ASSESS (Circle all signs present) CLASSIFY CHECK FOR GENERAL DANGER SIGNS NOT ABLE TO DRINK OR BREASTFEED LETHARGIC OR UNCONSCIOUS General danger signs present VOMITS EVERYTHING Yes No CONVULSIONS Remember to use danger sign when selecting classifications THEN ASK ABOUT MAIN SYMPTOMS : Does the child have cough or difficult breathing Yes- Nob ib IF YES, ASK LOOK, LISTEN, FEEL • For how long ? _ Days • Count the breaths in one minute __ breaths per minute Fast breathing • Look for chest indrawing. • Look and listen for stridor. DOES THE CHILD HAVE DIARRHOEA ? Yes No____ • For how long ? ------ Days • Look at the child’s general condition. Is the child Lethargic or unconscious • Is there any blood in the stool ? Restless and irritable • Look for sunken eyes. • Offer the child fluid. Is the child Notable to drink or drinking poorly Drinking eagerly, thirsty Pinch the skin of the abdomen. Does it go back Very slowly (longer than 2 seconds Slowly? DOES THE CHILD HAVE FEVER ? Yes No____ ( by history feels hot or temperature 37.5 O C or above) Decide Malaria Risk high or low For how long Days Look or feel for stiff neck. If more than 7 days, has fever Look or feel for bulging fontanelle. been present everyday Look for runny nose • Has the child had measles now Look for signs of MEASLES or within the last 3 months • Generalized rash One of these cough, runny nose, or red eyes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - If the child has MEASLES • Look for mouth ulcers