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71 (3), 367-390.

Full Text: 2007\Scientometrics71, 367.pdf

Abstract: This paper maps the domain of earth and environmental sciences (EES) and investigates the relationship between cognitive problem structures and internationalisation patterns, drawing on the concepts of systemic versus cumulative global environmental change (GEC) and mutual task dependence in scientific fields. We find that scientific output concentration and internationalisation are significantly higher in the systemic GEC fields of Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences and Oceanography than in the cumulative GEC fields Ecology and Water Resources. The relationship is explained by stronger mutual task dependence in systemic GEC fields. In contrast, the portion of co-authorships with developing, emerging and transition countries among all international publications is larger for Water Resources than for the three other fields, consistent with the most pressing needs for STI capacity development in these countries.

Keywords: Capacity, Collaboration, Concentration, Countries, Dependence, Development, Earth, Environmental, Environmental Change, Global, International Collaboration, Output, Paper, Publications, Research, Science, Sciences, Scientific Output, Technology

? Leydesdorff, L. (2007), Mapping interdisciplinarity at the interfaces between the science citation index and the social science citation index. Scientometrics, 71 (3), 391-405.

Full Text: 2007\Scientometrics71, 391.pdf

Abstract: The two Journal Citation Reports of the Science Citation Index 2004 and the Social Science Citation Index 2004 were combined in order to analyze and map journals and specialties at the edges and in the overlap between the two databases. For journals which belong to the overlap (e.g., Scientometrics), the merger mainly enriches our insight into the structure which can be obtained from the two databases separately, but in the case of scientific journals which are more marginal in either database, the combination can provide a new perspective on the position and function of these journals (e.g., Environment and Planning B - Planning and Design). The combined database additionally enables us to map citation environments in terms of the various specialties comprehensively. Using the vector-space model, visualizations are provided for specialties that are parts of the overlap (information science, science & technology studies). On the basis of the resulting visualizations, ‘betweenness’ - a measure from social network analysis - is suggested as an indicator for measuring the interdisciplinarity of journals.

Keywords: Analysis, Citation, Databases, Function, Index, Indicator, Information, Information Science, Interfaces, Journal Citation Reports, Journals, Model, Network Analysis, Order, Position, Science, Science Citation Index, Scientific Journals, Social, Social Network, Social Network Analysis, Social Science Citation Index, Structure

? Ye, F.Y. (2007), A quantitative relationship between per capita GDP and scientometric criteria. Scientometrics, 71 (3), 407-413.

Full Text: 2007\Scientometrics71, 407.pdf

Abstract: There exists a quantitative relationship, which can be expressed as G=kF(lgP)N, where G is per capita GDP, F gross expenditure on R&D as % of GDP, P patent applications, N Internet users per 10,000 inhabitants, and k a constant ranging from 0.4 to 1.2 in most countries. The mechanism of the relationship is explained in the paper.

Keywords: Applications, GDP, Internet, Mechanism, P, Paper

Notes: CCountry

? Yaman, H. and Atay, E. (2007), PhD theses in Turkish sports sciences: A study covering the years 1988-2002. Scientometrics, 71 (3), 415-421.

Full Text: 2007\Scientometrics71, 415.pdf

Abstract: Aims: Undergraduate education in physical education is widely common in Turkey. Postgraduate training is provided mostly by institutes of health sciences, educational science and social sciences. The aim of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of PhD theses in sports sciences. Methods: The database of the Turkish Council of Higher Education has been searched the years 1988-2002 for PhD theses with different combinations of keywords like ‘Sport(s)’, ‘All Dissertations’ and ‘Physical Education’. Theses were classified according to the institute, year, university, the title of the mentors and the field of sports sciences. The inter-and intra-validity of ratings were high (Kendall Tau_b=0.84 and 1.00, p < 0.01). Results: Most of theses were prepared in Institutes for Health Sciences (n=196, 86.3%), second mostly in Institutes of Social Sciences (n=25, 11.0%). Theses originated mostly from Marmara (n=90, 39.6%), Gazi (n=59, 25.9%) and Dokuz Eylul Universities (n=25, 11.0%). Ninety two theses (46.9%) were prepared in Training and Movement Sciences, 40 (20.4%) in Sports Management, 29 (14.7%) Psycho-Social Fields of Sports Sciences, 23 (11.7%) Sports Health Sciences and 13 (6.6%) in Sports Pedagogy. Conclusion: Most theses were prepared in Institutes of Health Sciences, but the subjects covered the field of training and movement sciences. The unique and multi-disciplinary nature of sports sciences seems to warrant the foundation of an Institute of Sports.

Keywords: Characteristics, Education, Health, Health Sciences, Mentors, Movement, Multidisciplinary, Physical, Science, Sciences, Social, Social Sciences, Sports, Training, Turkey

? Guerrero-Bote, V.P., Zapico-Alonso, F., Espinosa-Calvo, M.E., Gómez-Crisóstomo, R. and de Moya-Anegón, F. (2007), Import-export of knowledge between scientific subject categories: The iceberg hypothesis. Scientometrics, 71 (3), 423-441.

Full Text: 2007\Scientometrics71, 423.pdf

Abstract: The capacity to attract citations from other disciplines - or knowledge export - has always been taken into account in evaluating the quality of scientific papers or journals. Some of the JCR’s (ISI’s Journal Citation Report) Subject Categories have a greater exporting character than others because they are less isolated. This influences the rank, JIF (ISI’s Journal Impact Factor) distribution of the category. While all the categories fit a negative power law fairly well, those with a greater External JIF give distributions with a more sharply defined peak and a longer tail - something like an iceberg. One also observes a major relationship between the rates of export and import of knowledge.

Keywords: Capacity, Citations, Distribution, Distributions, Export, Fields, Impact, Journals, Knowledge, Law, Quality, Science System

? Junquera, B. and Mitre, M. (2007), Value of bibliometric analysis for research policy: A case study of Spanish research into innovation and technology management. Scientometrics, 71 (3), 443-454.

Full Text: 2007\Scientometrics71, 443.pdf

Abstract: The primary aim of this paper is to assess the contribution to the international literature of Spanish scientific production in the research stream of innovation and technology management. For this purpose 72 articles published in the last decade in the most prestigious international journals in this research stream have been evaluated. From this analysis we have concluded that there has been a positive evolution from 1995 to the present time, as much from a qualitative as from a quantitative point of view. Likewise, we have found that research in this research stream is concentrated fundamentally on a reduced group of universities. Nevertheless, these do not focus exclusively on one or a few research subjects, but on a wide range thereof.

Keywords: Analysis, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Analysis, Case Study, Empirical-Analysis, Evolution, Group, Industry, Innovation, Journals, Knowledge Management, Linking, Management, Manufacturing Firms, Operations Strategy, Paper, Policy, Production, Qualitative, Range, Research, Research Organizations, Research-and-Development, Scientific Production, Spain, Stream, Systems, Technology Management, Universities

? Om, K., Lee, J. and Chang, J. (2007), Using supply chain management to enhance industry-university collaborations in IT higher education in Korea. Scientometrics, 71 (3), 455-471.

Full Text: 2007\Scientometrics71, 455.pdf

Abstract: Facing such serious problems in cultivating IT engineers as a mismatch in supply and demand of IT workers, shortage of globally competitive IT professionals, and insufficient education and training of university graduates, the Korean government has decided to adopt a new paradigm in national IT engineering education, based on supply chain management (SCM) in manufacturing. SCM weights improving competitiveness of the supply chain as a whole via a long-term commitment to supply chain relationships and a cooperative, integrated approach to business processes. These characteristics of SCM are believed to provide insight into a more effective IT education and industry-university relationship. On the basis of the SCM literature, a model for industry-oriented IT higher education is designed, and then applied in the field of computer-software engineering in Korea.

Keywords: Chain, Characteristics, Commitment, Education, Effective, Government Relations, Higher Education, Innovation, Korea, Long-Term, Management, Manufacturing, Model, Supply Chain Management, Systems, Training, Triple-Helix, Weights

? Sapa, R. (2007), International contribution to library and information science in Poland: A bibliometric analysis. Scientometrics, 71 (3), 473-493.

Full Text: Scientometrics71, 473

Abstract: This article reports findings from the study of the international contribution to the system of library and information science communication in Poland in the years 2003-2005. The sample consists of articles published both in selected journals and collective works. Two important dimensions determining the internationalization of local scholarly communication are considered: direct contribution (foreign authors’ articles and papers and their translations published in Poland) and indirect contribution (citedness of foreign authors’ documents in articles and papers published in Poland). Bibliographic data about the geographical distribution and affiliation of foreign authors are gathered and analyzed. Furthermore, the findings of citation analysis are presented to determine the percentage share of citations received by foreign documents as well as to find out what is the structure of such citations regarding the language and form, which thematic areas are most replete with such citations and which foreign journals are most cited in Poland.

Keywords: Analysis, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Analysis, Citation, Citation Analysis, Citations, Communication, Distribution, Impact, Information, Information Science, Journals, Language, Library and Information Science, Local, Science, Structure

? Van der Panne, G. (2007), Issues in measuring innovation. Scientometrics, 71 (3), 495-507.

Full Text: 2007\Scientometrics71, 495.pdf

Abstract: Innovation research builds on the analysis of micro level data describing innovative behaviour of individual firms. One increasingly popular type of data are Literature-based Innovation Output (LBIO) data. These are compiled by screening specialist trade journals for new-product announcements. Notwithstanding the substantial advantages, the eligibility of LBIO data for innovation research remains controversial. In this paper the merits of LBIO data are examined by means of comparative analysis. A newly built LBIO database is systematically compared with the widely used Community Innovation Survey. It shows that both databases identify similar innovators in terms of firm size, distribution across industries and degree of innovativeness: LBIO data can be considered a fully fledged alternative to traditional innovation data, highly eligible for innovation research.

Keywords: Analysis, Comparative Analysis, Databases, Distribution, Indicators, Innovation, Paper, Research, Screening

? Wang, S.J. (2007), Factors to evaluate a patent in addition to citations. Scientometrics, 71 (3), 509-522.

Full Text: 2007\Scientometrics71, 509.pdf

Abstract: The emergence of patent citations as a tool for patent estimation has been subjected to equally vocal champions and critics. In additional to patent citation, this article aims to contribute other factors, including court decisions, claim language, extension cases, patent family and portfolio, which should be deliberated during patent evaluation. It introduces the subject-matter by discussing the specialties and peculiarities of these proposed factors. Furthermore, comparisons between the patent citations and these factors are presented by illustrating several well-known patents. The results of the comparisons reveal that an adverse conclusion might be drawn if a patent is estimated only based on citations. The conclusion supports Meyer’s study that ‘the general nature of a common framework for both scientific and patent citations would severely limit its usefulness.’ Therefore, those factors discussed in the article would be a great asset in patent evaluation. However, it only illustrates their impact on patent estimation using a couple well-known patents. Future research would be needed to investigate these factors in a more detailed manner.

Keywords: Citations, Competition, Emergence, Estimation, Evaluation, Family, General, Impact, Language, Patent Citations, Patents, Research, Scientific Literature, Supports, Technology, Tell

? Payne, N. and Thelwall, M. (2007), A longitudinal study of academic webs: Growth and stabilisation. Scientometrics, 71 (3), 523-539.

Full Text: 2007\Scientometrics71, 523.pdf

Abstract: As the web is continuously changing, perhaps growing exponentially since its inception, a major potential problem for webometrics is that web statistics may be obsolete by the time they are published in the academic literature. It is important therefore to know as much as possible about how the web is changing over time. This paper studies the UK, Australian and New Zealand academic webs from 2000 to 2005, finding that the number of static pages and links in each of the three academic webs appears to have stabilised as far back as 2001. This stabilisation may be partly due to increases in dynamic pages which are normally excluded from webometric analyses. Nevertheless, the results are encouraging evidence that webometrics for academic spaces may have a longer-term validity than would have been previously assumed.

Keywords: Academic, Dynamic, Longitudinal, Longitudinal Study, New Zealand, Page, Paper, Site, Stabilisation, Static, Statistics, UK, Validity, Webometrics

? Braun, T., Dióspatonyi, I., Zsindely, S. and Zádor, E. (2007), Gatekeeper index versus impact factor of science journals. Scientometrics, 71 (3), 541-543.

Full Text: 2007\Scientometrics71, 541.pdf

Keywords: Impact, Impact Factor, Index, Science

? McMillan, G.S. and Hamilton, R.D. (2007), The public science base of US biotechnology: A citation-weighted approach. Scientometrics, 72 (1), 3-10.

Full Text: 2007\Scientometrics72, 3.pdf

Abstract: In previous research we examined the science base of US biotechnology utilizing several unique patent and scientific paper databases (MCMILLAN et al., 2000). Our findings highlighted the importance of public science in this industry. In this current research effort, we extend that analysis to include the subsequent citations those biotechnology patents received. Our conclusions are that the reliance on public science is stable when adjusted for forward citations, but the impact of different funding sources does change when citation weights are added. The science policy implications of these findings and future research opportunities are discussed.

Keywords: Analysis, Base, Biotechnology, Citation, Citations, Current, Databases, Funding, Impact, Importance, Innovation, Paper, Patents, Policy, Policy Implications, Research, Science, Science Policy, Science-Policy, Sources, US, Weights

? Harirchi, G., Melin, G. and Etemad, S. (2007), An exploratory study of the feature of Iranian co-authorships in biology, chemistry and physics. Scientometrics, 72 (1), 11-24.

Full Text: 2007\Scientometrics72, 11.pdf

Abstract: This paper investigates factors behind co-authorships between scientists in Iran and elsewhere. It also compares the Iranian pattern of collaboration with other countries. A questionnaire was sent out to Iranian scientists in fields of physics, chemistry, and biology who had published an internationally co-authored journal article during 2003. The results show that not all co-authored articles were the result of a collaborative project. Also, the main collaborative motives behind the co-authorships were identified and described. Among these, we could mention sharing laboratory devices, accessing knowledge, and increased efficiency of the study at hand. It is clear that emigrated Iranian scientists play an important role as collaborators and probably also as links to the international scientific community as a whole. Cultural factors mix with scientific and work related ones. Although the proportion of international co-authorships is lower than in most other countries, the collaborative pattern seems rather similar.

Keywords: Biology, Collaboration, Community, Efficiency, Hand, Impact, International Research Collaboration, Iran, Journal, Knowledge, Motives, Paper, Questionnaire, Role, Science, Scientific Output

? Florian, R.V. (2007), Irreproducibility of the results of the Shanghai academic ranking of world universities. Scientometrics, 72 (1), 25-32.

Full Text: 2007\Scientometrics72, 25.pdf

Abstract: I discuss the difficulties that I encountered in reproducing the results of the Shanghai ranking of world universities. In the Shanghai ranking, the dependence between the score for the SCI indicator and the weighted number of considered articles obeys a power law, instead of the proportional dependence that is suggested by the official methodology of the ranking. Discrepancies from proportionality are also found in some of the scores for the N&S and Size indicators. This shows that the results of the Shanghai ranking cannot be reproduced, given raw data and the public methodology of the ranking.

Keywords: Academic, Dependence, Indicator, Indicators, Law, Methodology, Ranking, SCI, Universities

Alcaide-Marzal, J. and Tortajada-Esparza, E. (2007), Innovation assessment in traditional industries. A proposal of aesthetic innovation indicators. Scientometrics, 72 (1), 33-57.

Full Text: 2007\Scientometrics72, 33.pdf

Abstract: Innovative activities are fundamental to the competitiveness strategies of the firms in a globalized market. Their assessment, using indicators such as those utilized in the Community Innovation Survey (CIS), shows significant sectoral dispersion. Traditional industries are in a weak position because the innovation they are involved in is mainly aesthetic, which is not really addressed in innovation surveys. In this work, we review the various criticisms levelled at existing indicators and propose some new indicators that would capture the types of innovations that are conducted by the traditional industries. This work is based on a study of the features of traditional industries and the concept of aesthetic novelty. The proposed indicators are tested in the Spanish footwear industry.

Keywords: Assessment, Concept, Dispersion, Fashion, Features, Indicators, Innovation, Position, Review, Strategies, Surveys

? Rey-Rocha, J., Garzon-Garcia, B. and Martin-Sempere, M.J. (2007), Exploring social integration as a determinant of research activity, performance and prestige of scientists. Empirical evidence in the Biology and Biomedicine field. Scientometrics, 72 (1), 59-80.

Full Text: 2007\Scientometrics72, 59.pdf

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to explore to what extent social integration influences scientists’ research activity and performance. Data were obtained from a survey of researchers ascribed to the Biology and Biomedicine area of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research, as well as from their curricula vitae. The results provide empirical evidence that researchers who were highly integrated within their teams performed better than their less integrated colleagues in aspects of research activity such as collaboration with the private sector, patenting, participation in domestic funded research and development projects, and supervision of doctoral dissertations. Nevertheless, highly integrated researchers did not seem to be more prestigious than less integrated colleagues, nor did the former’s publications have a higher impact.

Keywords: Activity, Cohesion, Collaboration, Communication, Consolidation, Curricula, Demography, Development, Group Cohesiveness, Impact, Integration, Level, Paper, Participation, Performance, Productivity, Publications, Research, Research and Development, Social, Survey, Teams, University

? Vaughan, L., Kipp, M.E.I. and Gao, Y.J. (2007), Why are websites co-linked? The case of Canadian universities. Scientometrics, 72 (1), 81-92.

Full Text: 2007\Scientometrics72, 81.pdf

Abstract: This study examined why Websites were co-linked using Canadian university Websites as the test set. Pages that co-linked to these university Websites were located using Yahoo!. A random sample of 859 co-linking pages (the page that initiated the co-link) was retrieved and the contents of the page, as well as the context of the link, were manually examined to record the following variables: language, country, type of Website, and the reasons for co-linking. The study found that in over 94% of cases, the two co-linked universities were related academically, many of these cases (38%) showed a relationship specifically in teaching or research. This confirms results, from previous quantitative studies, that Web co-links can be a measure of the similarity or relatedness of sites being co-linked and that Web co-link analysis can thus be used to study relationships among linked Websites.

Keywords: Analysis, Language, Random Sample, Research, Similarity, Sites, Teaching, Test, Universities, Web

? Krauskopf, M., Krauskopf, E. and Mendez, B. (2007), Low awareness of the link between science and innovation affects public policies in developing countries: The Chilean case. Scientometrics, 72 (1), 93-103.

Full Text: 2007\Scientometrics72, 93.pdf

Abstract: Developing countries share disbelief about the benefits of the endogenous production of science as a tool for economical growth. Hence, public policies to strengthen science and technology and promote the culture of innovation are, in general, weak and sometimes incoherent. Patenting has become not only an icon to protect discoveries which can yield profits and enable socio-economical growth but also a potent informetric tool to assess innovation and certainly, since the seminal work of Narin, to understand the multidimensional interactions between science, technology and innovation. In this article we examine the impact of Chilean research articles on world technology as viewed by the link between articles produced in Chile and US patents. Our results show that from 1987 to 2003, 509 US patents had 562 citations to 273 articles produced at least, by one author working in a Chilean institution. US, not Chilean companies are the holders of patents citing Chilean produced articles. The research articles covered many disciplines but a clear concentration occurred in the biomedical field. Additionally, chemistry was also well cited. Our results confirm that in Chile a non-patenting culture which involves researchers and institutions still prevails. Hence, public policies need to be designed and implemented to foster scientific production and innovation in order to advance progress in the current knowledge-economy-driven society which sustains competitiveness in the globalized world.

Keywords: Awareness, Chile, Citations, Concentration, Culture, Current, Developing Countries, General, Growth, Impact, Innovation, Institutions, Interactions, Order, Patent Citations, Patents, Production, Research, Research Articles, Science, Scientific Production, Technology, US, Yield

Abt, H.A. (2007), The frequencies of multinational papers in various sciences. Scientometrics,

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