Outcome: Samantha max LP set to 70. Talk with Samantha about Ryan Prerequisites: Samantha >= 70 LP. Go see Samantha at anytime and talk with her about Ryan and the current situation. Samantha Saturday visit Prerequisites: Livingroom/Bedroom/Kitchen/Bathroom/Hallway Sat 14:00-18:00, Samantha >= 70 LP. Samantha comes by fora visit. This is the last event of the revenge path. Outcome: If you see her the next time the path A or she will call and the path E event will happen. Path E (Breakup Path) Samantha dumps Ryan (path E) Prerequisites: 14:00, 25% chance, told about cheating during Marriage sucks and apologized, Samantha >= 80 LP. Sam tells Mike that she’s dumping Ryan. Ryan shows up very angry and there can potentially be a fight. Mike leaves with Samantha. Outcome:Sam is dateable and divorced, Max LP set to 85. The story will continue on Path A. Other Events Samantha forgot money Prerequisites:Pub, Samantha present, 5% chance. Samantha forgot her money. Mike can offer to pay her bar tab for 1 LP. Samantha wants a dress Prerequisites: Clothes shop, Samantha present, 5% chance. Samantha wants a dress but can’t afford it. Mike can buy it for her fora couple of LPs. Samantha meets Bree Prerequisites: Pub, > 20 days played, Bree present Mike introduces Samantha to Bree. Samantha meets Sasha Prerequisites: Pub, > 5 days played, Sasha present Mike introduces Samantha to Sasha.
Samantha chats with Bree Prerequisites: Pub or Nightclub, Samantha knows Bree, 10% chance. Sam and Bree will chat. This is repeatable and can change depending on wherein Sam’s storyline she is. Shopping for baby