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TV Journalism & Programme Formats
Presentation is the art of finding and delivering the best possible expression for any given content. It includes diverse factors including use of language, shot composition, choice and selection of relevant details, and an interesting and engaging way of presenting one’s subject matter. In other words, it is the skill of capturing and holding the interest of the audience.
1. The very first principle is that presentation is effective only when the content is sound. The purpose of packaging is to enhance and bring out the inherent significance of a story, not to apply cosmetic effects. A strong story stands on its own with minimal packaging, whereas even excellent packaging
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TV Journalism & Programme Formats
cannot rescue a weak story. In television journalism, unlike in filmmaking,
bad shots which tell a good story are preferred to excellent shots which tell an ineffective story. Having said that, it is of course the ideal combination to have a strong story along with excellent shots. Presentation is about deciding what needs to be emphasized, what needs to be underplayed and what needs to be left out. It involves intelligently understanding the story so that one knows which are the best shots to take,
which facts come first, and which come later. In this context, a general guide in writing hard news scripts is to follow the 5 Ws + 1 H formula What,
Where, When, Who, Why and How. The mark of good news presentation is that it does not sensationalize but calmly and quietly makes sense of an event or trend. Thus, it should be sober, balanced, objective, and impartial and must not be too noisy. A trend observed in Indian television news is that news anchors as well as reporters shout and create unnecessary excitement about the news, which is an example of very bad presentation. It is important not to use special effects such as flashes, page-turns, etc.
when editing a news story. One is supposed to be reporting a story, not adding on aesthetic effects. Equally, one must avoid using dissolves when editing a news story. S far as possible cuts should be used when making shot transitions. One must never add background music to a news report. A report is supposed to be objective and unemotional. The only case where use of music is permitted is when it is part of the ambient sound of a location where the story has been shot. Where use is made of split-screen editing techniques, it must serve a functional purpose, and must not be done merely to make the story superficially attractive.

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