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Media in Europe and Eurasia, at 154 (2017).
The governments of Estonia and Poland quickly mobilized to assist the Georgian government to get back online, with the Estonians sharing experience from the attack on their cyber infrastructure the year before (see Chapter 6).
Saakashvili came to power in the wake of the Rose Revolution in 2003 and he quickly sought to establish stronger ties with Western institutions, drawing Putin’s ire. At an April 2008 summit in Bucharest, NATO pledged to review the possibility of offering a Membership Action Plan to Georgia.
Putin responded to the statement by saying that expansion of NATO to Russia’s borders would betaken in Russia as a direct threat to the security of our country.’’
While not the only factor in Russia’s 2008 invasion,
Georgia’s active steps to deepen ties with NATO appears to have been a critical element of Russia’s decision to invade. The short war would presage future Russian hybrid warfare in Europe, meant to resist NATO and EU enlargement and the consolidation of democracy on the continent. Today, Russia recognizes the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and, with the support of separatist forces, continues to station troops in the two breakaway regions.
Moscow has also entered into treaties of partnership and strategic alliance with the two regions, further solidifying the frozen conflict. The timing of the war in Georgia coincided with apolitical transition in the United States from the Bush to Obama Administrations. The outgoing Bush Administration seemed reluctant to impose sanctions on Russia for its aggression in the waning days of its term. The incoming Obama Administration sought a reset with Russia, which also precluded significant coercive measures tore- spond to the Kremlin’s aggression. Despite the lack of a more aggressive response to Russian actions, both administrations did invest significantly in building governing institutions in Georgia and its integration into NATO structures.
Beyond its military assaults on Georgian territory, the Russian government also supports a variety of pro-Kremlin political parties,
NGOs, and propaganda efforts in the country. For example,
Obiektivi TV, a media outlet, reportedly relied on Russian funding in its support of the ultra-nationalistic Alliance of Patriots political party.
Obiektivi’s xenophobic, homophobic, and anti-western narrative helped the Alliance of Patriots clear the threshold to enter parliament during the October 2016 election.
Russian propaganda in Georgia borders on the bizarre. For example, Russian propaganda asserts that the United States uses the Richard Lugar Public Health Research Center to carryout biological tests on the
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75 Embassy of Georgia, Information Provided in Response to Questions from US. Senator Ben Cardin, Aug. 29, 2017.
European Commission, Trade Policy, Countries and Regions Georgia trade/policy/countries-and-regions/countries/georgia (visited Dec. 31, 2017); European Commission, ‘‘EU-Georgia Association Agreement Fully Enters Into Force July 1, 2016. European Commission, Commission Progress Report Georgia Meets Criteria for Visa Liberalisation Dec. 18, 2015. North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Relations with Georgia Aug. 23, 2017. The Senate Appropriations Committee has approved $63 million for Georgia in this account for FY. Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Bill, 2018, SS. Rept. 115-153, at 51. The legislation awaits consideration by the full Senate. Georgian population.
According to the Georgian government, several pro-Russian groups are active in the country, including the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies and Russkiy Mir Foundation, two well-known institutions that the Kremlin uses to exert its influence abroad (see Chapter Despite these ongoing pressures, Georgia completed an Association Agreement and a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area with the EU in June 2014, both important steps in the integration process.
In addition, the country was granted visa-free travel by the EU in December And at NATO’s 2014 summit in Wales, the Alliance approved a Substantial NATO-Georgia Package
(SNGP), which includes defense capacity building, training, exercises, strengthened liaison, and opportunities to develop interoper- ability with Allied forces.’’
Cooperation in this area was given a significant boost at the
2014 NATO Summit in Wales, where Allied leaders endorsed a Substantial NATO-Georgia Package (SNGP), including defense capacity building, training, exercises, strengthened liaison, and opportunities to develop interoperability with Allied forces. These measures aim to strengthen Georgia’s ability to defend itself as well as to advance its preparations towards NATO membership. The United States has also provided substantial assistance to Georgia since the Russian invasion in 2008, though the Trump Administration has requested sharp cuts in funding. Georgia received
$47.5 million through the Assistance to Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia Account in FY for FY, the Administration requested only $28 million.

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