazy (gas lighting); to let the target know that they have the power to enter whenever they wish; to remind the target that he is under constant watch; and to frighten or intimidate the target.
Once, in my absence accomplices dropped a 9 volt battery and six AA batteries into my garbage disposal, which I later discovered when I turned on the disposal. The batteries had come from a night table drawer where I keep them. That meant that the accomplices had inspected every area of my house and had gone through all of my belongings. Covert entry does not often happen in my case; however, it occurs frequently in the case of many other targets.
Items taken will often consist of anything that they believe might be helpful in their mind control efforts. For example, on one occasion, intruders stole from my desk a roster of an
English-as-a-Second-Language class that I had taught. That theft probably represented additional sleuthing into people whom I know, as they often mention names when they talk to me through the V2K. Most of their information came from the attackers’ mining my thoughts and memories.
Although the accomplices are not permanent employees and often are not even paid (except perhaps in “favors” in fixing traffic tickets, etc.), they play an important support role in electronic and mind control assault. Without the goon squads who openly harass some targets, burglarize their houses, sabotage their electricity, water, and appliances, surreptitiously enter their domiciles for “gas lighting,” strew rumors, collect extraneous information about the targets’ lives, and interfere with the targets’ communications, the attackers’ work would be much harder, perhaps even impossible.
Communications companies and internet providers almost certainly cooperate with the powerbrokers and their handler employees. We see that in the way targets’ computers are manipulated by remote. Although the attackers include computer experts, even those experts could not perform many of the things done to the targets’ email and other computer material without going through the targets’ internet providers. Likewise, the telephone companies doubtlessly allow the attackers access to their facilities to accomplish many of their phone tricks.
In all, I have experienced very little physical stalking, illegal entries, gaslighting, and other on- site activities. That may be due to my living in a very rural area with no nearby neighbors as well as the ability to protect myself. It could also indicate that my targeting largely comes from afar and is not local.

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