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Samantha’s wedding Prerequisites

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915207 WALKTHROUGH v20.10.3

Samantha’s wedding

Prerequisites: Sat 12:00-20:00, did not tell about Ryan OR 7 days passed and did not do Ryan cheats on Samantha. Mike attends Sam and Ryan’s wedding. There are several possible paths Mike can ignore the cheating and just choose to dance at the wedding. This will continue path B. If Mike knew about the cheating and didn’t tell, he can go fora walk. Samantha will have caught Ryan fucking Natalie in the bathroom and will offer to fuck Mike in revenge. This opens path D. Mike can go to the bathroom and catch Ryan cheating with Natalie (the bridesmaid. This will continue path B.
Outcome: Samantha Max LP set to 60.
Path B (Marriage Path)

Marriage ain’t all that

Prerequisites: Samantha present 10:00-18:00, Samantha >= 60 LP, Done Samantha’s Wedding. Mike runs into Samantha. Her marriage isn’t what she hoped for, so she hangs outwith Mike. They go shopping and then Sam goes home with Mike. Eventually Ryan texts Samantha and she leaves.
Outcome: Samantha Max LP set to 70, book (choice between skill cooking, 2 fitness or 2 charm.
Marriage sucks

Prerequisites: Home, 20:00-24:00, Samantha >= 70 LP, Done Marriage ain’t all That. Samantha had a talk with Ryan about their marriage not working, and in response he disappeared. She looks for comfort and then sex. Afterward, Mike has the opportunity to tell her Ryan cheated, if he knows. If Mike tells her, Sam asks why Mike waited so long. If he says Sam isn’t much better, she leaves, and this opens path D. If he apologizes, this opens path E. If Mike doesn’t tell her about the cheating, she suggests a threesome with Ryan. This opens path C of her story.
Outcome: Samantha Max LP set to 80.
Cheater got Pregnant

Prerequisites: Home 16:00-24:00, Sam got pregnant during Marriage sucks AND Mike didn’t apologize for not telling about cheating.
Sam’s pregnant and she doesn’t know who the father is.

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