Path A (Stop the Wedding) Ryan cheats on Samantha Prerequisites: Nightclub, Samantha >= 40 LP. This event has a time limit After the park event you only have 7 Days to see him cheating If you don't finish it in time you can't finish this event anymore. Mike spies Ryan in the nightclub, offering to take a girl elsewhere for sex. He takes photos as proof for Samantha. Tell Samantha Ryan is a cheater Prerequisites:Interact with Samantha, has evidence of cheating. Mike can tell Samantha about Ryan cheating on her. If he does, this will automatically continue Path A of her story. He can choose not to and let her go through with it. If this option is chosen the wedding ceremony will happen and it opens many different paths how the story can develop. Outcome:Samantha Love Max set to 50. Samantha cheats on Ryan Prerequisites: Home, 22:00-04:00, told about Ryan. Samantha shows up at Mike’s house, drunk and upset. She asks Mike to tell her he loves her if he says yes, they’ll have sex. Outcome: Samantha can be kissed. Samantha asks fora date Prerequisites: Bakery, Samantha >= 50 LP, Done Samantha cheats on Ryan, reached end of path D or path E. Samantha told Ryan about what happened and asks Mike on a date. There are several options with very different dialogue. Outcome: Samantha Love Max set to 75; Samantha is datable, and no longer engaged to Ryan. End of Path A. Samantha’s confession Prerequisites: Done Samantha asks fora date, Samantha >= 75 LP, interact with her. Samantha confesses to Mike that she only realized on how bad Ryan treated her when Mike opened her eyes and why she took so long to takeoff the wedding ring. Outcome: Samantha max LP set to 85.