The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Local Law Enforcement
Like the FBI and other national law enforcement agencies, local level law enforcement has also been unresponsive to victims. There may be several reasons for that.
(1) Local law enforcement knows little if anything about electronic stalking and neurological assault. Officers on the local level very seldom receive training in high-tech crimes involving the human body. If they have received training, that instruction probably covered only the electronic effects and did not address the mind control element. In addition, most law enforcement officers, as well as the general public, simply cannot comprehend how twenty- first century technology can be utilized to invade the human mind and affect the human body.
(2) Victims can normally produce no hard evidence concerning their complaints, let alone identify their assailants. As law enforcement rushes to point out, that gives them little to work with in pursuing the assailants. It also provides them a very convenient excuse to do nothing.
(3) Victims are very reluctant to make complaints concerning neurological attacks for fear that they will be considered crazy and treated as such. Indeed, psychiatrists and others have convinced the world that persons who complain of electronic stalking and mind control must be textbook cases of paranoid-schizophrenia. I remained silent for three years after I knew what was happening for that same reason. When I finally did brave the stigma of being labeled crazy to present my complaints, surely enough the investigative officers apparently thought or pretended to think that I was crazy.
(4) Authorities are reluctant to publicize information in the media concerning electronic and neurological attacks, as many citizens would become alarmed for their safety. The difficulty in enforcing laws making citizens safe from high tech assault causes law enforcement to maintain silence. The assailants are quite aware of the authorities’ dilemma, and they exploit that weakness.
(5) Local law enforcement may be coerced by national law enforcement and intelligence into not cooperating with victims or otherwise interfering in cases of electronic stalking. The
Federal government very often gives grants to local police departments; thus, the Federal government has a great deal of leverage over those local units.
(6) In some cases, law enforcement doubtlessly knowingly permits and sometimes even abets and actively participates in those stalking activities. If not, they may have very good ideas about people and groups that might engage in electronic stalking without pursuing those ideas. It is no secret that law enforcement officials in many places have “protected” certain criminal elements either for money or other benefits or out of sympathy for those groups. Vigilante groups are known to enjoy police and other law enforcement support and protection in some areas of the United States.

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