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Title: Serials Librarian

Full Journal Title: Serials Librarian

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ISSN: 0361-526X


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: Impact Factor

? Gilreath, C.L. (1978), Agricola - multipurpose data-base for agricultural and life sciences libraries. Serials Librarian, 3 (1), 89-95.

Full Text: 1960-80\Ser Lib3, 89.pdf

Abstract: AGRICOLA (Agricultural Online Access), the bibliographic data base of the National Agricultural Library, is a computerized information retrieual system that can be adapted for use in many library functions. Although the system is most commonly used for retrieval of bibliographic references by subject, it can also be helpful in preorder and precataloging searches, in interlibrary loan verification, and in collection analysis. Various bibliometric studies that can be done with the on-line versions of AGRICOLA are described as well.

? Rashid, H.F. (1991), Bibliometric analysis as a tool in journal evaluation. Serials Librarian, 20 (2-3), 55-64.

Full Text: 1991\Ser Lib20, 55.pdf

Abstract: A new formula for establishing the relationship between the number of papers (n) published in a journal of physics, chemistry or biology and the rank (R) of the journal concerned is proposed. The new formula is straightforward and simple, and appears to lead to a reasonably accurate prediction of the number of published source items in a journal, provided the rank of the journal is known. The proposed formula may be considered as a modification of or alternative to Bradford’s law.

Keywords: Bibliometric, Bibliometric Analysis, Bradford, Evaluation, Lotka Law

? Narin, F. (1991), Globalization of research, scholarly information, and patents: 10 year trends. Serials Librarian, 21 (2-3), 33-44.

Full Text: 1991\Ser Lib21, 33.pdf

? Van Hooydonk, G. (1995), Cost and citation data for 5399 scientific journals in connection with journal price-setting, copyright laws and the use of bibliometric data for project review. Serials Librarian, 27 (1), 45-58.

Full Text: 1995\Ser Lib27, 45.pdf

Abstract: Bibliotheconomic (cost) and bibliometric (citation) data have been coupled for 5399 journals in the Journal Citation Reports (Science Citation Index) of 1990, after rearranging and averaging them for 12 major and classical scientific disciplines, Trends ate discussed in connection with peer review of scientific projects using impact data, with anomalous price-settings for journals and with effects of copyright laws on scientific research. Coupling journal cost with citation data reveals opposite trends for disciplines and publishers

Keywords: Bibliometric, Citation, Cost, Data, Effects, Impact, Impact Factors, Journal, Journal Citation Reports, Journals, Laws, Peer, Peer Review, Peer-Review, Project Review, Research, Review, Science Citation Index, Scientific Journals, Scientific Research, Trends

? Loughner, W. (1996), Scientific journal usage in a large university library: A local citation analysis. Serials Librarian, 29 (3-4), 79-88.

Full Text: 1996\Ser Lib29, 79.pdf

Abstract: Citation analysis is a helpful tool for evaluating academic library usage. When only the publications of local users are analyzed, the results are even more relevant to the local library Manual collection of citations can be a time- and labor-intensive operation and has inhibited widespread use of local citation analysis. This study demonstrates how to use the Science Citation Index CDROM product and a personal computer to generate useful reports utilizing a much larger base of citations than previously has been possible. Moreover, the process is so relatively quick and easy that it can be run annually or whenever needed. In the study, over 35,000 citations from papers by scientific researchers at the University of Georgia were analyzed to generate reports useful for collection development.

? Hérubel, J.P.V.M. and Goedeken, E.A. (2000), Metadisciplinarity, Belles lettres, and André Malraux: A bibliometric exploration of knowledge formation. Serials Librarian, 37 (4), 51-68.

Full Text: 2000\Ser Lib37, 51.pdf

Abstract: A theoretical and conceptual mapping of the contours of knowledge emerges through a bibliometric approach using the Arts and Humanities Citation Index. Focusing on Andre Malraux and his writings, one can discern how bibliometrics can effectively explore the subtle characteristics of disciplinary knowledge, and how their permutations reflect the evolution of knowledge along a metadisciplinary continuum. Evidence indicates that Malraux’s non-disciplinary, i.e., belles-lettres, writing has influenced theoretical thinking in a number of disciplines. Malraux’s intellectual and cultural influence can be effectively pursued through referential analysis. This theoretical approach provides a viable conceptual model of intellectual mutation, influence, and bibliometric veracity. This study’s results show that this methodology could be applied effectively in other areas of intellectual history and cultural studies.

Keywords: Bibliometric Analysis, Andre Malraux, Metadisciplinarity, Interdisciplinarity, Citation Characteristics, Fine-Arts, Monographs, Science, Work

? Hérubel, J.P.V.M. and Goedeken, E.A. (2001), Using the Arts and Humanities Citation Index to identify a community of interdisciplinary historians: An exploratory bibliometric study. Serials Librarian, 41 (1), 85-98.

Full Text: S\Ser Lib41, 85.pdf

Abstract: The history journal Annales: Economies, Soci’t’s, civilizations is investigated for 1980-1989 to reveal an institutional and geographical mapping of the Annales contributors. Using the Arts and Humanities Citation Index database, the author’s institutional affiliations are identified and examined with the intention of verifying a community of Annaliste historians publishing research within the parameters of Annaliste historiography and intellectual concerns. A discussion of domains of knowledge and disciplinarities is linked to intellectual orientation. This study indicates that these historians are predominately French with a significant minority representing an international community. Substantive knowledge of Annaliste historical research, methodologies, and intellectual orientation animates institutional affiliation. Finally, the authors suggest that identifying any major ‘school’ of historiographical innovation can be accomplished through use of bibliometrical analysis

Keywords: Affiliation, Analysis, Annalistes, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Authors, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Analysis, Bibliometric Study, Citation, Community, Database, French, History, Innovation, Institutional, Intention, Interdisciplinarity, Interdisciplinary, International, Journal, Knowledge, Mapping, Methodologies, Minority, Orientation, Publishing, Research

? Nisonger, T.E. (2004), The benefits and drawbacks of impact factor for journal collection management in libraries. Serials Librarian, 47 (1-2), 57-75.

Full Text: 2004\Ser Lib47, 57.pdf

Abstract: An overview and analysis of the Journal Citation Reports’ impact factor is provided here. The historical development, calculation of, and alternatives to impact factor are briefly described. Nine general uses of impact factor, including library collection management decisions, journal rankings, journal decision models, and full-text database evaluation, are discussed. Ten benefits, such as its well-established authority, are listed. Finally, more than a dozen criticisms of citation data in general (e.g., self-citations are counted) and impact factor specifically (e.g., problems with the formula for its calculation) are analyzed. The author concludes that impact factor, if used appropriately and in combination with other criteria, is a valid tool that can assist journal collection management decisions in research libraries.

Keywords: Analysis, Author, Citation, Citation Analysis, Citation Analysis, Deselection, Evaluation, Genetics, Impact Factor, Index, Information-Science, Journal, Journal Citation Reports, Journal Collection Management, Journal Evaluation, Periodicals, Publications, Rankings, Reports, Research, Research Evaluation, Self Citations, Self-Citations, Social-Science, Stature

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