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Title: Salud Mental

Full Journal Title: Salud Mental

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ISSN: 0185-3325


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Publisher: Interperiodica, Birmingham

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? Agudelo, D., Breton-Lopez, J. and Buela-Casal, G. (2004), Bibliometric analysis of journals related to health psychology published in Spanish. Salud Mental, 27 (2), 70-85.

Full Text: 2004\Sal Men27, 70.pdf

Abstract: Nowadays, scientific production has been given, in enormous importance, and, as a consequence interest has been focused also on journals and works itself as mere instruments of knowledge divulgation that contribute to the development of Science. Thus, bibliometric studies have great relevance within the scope of evaluation and assessment of the scientific contents. At the same time, they are most useful to allow a detailed approximation to the object of analysis and, in addition, to the data offered in regard to a given area of knowledge. A bibliometric analysis is achieved in the present work. Moreover, it is made oil the basis of four journals which are directly related to Health Psychology and Mental Health published in Spanish (Rerista Internacional de Psicologia Clinical de la Salud, International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, Clinina y Salud, Salud Mental, y Psiciologia y Salud) during 2001 -2002. Several factors have been taken into account when dealing with the detailed study of these journals. In these journals, first of all, it has been analysed, the number of articles which have been published in the selected and previously specified period of time, secondly, the nationality of the authors who have written the different articles, and after, the number of authors who have taken part in each of the works and the area to which their contents belong according to the classification achieved by the authors, and hearing in mind the type of examined articles. Different sections are included Under this classification, so it’s worth mentioning Mental Health, to begin with. Under this heading should be included all those articles focused on psychiatric or psychological interventions related to the mental processes, their attention, pervention and promotion. The second place of the classification is occupied by the heading of physical Health. In this area are grouped all those written articles regarding psychiatric and psychological interventions focused oil physical alteration. In the third place, and under the category of Neurosciences, have been classified the articles focussed on the neuropsychology, experimental pschiatry, neuro and psychophysiology, prescribed drugs and all those areas concerned with the basic processes of the functioning of the brain. Finally, another category was added up. It was the so-called Inter-Area that included all those works that clue to their characteristics, could not be considered as proper or specific of a single area of knowledge. Information obtained after the analysis, reflects the fact that there are substantial differences between the journals, in regard to the number of articles being published. In such a way it is worth mentioning the detached journals of Salud Mental with a total of 85 articles published in these two years. We are lead to think that a having a larger number of annual editions implies to publish larger number of written articles, though this is not necessarily the case. It is, rather, a consequence of other priorities and characteristics pertaining to different journals. On the other hand, as a result of the analysis of different journals, substantial differences can be found in regard to the interventions of authors whose nationalities are not the same as that of the journal’s. In this way, it is worth mentioning the Revista Internacional de Psicologia Clinica y de la Salud, International Journal of Clinical and Healh Psychology, with a contribution of ten different countries -in addition, to the Spanish authors- stressing the contributions of South and Central American Countries and, questioning, as with the other journals, the scarce representation from other European Countries. In contrast to this statement it is important to mention the relevance of the scientific collaboration between the different countries that may be observed in the shared scientific production. This fact also indicates the need to make known the different publications in order to increase the number of contributions from countries other than the journal’s. In this same way, consideration is given to the influence of the diversity of languages in which each journal is published, in order to obtain some contributions from different countries. The index of authorship or the number of signers in each work also reflects different patterns among the journals, however, the great majority of them are oriented towards the so-called multiple,tutorship in,wich the works are signed by several authors, mostly two of them. The analysis of the contents shows the variety of areas of knowledge represented in the works which have been published in the analysed journals. So, in the journal Psicologia y Salud, we call observe a high degree of representation of articles of the area of Physical Health, however, in the Revista Internacional de Psicologia Clinica y de la Salud, International of Clinical and Health Psychology and in Salud Mental the contents are shared among various areas, a fact possibly due to the interests and profile of these journals. Any way, in the three above mentioned journals there is a larger number of written articles related to Mental Health. In addition to this, it is important to indicate that the varied richness of their contents shows the interdisciplinarity that exists in the treatment of Mental Health and also the difficulty in classifying the different treatments in the general and specific categories themselves. Focusing our attention in Salud Mental, it is convenient to point out how among the analysed journals this is the one that Publishes more contributions pertaining to different areas of knowledge, there is a greater number of articles in each of the marked categories, data in the area of Neurosciences is outstanding in comparisson to the rest of the analysed journals. Several final reflections may be made bearing in mind the information provided by this data, its usefulness and implications. Besides, we may point out their practical value for authors, readers and editors of the journals. As far as authorship is concerned, not only do they offer relevant information, in the face of the charcteristics of different journals -dealing with the thematic blocks preferably treated in their publications- but also, they illustrate the rules for publication suggested by each of the journals. Making known these rules, is a useful and valuable contribution, because sometimes the difficulties for publishing arise from to the author’s lack of knowledge regarding publising requirements or even, to and, consequently, they make the wrong selection when sending their works. Taking into account the readers’ positions, these works have a special interest as they orientate the bibliographic search offering a more concrete panorama of the type of available thematic blocks in the different publications. The journals acquire special importance for editors because they produce relevant information about the general characteristics showed in their publications. This could be very useful to implement strategies to give space to a determined type of articles that fit into the journal’s profile.

Keywords: Analysis, Assessment, Authors, Authorship, Bibliographic Search, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Analysis, Bibliometric Studies, Classification, Collaboration, Countries, Depressed-Patients, Descriptive Study Though Data Analysis, Development, Diversity, Evaluation, Health, Health Psychology, Index Of Authorship, Interdisciplinarity, Journal, Journals, Knowledge, Languages, Long-Term Potentiation, Memory-Systems, Mental Health, Mental-Health, Mexico-City, Neurobiological Mechanisms, Neuropsychology, Neurosciences, Part Iii, Posttraumatic-Stress-Disorder, Psychophysiology, Publication, Publications, Publishing, Relevance, Risk Eating Behaviors, Science, Scientific Collaboration, Scientific Production, Spanish, Synaptic Plasticity, Treatment, Usefulness

? Garcia-Silberman, S., Arana, D., Martinez, R., Infante, R. and Jimenez, A. (2004), Research of epidemiological and psychosocial aspects of mental health: A bibliometric 8 analysis. Salud Mental, 27 (5), 8-22.

Full Text: 2004\Sal Men27, 8.pdf

Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to describe the most important characteristics of the scientific work developed at the Direccion de Investigaciones Epidemiologicas y Psicosociales (DIEP) from the Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatria Ramon de la Fuente (INPRF), using printed material as an indicator to evaluate productivity. We consider important to make a descriptive and critical analysis of the development of knowledge generated and disseminated with the purpose of having it as a base for planning future activities after twenty-five years of scientific activity in epidemiological and psychosocial research. Bibliometric analysis is a tool developed to perform quantitative studies of printed matter, it seeks to show numbers related to research activities through description of printed publications in a particular field. On this paper, we are trying to give a panoramic view of the different topics, the specific population groups studied, the methods used, as well as the different pathways and tendencies in these twenty-five years. This allows for the identification of particular fields that have been underestimated and which can be considered as starting point for the development of future research. The analysis of each document has been defined in three basic aspects: content, authors, and dissemination media used. This strategy made it possible for us to know the amount of the production and its quantitative and qualitative characteristics in terms of type of publication, the country where it was published, the assignment and nationality Of the authors, the number of authors by article, the type of research and its subject matter, the population studied, and the amount of publications per year. All the material used in this study belongs to a bibliographic database (BIBLISMAD), which is permanently updated and which gathers more than 5000 references of research reports published in Mexico or by Mexican researchers, among them all those who are or were part of the DIEP. All the references corresponding to documents that had been published were considered, including articles in journals, book chapters, complete books, manuals and reasearch instruments. References corresponding to unpublished works, summaries in memories and communications presented in congresses were excluded. The selection of the material was carried out considering the fact that at least one of the authors was assigned to the DIET when the paper was published or during the period when the research was performed. The bibliographic material was analyzed considering different aspects of each one in the manner of variables. This way we registered the type of publication (full book, manual, article in journal, book chapter, instrument, and report), the type of article (empiric research, review, and essay), the country of the journal or book, the number of authors by paper, articles where the main author was part of the DIEP, assignment of the authors (researcher form the DIEP, external national researcher, and external foreign researcher), the type of empirical research performed (quantitative or qualitative), the field of research (mental health or addictions), and the population under study (children, adolescents, adults, and elderly people). Apart from mere quantification and the kind of papers published, we considered a qualitative analysis as a very important aspect. In this case, we worked with the contents of each manuscript to identify general areas, particular topics, methods applied, populations researched, and the media chosen to publish. With this, we attempted to obtain indicators of the relative weight of each item. For this study, we analyzed an overall of 1457 works published between 1978 and 2003. Results are presented according to the type of publication, the authorship, and the main topic. The analysis allowed building a map of the research performed by the DIEP in the last twenty-five years. We found that most of the material corresponded to articles in scientific journals, most of them Mexican, almost a third American, and a fifth European. Regarding language, more than a half of the articles are in Spanish, nearly 40% are in English and small percentages are in French and Portuguese. As for the specialty of the publications, most of them were published in psychology, psychiatry, mental health, and addiction journals. Nevertheless, due to the characteristics of psychosocial research, 24% of the papers were published in different medic magazines (general practice, public health, epidemiology, pediatrics, geriatrics, AIDS treatment, biomedical sciences, gynecology, cancerology, neurology, nutrition, perinatology, sexuality and reproductive health), 17% in social sciences and humanities journals (culture, education, adolescence, anthropology, social work, family), and 3% in science and technology magazines. Tendencies in productivity were satisfactory, with variations related to the nature of research, which is devoted to data collection and analysis in some periods and in others to the publication of results. Broadly speaking, there was an increase in productivity. This increase was more obvious between 1984 and 1994, which may be explained by an institutional growth in terms of financial and human resources. This growth tended to stabitize in the last decade, in spite of which productivity has not stopped growing. When we analyzed data related to authorship, there was a marked leadership on the side of the DIEP researchers: 90% of the articles published had a researcher from the DIEP as the main author. In the other hand, there were 286 co-authors from Mexico and 204 from other countries, which is a sign of the great interest to work with different groups from institutions all over the country and overseas. Although the production average level seems to be low, this is explained by the fact that many authors have collaborated temporally as post-graduate students, students writing their dissertation, and students in social service. One indicator of the important role of the DIEP as a generator of original knowledge in mental health and addiction fields is the high percentage of papers reporting results of researches developed by this area of the institute. The frequency of quantitative methods is a reflex of the predominance of this perspective in science, and in health sciences particularly. However, the growing development that qualitative and mixed methods have had during this last decade is noteworthy. This implies an enrichment of the amount and out reach of the knowledge generated in our field of work. The diversity of topics allows for a thought about the great advance experienced by mental health in recent years, especially in epidemiologic and psicosocial regards. However, it must be said that there are still many challenges to face.

Keywords: Bibliometry, Disorders, General Psychiatric Journals, Mental Health, Psychosocial Research, Science, Trends

? Godoy, M.E.R., Navarro, E. and Escoto, A.S.D. (2008), Editorial productivity impact of the National Institute of Psychiatry Ramon de la Fuente, between the years 1995-2005, accoding to the Institute of Science Information Web of Science. Salud Mental, 31 (1), 3-17.

Full Text: 2008\Sal Men31, 3.pdf

Abstract: The immediate expression of the scientific activity is very well reflected through the serial journals, due to the fact that they are the main means of information that scientists have chosen to communicate to their peers and society as a whole the advances and recent contributions of research that is being done. Thus explaining in this manner the reason why bibliometric studies are of great utility to highlight the evolution of the scientific research, also, this allows scientists, institutions and, editors of scientific journals to be aware of a series of indicators to analyze science productivity from different angles. In this study, the editorial productivity of the National Institute of Psychiatry Ramon de la Fuente (NIPRF), and its journal Solud Mental included in two indexes of the ISI Web of Science: 1) The Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), 2) The Science Citation Index (SCI) and The Journal Citation Reports (JCR), by Thompson Scientific, between the years 1995 - 2006. The objective of the study is to make public the editorial productivity of the institution, research staff and their journal Solud Mental, according to the mentioned information sources. These databases were selected for this study because of the prestige that Thompson Scientific has not only in the scientific community, but also, in the information media, due to its rigorous methods to select the journals in order to maintain updated journal titles that are included in their indexes. This study shows the productivity of different countries of the world in the SSCI in the period analyzed to place Mexico in the international context. Then, it is shown all the productivity of Mexico in the SSCI by author, subject, institution, publication, type of document and language, with the purpose of knowing the position of productivity of the NIPRF in the national context. After this, all the productivity of the NIPRF contained in the SCI is presented with the total productivity of the institute in both indexes. Afterwards, a chart is shown of the productivity of the authors belonging to the institute that appear in both indexes, showing the number of articles as single authors and as first authors, as well as identifying the type of documents published. The study follows with a series of data of the productivity of three Mexican journals indexed in the SSCI related to subjects such as psychology and psychiatry, they are: Salud Publica de Mexico, Solud Mental and, Revista Mexicana, de Psicologia, with the purpose of identifying the institutions journal Salud Mental in the national and international context. The impact factor of the three Mexican journals was obtained from the Journal Citation Reports Edition. All the productivity of the three journals was analyzed by author, institution, type of document and language. The Mexican scientific productivity in social sciences, according to the SSCI, is very low compared with the other countries that were analyzed, in the case of Latin America, only Brazil exceeds Mexico in editorial production in this subject. According to the SSCI, the recurrent subjects in the editorial production in the social sciences are related with subjects such as psychology and psychiatry and the authors that stand out in this study are from the NIPRF. It is worth pointing out the fact that most of the editorial production of Mexico in this field according to the SSCI is generated in public institutions, first of all, the National Autonomous University of Mexico followed by the National Institute of Psychiatry Ramon de la Fuente.

Keywords: Advances, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Studies, Bibliometrics, Brazil, Community, Context, Data, Databases, Evolution, Expression, Field, First, Health, Impact, Impact Factor, Indicators, Information, Institutions, International, ISI, ISI Web of Science, Journal, Journal Citation Reports, Journals, Latin America, Media, Methods, Mexico, National Institute of Psychiatry Ramon de la Fuente (NIPRF), Productivity, Psychiatry, Psychology, Public, Publication, Purpose, Research, SCI, Science, Science Citation Index, Sciences, Scientific Journals, Scientific Productivity, Scientific Research, Social, Social Science Citation Index, Social Sciences, Society, Sources, SSCI, Utility, Web of Science, World

? Rojas, E., Real, T., Garcia-Silberman, S. and Medina-Mora, M.E. (2011), A systematic review of addiction treatment in Mexico. Salud Mental, 34 (4), 351-365.

Full Text: 2011\Sal Men34, 351.pdf

Abstract: The consumption of substances with addictive potential is a relevant health problem. In Mexico, the abuse is spreading and the use of services is unfrequent. To extend the offer and accessibility to treatment means to increase the coverage and to guarantee that efficient and effective models are used to treat the patients. The aim of the paper was to learn what has been investigated in this respect; a systematic review of the studies was undertaken to evaluate the treatment research through clinical trials. Methods A review of the published literature from 1980 to 2010 in databases and specialized documentation centers was undertaken. Reports of clinical trials to evaluate interventions for the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drugs were included. The criteria proposed by CONSORT were used as indicators. Results Two hundred and twenty publications were located on treatment in Mexico, of which only 26 (11.8 %) corresponded to clinical trials to evaluate the impact of different interventions. The most used type of treatment was the cognitive-behavioral brief one, followed by its combination with therapy of replacement, pharmacological therapy and individual psychotherapy or group therapy. Trials also included evaluation of motivational brief therapy, the program “La familia ensenante” (teaching family) and psychotherapy, as well as the therapy centered on solutions. Discussion Most of the clinical trials localized do not comply with the criteria or do it partially. Additionally they have short scopes due to the limited size of the samples. The results reveal that the reports published of investigations are very scanty to evaluate programs of treatment. There is a need to implement programs of treatment directed to specific populations and to the use of different types of drugs, and to evaluate the interventions.

Keywords: Addiction, Addictions, Alcohol, Bibliometric Analysis, Clinical Trials, Clinical-Trials, Consort, Countries, Coverage, Databases, Delay, Disorders, Documentation, Drugs, Evaluation, Family, Group Therapy, Impact, Interventions, Literature, Mental-Health-Services, Methods, Mexico, Patients, Psychotherapy, Publications, Reports, Research, Review, Systematic, Systematic Review, Teaching, Therapy, Tobacco, Treatment

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