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Title: Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems

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Title: Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems

Full Journal Title: Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems

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ISSN: 0094-243X


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Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Hossain, M.A., Kumita, M. and Mori, S. (2004), Sorption dynamics of Cr(VI) on used black tea leaves. Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems, 708, 394-397.

Abstract: Sorption efficiency of Cr(VI) on used black tea leaves from aqueous solutions was evaluated. Kinetic studies were conducted using a batch process, and the effects of Cr(VI) concentration, solution pH and temperature on the adsorption and reduction performance were investigated. The adsorption kinetics follows pseudo-second order rate equation better than pseudo-first order one. The rate constant of pseudo-second order adsorption decreases with increasing an initial concentration of Cr(VI), up to a certain limit, then becomes steady. The maximum value of the rate constant was observed at an initial solution pH = 1.3. The rate constant was found to linearly increase with an increase in temperature, showing that the process is endothermic. The activation energy of adsorption calculated from Arrhenius plot is 16.3 kJ/mol, indicating that the adsorption occurred easily.

Keywords: Activation, Activation Energy, Adsorption, Adsorption Kinetics, Aqueous Solutions, Batch, Batch Process, Black, Concentration, Cr(VI), Dynamics, Effects, Efficiency, Endothermic, Energy, Ions, Kinetic, Kinetic Studies, Kinetics, Performance, pH, Process, Pseudo First Order, Pseudo Second Order, Pseudo-First Order, Pseudo-First-Order, Pseudo-Second Order, Pseudo-Second-Order, Rate Constant, Reduction, Solution, Solutions, Sorption, Temperature, Used Black Tea Leaves, Value

Title: Soap & Cosmetics

Full Journal Title: Soap & Cosmetics

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:



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Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Micheels, C. (1999), Careful chemistry: Responsible Care (R) faces the next decade. Soap & Cosmetics, 75 (7), 38-??.

Title: Social Biology

Full Journal Title: Social Biology

ISO Abbreviated Title:

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Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Osborne, R.H. (1982), Introduction to the memorial volume - the Most frequently cited articles of Social Biology. Social Biology, 29 (1-2), 1-3.

? Osborne, R.H. (1982), The osborn, frederick memorial volume - Introduction to Part-2 of the memorial volume - the most frequently cited articles of Social Biology. Social Biology, 29 (3-4), R3-R5.

? Osborne, R.H. and Osborne, B.T. (1999), The most frequently cited articles published in Social Biology, 1961-1999. Social Biology, 46 (3-4), 194-206.

Full Text: Soc Bio46, 194.pdf

Title: Social Dynamics-A Journal of the Centre for African Studies University of Cape Town

Full Journal Title: Social Dynamics-A Journal of the Centre for African Studies University of Cape Town

ISO Abbrev. Title: Soc. Dyn.-J. Cent. Afr. Stud. Univ. Cape Town

JCR Abbrev. Title: Soc Dynamics

ISSN: 0253-3952

Issues/Year: 2

Language: English

Journal Country/Territory: South Africa

Publisher: Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd

Publisher Address: 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon OX14 4RN, Oxfordshire, England

Subject Categories:

Area Studies: Impact Factor 0.237, 32/44 (2009)

? Ross, R. (1990), The top-hat in South African history - the changing significance of an article of material culture. Social Dynamics-A Journal of the Centre for African Studies University of Cape Town, 16 (1), 90-100.

Keywords: History, Jun

Title: Social Forces

Full Journal Title: Social Forces

ISO Abbrev. Title: Soc. Forces

JCR Abbrev. Title: Soc Forces

ISSN: 0037-7732

Issues/Year: 4

Language: English

Journal Country/Territory: United States

Publisher: Univ North Carolina Press

Publisher Address: Box 2288, Journals Dept, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2288

Subject Categories:

Sociology: Impact Factor 1.379, 23/114 (2009)

Quarantelli, E.L. (1995), Community reconstruction after an earthquake: Dialectical sociology in action-Rossi, I. Social Forces, 73 (3), 1153-1154.

Full Text: S\Soc For73, 1153.pdf

Merton, R.K. (1995), The Thomas theorem and the Matthew effect. Social Forces, 74 (2), 379-424.

Full Text: S\Soc For74, 379.pdf

Title: Social Indicators Research

Full Journal Title: Social Indicators Research

ISO Abbreviated Title: Soc. Indic. Res.

JCR Abbreviated Title: Soc Indic Res

ISSN: 0303-8300

Issues/Year: 9

Journal Country Netherlands

Language: English

Publisher: Springer

Publisher Address: Van Godewijckstraat 30, 3311 GZ Dordrecht, Netherlands

Subject Categories:

Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary: Impact Factor 0.835, 25/68 (2009)

Sociology: Impact Factor 0.835, 56/114 (2009)

? Hubert, J.J. (1977), Bibliometric models for journal productivity. Social Indicators Research, 4 (4), 441-473.

Full Text: 1960-80\Soc Ind Res4, 441.pdf

Abstract: Bibliometrics is the collection of statistical methods which are applicable to various media of communication. For scientific discourse, such as journals, many models have characterized their productivity. This paper presents a detailed chronological survey of these models. One common notation is used, derivation and proofs are in a statistical framework and new relationships are illustrated. We also provide a list of relevant papers and examine those which have used these models.

Keywords: Bibliometric, Models

? Ying, Y.W. (1992), Life satisfaction among San-Francisco Chinese-Americans. Social Indicators Research, 26 (1), 1-22.

Full Text: 1992\Soc Ind Res26, 1.pdf

Abstract: This study investigates variables that predict life satisfaction in a group of 142 San Francisco Chinese-Americans by utilizing Campbell, Converse and Rodgers’ model (1976) of life quality. While objective demographic variables failed to make a significant contribution, satisfaction level with life domains examined (i.e., work, health, marriage/singlehood, friendship and biculturality) accounted for 37% of the variance in life satisfaction, with all but the combined work domain satisfaction score emerging as significant predictors of overall life satisfaction. Subgroup analyses reveal biculturality satisfaction as the most powerful predictor of life satisfaction in immigrants, but not in American-borns, for whom level of friendship satisfaction is most predictive of life quality. These findings and their implications are discussed.

Keywords: Perceptions, Cognition, Marriage, Models

? Lind, N.C. (1996), Life quality measures of smoking. Social Indicators Research, 37 (2), 207-218.

Full Text: 1996\Soc Ind Res37, 207.pdf

Abstract: The cost of smoking has three principal dimensions: money, reduced life expectancy, and diminished health. Each component can be quantified, all have an influence on the quality and duration of life. The combined influence can be evaluated using an aggregated social indicator, such as the Life Quality Index. It can be expressed in various ways, e.g. as an equivalent move to a nation or to a time with a lower level of the LQI, as an equivalent economic loss, or as an equivalent loss of life expectancy. To illustrate, the analysis is applied to Danish data on smoking, the cost for a typical pack-a-day habit is equivalent to a 57% reduction in personal income, 8.6 years loss of life expectancy, or a 4% drop in the Life Quality Index. These measures underscore the seriousness of smoking as a health hazard.

? McPheat, D. (1996), Technology and life-quality. Social Indicators Research, 37 (3), 281-301.

Full Text: 1996\Soc Ind Res37, 281.pdf

Abstract: This paper examines some of the effects of technology on quality of life (QOL) that are suggested in the classical and mole recent literature. It argues that confusion concerning the impact of technology is reduced by using a simple definition of it and by analysing its interrelationships with five other key variables of social structure with also influence QOL. It is argued that economic rationalism which produces mainstream technology and structure may prevent the maximisation of QOL because of their negative effects on health and the quality of relationships. In this case, the introduction of alternative technology and social structure requires a devaluation of material wealth and a more positive valuation of health and the quality of relationships.

? Pandey, M.D. and Nathwani, J.S. (1996), Measurement of socio-economic inequality using the life-quality index. Social Indicators Research, 39 (2), 187-202.

Full Text: 1996\Soc Ind Res39, 187.pdf

Abstract: As income inequality presents a narrow view of overall inequality prevailing in a society, the paper focuses on its much broader definition, referred to as socio-economic inequality, which considers the disparities in income as well as in mortality, and standard of living. The paper presents a new method for measuring the socio-economic inequality using a composite social indicator, Life-Quality Index, derived from two principal indicators of development, namely, the Real Gross Domestic Product per person and the life expectancy at birth. Income inequality and the associated life expectancy variations are integrated into a quality adjusted income (QAI), to account for the observed differentials in life-quality of various quintiles of the population. The Gini coefficient of the distribution of QAI is introduced as a measure of socio-economic inequality. The proposed approach is illustrated using data on life expectancy of five income quintiles in urban Canada. It is found that the magnitude of inequality in Canada is higher than that reflected by the traditional measure, the Gini coefficient of income.

Keywords: Mortality, Health, Income, life-quality, life expectancy, Real Gross Domestic Product, inequality, Gini coefficient, income Lorenz curve, human development

? Illner, M. (1998), The changing quality of life in a post-communist country: The case of Czech Republic. Social Indicators Research, 43 (1-2), 141-170.

Full Text: S\Soc Ind Res43, 141.pdf

Abstract: Societal transformation which followed the fall of Communism in Czech Republic has affected many aspects of people’s lives. In this paper, we describe the main institutional and structural transformations which induced changes in life-quality after 1989 and sketch thereafter some of the changes themselves. It is mostly the changing living conditions which we cover in the contribution: 1. democracy and civil rights, 2. employment and unemployment, 3. incomes, earnings and the quality of consumption, 4. poverty, 5. housing, 6. environment, 7. health, 8. crime, corruption and social pathology. Some tentative conclusions are proposed: the changes have been contradictory-positive on some dimensions of life-quality (democracy, civil rights, environment, health), negative on another set (crime and social pathology, housing) and inconclusive in the rest (incomes, wages, employment). It is, however, premature to draw definite conclusions, as the process of transformation has not yet reached its end. Judging from subjective evaluation of the overall life quality, the recent picture was encouraging: in 1996, the majority of Czech population said they were satisfied wit how they live. Not only life-quality has changed after 1989, but also the understanding of what good life means.

Keywords: Europe

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