Aletta Aletta is Mike’s boss at the office. She can have Dom Points (DP. After a date, Aletta has cowgirl sex. With > 75 KP, she can have anal cowgirl. Aletta starts with KP capped at 25 and this currently cannot be raised.
Story Events Aletta’s Introduction Prerequisites: Charm >= 30, coffee break at office. Mike sees Aletta smoking at the office and has several options about it that all leads to a minor KP or LP change.
Outcome: Aletta appears as a character. Aletta Max LP set to 10.
Aletta confronted by employee Prerequisites: Charm >= 40, work or work hard, Aletta >= 10 LP. A disgruntled employee calls Aletta a bitch. Mike can stand up for her or not.
Afterward, Mike can offer or suggest a massage.
Outcome: Aletta Max LP set to 20. Kissable at 14 LP.
Aletta office flirting Prerequisites: Charm >= 50, work or work hard, Aletta >= 20 LP. Mike and Aletta flirt a little in the office. Mike has
the opportunity to touch her, which she likes a little.
Outcome: Aletta Max LP set to 30.
Office foot massage Prerequisites: Charm >= 60, work or work hard, Aletta >= 30 LP.
Aletta gets frustrated at the office and
Mike gives her afoot massage, and then later gives her oral.
Outcome: Aletta Max LP set to 40.
Acquisition Immediate Pregnancy Yes Traits Dominant, Not Family, Workaholic, Outdoorsy
Desire factors Shooting, Charm, Not Cinema, Not Sweets,
Not Home, Career, Restaurant
DPL Charm, Career Marriage No Favorite Gift Clothes,
Underwear Gift given 50$