The silent massacre

Victims of Experimentation

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Victims of Experimentation
Two dates are significant to targets: (1) the date when they first became aware that they were targeted, and (2) the date that they believe, by “connecting the dots,” that they were first targeted. Often there are several years between the two dates. It is far easier to date the discovery of one’s targeting than to date the actual beginning of it. In my case, for example, I was targeted as early as 1973, perhaps even earlier, but did not realize it until 2005, thirty-two years later. In other cases, targets seemingly discovered that they were targeted shortly after it probably occurred.
A small number of targets believe that they were targeted as infants or in very early childhood for lifelong experimentation. If that is true, the current ages of those targets suggest that their targeting may have begun in the late 1940’s or the 1950’s. That would be consistent with the known facts. The FBI’s COINTELPRO project is said to have officially begun in the early
1950s; it undoubtedly began earlier.
Documents found in the late 1960’s and the 1970’s reveal that the U. S. Government began performing experiments on its citizens almost immediately following the end of World War
Two. Most of those experiments dealt with learning how the human mind works and how it can be altered. The experiments took various code names: MKUltra (MK stands for “mind control”), Monarch, Bluebird (later renamed Artichoke), Montauk, and others. Those activities have been well researched, and the information is found in many websites online; thus, I will not delve further into them here.
Almost two hundred public and private entities participated in those experiments, including public and private universities, public institutions such as the National Institute of Health, defense manufacturers and contractors, pharmaceutical companies, and independent researchers and scientists. Various U. S. Government agencies, notably the CIA, were responsible for coordinating the results of those experiments and working on the military applications of their data and inventions. Most of the experimentation was contracted out.
In the late 1960’s when some of those experiments were brought to light, the CIA destroyed most of its incriminating documentation. Nevertheless, a Congressional investigation ensued in the mid-1970s, and the U. S. intelligence community was enjoined from sponsoring the experiments. We know today that they did not stop the experiments; they only made them

more secret. At this very moment, scientists work feverishly on brain mapping in the U. S. and other countries. No intelligent person, much less a targeted individual, believes that those efforts are purely humanitarian in nature. Nor does he believe that the subjects of the brain mapping projects are necessarily voluntary. Most of the experiments would have no validity if the subject were willing and knew what was happening.
“Black” budgets, shrouded in secrecy and embedded in regular Congressional allocations, finance the ongoing experiments. Few government officials, including probably the President of the United States, know the amount of money at the disposal of the secret operatives of the
CIA and the remainder of the intelligence organizations. Clandestine units within those intelligence agencies seem to increase with each successive administration.
The “black” operatives apparently have no Congressional oversight, and, I would guess, little executive branch oversight. Likewise, the judicial branch does not become involved in those secret operatives. After all, how can one challenge in court secret units and their secret activities that do not officially exist?
I believe that electronic stalking and mind control is both punitive and experimental. The dual purpose is particularly true in vendetta-type assaults: get rid of your enemy and while doing so, learn all that is possible about physical and neurological torture. Israel is the prime example of the perpetrator that would derive the greatest benefit from dual purpose electronic stalking and mind control. That action conveniently removes its enemies and at the same time provides opportunities for greater neurological research. Other countries and elements within the United States have the same motives.

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