The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Deception characterizes the electronic targeting. The powerbrokers seized upon September
11, 2001 and George W. Bush’s subsequent actions to deceive targets into believing that their torture began after 2001. That is colossal deception. The fact is that most of those victims who claim to have been targeted in the period 2001-2010 were probably targeted years before then. However, the perpetrators waited until then to let them know that they were targeted, leading them to believe that they were only recently targeted.
The attackers, or attackers, also use deception to thwart efforts to detect the assailants and their devices/methods. That deception begins with the target’s physical harassment by remote. When a victim is struck with REA, he first believes that the objective is to torture him physically. Although the attackers gleefully apply those torture techniques, their real and end objective is mind control. Experimentation figures greatly in that objective.

One of the best examples of deception is seen in the voice-to-skull (V2K) contact between attackers and targets. The attackers use simulated voices and simulated accents. They also often change their voices and employ recordings of other voices to convince the target that there are several attackers present at all times. Computer programs that allow the attackers to achieve that deception are widely available.
Attackers will also attempt to persuade the target through deception that they represent various ethnic, religious, political, racial, and other groups. They once told me that they were from south China. They have also used stereotypical Deep South black accents and Hispanic accents. I often get “wrong number” calls from black- and Latino-sounding people from various area codes in the United States.
They very often pose as Christians and try to make the target believe that they are practicing behavior modification. In many cases, the attackers supposedly try to convert the targets into good “Christians,” which, considering the cruelty and unlawfulness of the criminals using the devices, is a real joke. Nevertheless, those tactics sometimes work. A few targets have even allowed themselves to become “converted” only to discover that their conversions did not end the effects of the REA. Again, total deception.
In my case, the attackers often show me holographic pictures of a man in robes who is generally believed by Christians to be Jesus and tell me that I am going to hell. Again, that is total deception. I taunt them that the picture could not be authentic because it is not autographed. I have learned to project back to the attackers holographic pictures, so I often toss back their holographic picture of Christ showing him in drag, wearing spike high-heel shoes, earrings, and lipstick. The attackers pretend to be very affronted. That also is deception, for the attackers possess no shame, morals, or decency – and certainly no religion. Moreover, the holographs themselves are deceptions (read about holographs in another section of this paper).
The religious conversion ploy was noted by a whistleblower who worked with the U.S.
National Security Agency (NSA) under a defense contract. That person wrote in an internet article: “. . . the subject is unknowingly given hypnosis while the subject is completely awake and is tortured and punished with this hypnosis into a predetermined behavior by the National
Security Agency; . . . the behavior is usually extremely religious, is called ‘reborn’ by the church, with the subject's life-long goal of ‘a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.’” The
NSA uses this technology [electronic stalking and mind control] to resocialize (brainwash) the
US civilian . . . population.”
There may indeed be a link between the U. S. Government and Fundamentalist churches. It is worthwhile noting that many Christian churches today receive government grants, an act once believed to violate the principle of separation of church and state, which began in the
1970’s. Many so-called Christians are thinly disguised bigots. When I ask TIs to describe their symptoms, when those symptoms began, and their general physical environment, they very often mention that a hostile Fundamentalist minister lives next door, across the street, or very nearby. A law enforcement officer will also often live very close.
Despite the deception, every target knows that the attackers themselves cannot possibly be true Christians and could not possibly be truly religious in any fashion. Christians do not torture people, break up families, cause people financial hardships, hack computers and tap

phones, intercept mail, stalk people, invade people's minds, and attack people sexually.
Neither do good Moslems, Jews, Shintoists, Hindus, Buddhists, and others. If the scumbags who handle targets are Christians of any type, the spiritual world of Christianity has no validity.
The attackers also cleverly use deception in confusing targets concerning shielding. They allow some types of shielding to be partially effective for some targets and not effective for others. They also allow some types of shielding to be effective for a few days only to disappoint the targets by resuming the electronic and neurological attacks a few days later.
Targets argue over the shielding devices and methods. That is by design, its purpose being to delude targets about shielding. To my knowledge, no type of shielding has proven entirely protective for all targets.
The attackers have the capability of deceiving targets through hacking their computers and tapping their phones. For example, when attackers use AT&T to call from a non-existent area code using a non-existent number, targets think that company cooperates with the attackers. I recently got a call from 111-111-1111. The phone’s Caller I.D. showed, “Unknown name.”
Some of those communications providers probably do allow the use of their facilities by the attackers at the request of the Government; however, whether they approve or not, the attackers are able to use their communications systems.
Attackers can even hack into targets’ email accounts to send messages that damage the reputation and credibility of those hapless victims. Several targets have accidentally found some of those fake messages on the internet while communicating with others. One of their favorite tricks is planting kiddie porn in targets’ computers through attachments not readily viewed. They can also intercept victims’ emails and edit, substitute, or delete their attachments. That has happened in my case.
Extortion is another deception. My attackers have mentioned various amounts of money to me for payment to them on several occasions, suggesting that the payment would end the
REA. That is absolute deception. In the first place, the protocol that the hireling attackers must follow probably prohibits that the attackers ask for or receive money from targets. And secondly, the attackers do not have the authority to determine when, if ever, a target is released from his torture. Only the powerbrokers who control the handler hirelings can do so.
The corollary to the extortion deception is offering the victim rewards if he joins them. The attackers have urged me on several occasions to join them. I laugh at them.
The attackers also deceive through playing “good cop-bad cop.” My attackers always deride my work efforts and methods in their subliminal talking as I carry out home improvement projects. They taunt and belittle me as I work. Then, after a few minutes of blustering and disparaging the activity, one of the attackers will make a very complimentary remark about some aspect of the work. I am supposed to warm up to the “good cop” and then cooperate with him in his mind control efforts. To an educated target, their psychology is insultingly juvenile. I call it “pre-nursery school psychology.”
They also deceive targets into believing that they have been poisoned. Many targets complain that the food and beverage kept in the refrigerator taste strange, and they think that their attackers have poisoned it. The attackers often do toy with the target’s senses, making their taste buds play tricks on them. Sometimes targets become ill after eating or drinking

something that had been previously opened and left in the fridge, re-enforcing their belief that they have been poisoned.
The attackers do indeed have the capability of causing severe indigestion and other gastric problems, and they can even induce vomiting. They want targets to believe that somebody is entering their domicile and poisoning the food and drink. That is part of their psychological bag of tricks, and it is far too overt to fit into the attackers’ covert operations. Only rarely do attackers and their accomplices actually enter victims’ houses to tamper with their food. More deception.
Attackers will often deceive targets into believing that they are law enforcement officers and intelligence agents. If the attackers were either, they certainly would not convey that to the targets. Whenever attackers identify themselves through V2K as local law enforcement or the
FBI or CIA, targets can be sure that they are most definitely NOT.
Their deception even involves national politics. In the 2008 Presidential Election, I supported
Barrack Obama, and I was among only a handful of white voters in my area to do so. The attackers vociferously lambasted me subliminally for my views, instead lauding McCain and often praising George Bush and Dick Cheney. They wanted me to believe that they were pro-
Bush elements. The objectives of the attackers cut across all political, religion, and economic thought.
Many targets believe that cell phones are used as weapons by their attackers and accomplices and that they are attacked from cell towers. I confess that at one time I also believed that; however, after studying the causes and effects, I believe that neither the cell phone nor the cell tower can be used as weapons although they are used to aid the attackers’ communication and perhaps their ability to locate us. There may even be a way for cell phone users to press certain numbers and signals to cause some physical effect on targets. If that is true, the cell phone itself does not actually do anything but only communicates with the attackers’ device(s), which delivers the effect. There is no doubt that the attackers use cell phones extensively, but as tools, not as weapons. I believe that information widely disseminated on the web about the role of the cell phone and cell towers in our REA is largely deliberate misinformation and deception.
Lights are also often used to deceive targets. Several correspondents believe that lights shining from their neighbors’ houses are used on them as weapons. I suggest that that is intentional deception. The neighbors are probably only accomplices who focus the lights on the targets at the attackers’ bidding. The attackers then plant the idea in the target’s psyche that his electronic and mind control effects stem from the lights. If the lights were causing the targets’ REA, all they would have to do is change locations to avoid those effects.
If a target gets the V2K, his attackers will make him think that they do all of the talking that he hears in real time. That is absolutely false and deceptive. If a target notices, much of the attackers’ talking is repetitive. That is for good reason, for the attackers often use pre- recorded drivel while they sit there and occasionally intersperse that material with their real time voices.
In addition to playing the pre-recorded material interspersed with their real time voices, the attackers can also with the touch of a key or symbol on their computer keyboard cause

targets to hear pre-recorded words, phrases, and sentences. In my case, they often play the sound of a shrill female voice screaming at me. The voice, message, pitch, and cadence are always the same, a very obvious recording.
Duplicity and deception are practiced in every form, particularly with those targets who hear the synthetic telepathy. For some time, my attackers have repeated my conscious thoughts back to me. In doing so, they use a voice similar to mine to try to make me think that it is an echo of my real voice. One day I intentionally relayed to them a thought but stopped suddenly at the first syllable of a four- or five-syllable word. The attackers did not realize my trick fast enough. The second voice finished that long word. So much for the “echo!”
An exception to their repeating my exact words occurs when I pray to The Great Spirit. Every time I use the word “day,” the handler who is repeating my thoughts will say “damned day.”
The word “damned” is code and is symbolic of my being on their hit list, thus damned, or condemned. Does that bother me? Not at all. Knowing the evil, sick nature of the attackers, I feel pride at being included on their hit list. I often tell them, “Whatever you nut cases stand for, I am against it. I’m on the opposite side.”
As already mentioned, the attackers have damaged my eyesight so that images on TV and the captions appear blurred. I thought for a long while that the damaged eyesight came from pin prick sensations that the attackers caused to my eyeballs, particularly the left one.
However, I later realized that my failing eyesight is caused by either (1) a computer program that controls one’s eyesight, perhaps a special microchip invented supposedly for the seeing impaired or (2) neurological suggestions to my subconscious that affect the eyesight. The attackers can accomplish the latter by instructing a target’s subconscious for example that when it sees a number seven, it will look like a number one. They can use variables of that neurological method to make what a target sees to appear blurred and unintelligible.
Remember that the name of the game is mind control.
Deception is also used in organized stalking by accomplices of the attackers. Here is an example: You are being interviewed for a job and the interviewer is friendly and appears very interested in hiring you. Then, the interviewer suddenly gets a phone call, and when he hangs up, his demeanor changes. He icily informs you that he cannot hire you without giving you any other explanation. He abruptly ends the Interview. This is pure theatrics. The interviewer had been warned in advance to string you along and then dash your hopes for the job. That is the way the perps operate.
Such is the nature and the planning of deception that it may have even been used in convincing targets that microchips are the basis of their electronic stalking and mind manipulation. A grand deception! The powerbrokers may have spread misinformation about microchips for years, knowing that finally targets were going to realize that their torture could have come from other devices. By the time the truth emerged about capabilities of “hooking” targets without using microchips, the myth of microchips will have become firmly established and difficult to dislodge.
The perps attempt to delude the targets, especially those who receive the V2K, about their identity. That is, of course, intentional, and it is done in an oblique manner. The attackers will very rarely say that they are a specific group. If they do, they are lying. However, they will make statements, use expressions, and make insinuations that lead targets to believe that

they belong to various groups and organizations. Here are some of the ones they have tried to make me believe that they represent.
-- Mexicans or U. S. Hispanics. The powerbrokers do indeed often use Latinos as accomplices; however, the powerbrokers are NOT Latinos. In my case, the attackers sought to deceive me into thinking that my assailants were Mexicans/Hispanics because of my strong stance on illegal immigration.
-- Local law enforcement. The attackers have never stated that they are local police or sheriff’s deputies; however, they often talk about an “investigation.” I tell them to investigate their asses off.
-- CIA/FBI. I intentionally goad the attackers. When I think of the CIA, for example, I think,
“Waterboard those bastards to death.” The attackers act incensed. Likewise, I often telepathically call the FBI “the fuck-ups.” Again, the attackers pretend to be offended.
-- Extortionists. On several occasions, the attackers have demanded certain sums of money, promising on delivery that they would, “Let me go.” I reply, “It’s not a matter of letting ME go.
No, it’s I who’s not letting you scudsballs off the hook.” I often add, “You cowardly pieces of s
—t don’t worry me at all; on the contrary, I worry the very hell out of you!”
-- U. S. veterans. I opposed both the 1991 and the 2003 Iraq wars. I also oppose our presence in Afghanistan. I often make telepathic insulting remarks about American politicians who have endorsed those wars and the officers who engage in them. One of the attackers once told me that he had served in Vietnam. I told him (through synthetic telepathy), “You stupid jerk, no wonder we lost the f--king war.”
-- Foreigners. In addition to Mexicans, the attackers have told me that they are Chinese living in south China.
-- Local posse comitatus. The attackers have often told me to leave the parish, that they were sending the “death squad,” and that they were going to burn my house down. I tell them,
“Bring it on, you cowardly little turds. I’m not budging.”
-- Republicans. I was a Democrat for many years before switching to Independent. However, I supported Barrack Obama in the last election and I still support much of what his administration does. The attackers often ridicule me for my belief in President Obama, wanting me to think that they are Republicans and that they are anti-black.
-- Evangelicals. One of the continual themes that the attackers peddle is “born again” type
Christianity. They often remark, “You’re going to hell.” They make allusions to Jesus and other Christian symbols. I retort with, “Yeah, you lovely, kind, upstanding, angelical assholes.
You are such exemplary Christians!”
-- Blacks. Like Hispanics, blacks often participate as accomplices in organized stalking activities. The attackers often simulate Southern-type blacks in “wrong number” calls, and they project voices to me when I’m in the presence of blacks, trying to make me think that the voices are those blacks.

-- White supremacists. The attackers often make remarks similar to KKK propaganda and berate me for friendships with blacks and others.
-- East Indians. East Indians are occasionally accomplices. On several occasions, East
Indians have entered the scene of my stalking. However, although Indian scientists probably do have electronic and mind control technology, the East Indians who figure in my stalking are probably simply pawns.
-- Zionists. As the reader already knows, I am avowedly and fervently anti-Zionist. The attackers attempt to convince me that I am wrong and that Zionists, and Christianity and
Judaism are the pillars that hold up the world. They often tell me, “The Israelis are your friends.”
-- Anti-gays. The attackers often allude to friends who are gay, and they make fun of me when
I correspond with gays.
-- Behavioral modification experts. As already mentioned, if one of the attackers’ objectives is behavior modification, it is a sick modification. They often induce dreams depicting children and then, through their software and neurological whisperings, attempt to cause erections, thus associating the erections with the children. They also mention relatives of both genders while attempting to cause the arousals. There is no doubt in my mind that the attackers attempt to modify behavior, but they seek to develop a depraved behavior doubtlessly to attempt to discredit the targets.
-- Neighbors. The attackers have called my attention to outside street lights at my neighbors and tried to make me believe that somehow the lights were responsible for my electronic stalking. They have also planted ideas in my mind that those same neighbors are plotting against me.
-- Former neighbors. The attackers enjoy recounting anecdotes from my early life in the community where I grew up. They talk about people whom I knew back then. Learning that information is very easy. If their objective is to make me believe that former neighbors are part of the scheme, they have failed.
-- Patriots and “The Radical Right.” I often ridicule anything that relates to the Far Right. I sing ridiculous words to the tune of The Star Spangled Banner. The attackers pretend to be affronted.
-- Former classmates. One of the attackers’ favorite taunts is that they went to grammar school with me. In the Deep South where I grew up, we called elementary schools “grammar schools.” I ridicule them when they tell me something about grammar school by remarking,
“You nitwits, everybody knows that you didn’t even go to grammar school. You couldn’t have because you don’t know any f--king grammar.” They say the same thing about going to high school with me. The object is to make me suspicious of those former classmates and perhaps even avoid them. It does not work. Finally, the attackers dropped using “grammar school” as a reference and began using “high school.”
The imbeciles do not stop to think that if they claim to have attended either grammar school or high school with me, it automatically eliminates them from being black or Hispanic or foreign. I

went to segregated all-white elementary and high schools, and in those days, there were no
Indians, Hispanics, or any other ethnic group in my area. It also eliminates my current neighbors, for none of them went to school with me.
Moreover, I know the classmates who went into law enforcement, the armed forces, and government work. There were very few who did so. The attackers would never allow targets to pin them down to such a small number of possibilities. As for the remainder of the deceptive groups, much of the population in my area could easily be Evangelicals,
Republicans, White Supremacists, anti-gay, Zionists, and the types to participate in a posse

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