Other Events Coffee date Prerequisites: Coffee
shop in mall date, Sasha > 25 LP. Mike takes Sasha to the coffee shop. This date has an opportunity for +/- 10 KP as a method to quickly raise/lower that stat.
Sasha has a bad practice Prerequisites: Mike MC,
Band Practice Activity, Band Practice > 25. Band practice is interrupted by Sasha having a bad day. Mike follows her and talks to her. Can gain 5 KP or DP with right conversation options.
Piss off! Prerequisites: Cheated on Sasha. When you try to interact with Sasha, she’ll tell you to piss off.
Valentine’s Day On Valentine's Day (Spring 14), Sasha will gift you handcuffs.
This event may not trigger, if her love points are not high enough.
Christmas On Christmas Day (Winter 25), Sasha will gift to you anal beads. This event may not trigger, if her love points are not high enough. You can use these beads on her at
the end of a successful date, if her kink is high enough.