The silent massacre

Psychiatrists, Arch Enemies of Targets

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Psychiatrists, Arch Enemies of Targets
Do not believe for a second that psychiatrists do not know about electronic stalking and mind control. About a year after I began receiving the continual effects of REA, I visited the same psychiatrist whom I had contacted years earlier when I suffered from anxiety induced by the attackers. I left him a summary of my REA experiences and my thoughts about them. He read that summary, and apparently the content did not at all surprise him, nor did he suggest that I was delusional. Instead, he encouraged me to write a fictional book about those experiences.
I told him that if I did write a book, it most certainly would not be fictional.
Not all psychiatrists are involved in the REA conspiracy; they are simply defending their field of study. Look at it from a practical viewpoint. If a psychiatrist actually believes that a patient is a victim of REA, he loses that patient, for a psychiatrist can only treat real problems with the victim’s brain, not what the stalkers do to his brain. To keep the patient, the psychiatrist is compelled to call the victim’s condition paranoia, schizophrenia, or dementia and then prescribe mind-altering drugs, which only compound the stalkers’ effects. Psychiatrists operate within the narrow framework of their medical school teachings based mainly on nineteenth century observations and experiments. Their treatment usually consists of prescribing patients various forms of anti-depressants.
Often psychiatrists will recommend extended treatment in a psychiatric facility for victims who
“hear voices.” That treatment is sometimes provided in the American Gulag, or the nearest insane asylum, for few targets can afford private clinics. Several victims with whom I corresponded had been involuntarily admitted to mental institutions because of their

symptoms despite not posing a threat to anyone or to themselves. They always came out of those institutions worse than when they went in. Many facilities still employ shock therapy, which has been totally discredited as a means of treatment for mental illnesses.
In attempting to defend themselves from unseen and unknown objects from an unseen force, targets do indeed often act in bizarre manners. They develop faux phobias about going to doctors and dentists; they fixate on objects disturbed or missing from their houses; they feel that TVs are used to watch them; they place aluminum foil over their windows to ward off the directed energy waves or whatever they may turn out to be; and they start thinking that almost everybody is a perp. Those are reactions to their electronic stalking and mind control assault, not signs of genuine mental problems.
Until World War II, psychiatry as a medical science was scarcely known by the general
American population. However, in the 1950’s people started turning to psychiatrists for their perceived problems. Law enforcement began using psychiatrists to evaluate persons who either committed crimes or were thought to be capable of committing crimes. Anti- depressants for depression and other mental conditions became commonplace. Since then, psychiatric medicine has become a huge business.
Strangely, the popularity of psychiatry evolved collaterally in the last half of the twentieth century with the government’s obsession with neurological warfare. Those responsible for the development and employment of electronic stalking and mind control have not only fostered an increasing reliance on psychiatry but have also made psychiatry a main facet of their total neurological torture scheme.
Targets know that attackers manipulate them to react in what is considered abnormal behavior. When they do so, targets are often forced to undergo “psychiatric evaluations.” The psychiatrists who perform those evaluations almost always diagnose targets as delusional, schizophrenic, or paranoid and “treat” those victims with mind altering drugs. Their diagnosis, says Wikipedia, “is based on observed behavior and the patient's reported experiences.” In other words, if a target admits to a psychiatrist that he hears voices, he will be diagnosed as schizophrenic. Once evaluated and found mentally disturbed, targets lose their credibility, and their complaints of electronic stalking and mind control activities are considered delusional ideas.
Most psychiatrists agree that if a person is schizophrenic, his symptoms will be obvious by early adulthood; yet, most targets are in their middle ages when their induced symptoms begin. The National Institute of Mental Health online booklet on schizophrenia states that
“most of the time, people do not get schizophrenia after age 45.” I was almost seventy years old when my “schizophrenic delusions” developed.
A February 3, 2012 article in the Science News called “Schizophrenia: When Hallucinatory
Voices Suppress Real Ones, New Electronic Application May Help” states that a schizophrenic patient “experiences the inner voices as 100 per cent real . . . “ and ". . . at the same time, he can't hear voices of others actually present in the same room." That is not the case with targets. Targets hear other people’s voices while the attackers talk in the background. In fact, most of the targets inform me—and this is also true in my case—that whenever they are talking with other people, they cannot hear the attackers’ voices. If the above explanation of “hallucinatory” voices is accurate, it proves that targets are not

Targets are victims not only of electronic assault but also of medical misdiagnosis. When a patient visits a doctor and complains of dermatitis or restless legs, neither of which is an ailment that can be seen, he is taken seriously. Yet, if that same patient sees the same doctor and complains of electrical jolts and hearing voices, which likewise cannot be seen (or heard), he will be referred to a shrink. Such is the bias and prejudice – and ignorance -- of medical practitioners. Medicine is not an exact science and is very subjective.
Psychiatrists have never seriously studied electronic stalking and mind control assault. Very few psychiatrists seem to know much about organized stalking in general. Psychiatrists could be very valuable allies to targets in identifying other victims of electronic stalking and mind control and working with targets to find who is harassing them, how, and why; instead, psychiatrists represent the enemy by cooperating with those who sponsor the REA. Whether intentional or otherwise, they serve as accomplices of the powerbrokers behind the REA.
Evidence that psychiatrists know about REA and cooperate with the perpetrators in covering it up exists in abundance. Indeed, psychiatrists almost have to support the powerbrokers behind REA to maintain their professional credibility. Think about it. If psychiatrists admit that symptoms of schizophrenia and paranoia can be induced from outside the human mind and body by remote, it blows the whole rationale behind psychiatry as a science and repudiates the tenets on which their profession rests, for induced signs of schizophrenia and paranoia cannot be treated with traditional psychological therapy and medicines.
Psychiatrists have aided the CIA and other intelligence units since before World War II. In

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