misinformation agents have convinced many targets that they come from a particular genetic strain or blood line and were thus targeted before or from birth. Many of the TIs who actually believe those things are very well meaning and have been convinced of those inaccurate concepts through voice-to-brain emissions. That is exactly why we call that activity “mind control.”
Internet blogger “plants” intentionally strew erroneous material in their online blogs.
Members of various TI
internet forums write pedantic, argumentative, and misrepresentative emails in the forums. In those emails, they refer viewers to lies disseminated in bogus web sites and other locations. Some of those TI “plants” relate convincing stories; however, usually they trip over their many lies and astute TIs can often identify them as impostors.
Authors publish lies and misleading information
in on-line articles, in magazines, and even in books about electronic assault and mind control.
Not all of the information spread on the internet and in articles and books is false by any means. Even many of the people who disseminate misinformation and disinformation are very sincere. I do not pretend to be expert in determining which information is false and which is true; however, I have learned that much of it is utter deceptive. Electronic assault and mind control itself is incredible enough without being compounded by deliberate lies disseminated by the REA perpetrators.
Let me be perfectly clear. The perpetrators of mind control are NOT aliens from outer space.
NOT members of the so-called Illuminati. NOT men who can change to reptiles and lizards and other paranormal shapes. NOT ritualistic sex lords seeking sex slaves. NOT men seeking to wipe out particular blood lines and genetic groups. NOT the Masonic Order although some of them may be Masons. Targets who believe those deceptions have been successfully manipulated by the perpetrators.
Even should the perpetrators be one or several of the above, the government has to know about their electronic activities. Hundreds of intelligence agents continually search the air waves for unrecognizable electronic signals. They could not fail to locate the frequencies over which the perps perform their electronic stalking and mind control. That proves to my satisfaction that the perpetrators pursue an agenda approved by the government’s powerbrokers.
The powerbrokers behind electronic torture and mind control fear the targets’ networking over the internet. Web sites dealing with REA are often subjected to internet intimidation by having their information deleted or otherwise compromised. Some targets have had to change the names of their sites several times because of that interference. The internet may well become the catalyst that exposes the REA devices and methods and who lies behind them.
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