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Title: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

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Title: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

Full Journal Title: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

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Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Sirin, H. and Marino, M.A. (2008), On the cumulant expansion up scaling of ground water contaminant transport equation with nonequilibrium sorption. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 22 (4), 551-565.

Full Text: 2008\Sto Env Res Ris Ass22, 551.pdf

Abstract: The laboratory-scale ground water transport equation with nonequilibrium sorption reaction subjected to unsteady, nondivergence-free, and nonstationary velocity fields is up-scaled to the field-scale by using the ensemble-averaged equations obtained from the cumulant expansion ensemble-averaging method. It is found that existing ensemble-averaged equations obtained with the help of the cumulant expansion method for the system of linear partial differential equations are not second-order exact. Although the cumulant expansion methodology is designed for noncommuting operators, it is found that there are still commudativity requirements that need to be satisfied by the functions and constants exist in the coefficient matrix of the system of ordinary, partial differential equations. A reversibility requirement, which covers the commudativity requirements, is also proposed when applying the cumulant expansion method to a system of partial differential equations, a partial differential equation. The significance of the new velocity correction obtained in this study due to the applied second-order exact cumulant expansion is investigated on a numerical example with a linear trend in the distribution coefficient. It is found that the effect of the new velocity correction can be significant enough to affect the maximum concentration values and the plume center of mass in the case of a trending distribution coefficient in a physically heterogeneous environment.

Keywords: Aquifers, Contaminant Transport, Cumulant Expansion, Distribution Coefficient, Environment, Functions, Ground Water Contaminant Transport, Heterogeneous Porous-Media, Methodology, Model, Nonequilibrium Sorption, Partial Differential Equations, Plume, Reactive Transport, Requirement, Scaling, Simulations, Solute Transport, Sorption, Stochastic Differential Equations, Stochastic-Analysis, Transport, Unsteady-Flow Conditions, Velocity-Fields, Water

Title: Strahlentherapie und Onkologie

Full Journal Title: Strahlentherapie und Onkologie

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:

ISSN: 0179-7158


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Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Lehrl, S. (1999), Evaluating scientific performances by impact factors - the right for equal chances. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 175 (4), 141-153.

Full Text: 1999\Str Onk175, 141.pdf

Abstract: Background: Regularly the Institute of Scientific Information publishes the impact factor (LF) that plays an increasing role when the scientific quality of scientific performances of journals, single publications, scientists, and research groups have to be evaluated in order to support them. Questions: How valid is the IF assigned to journals, single publications, scientists, and research groups? Have all these the same chance to be evaluated? How can fairness of evaluation be increased? Can its validity be improved? Results: The value of IF equals the average number of citations per article published in the preceding 2 calender years in a journal. The criteria for selection of citing journals and of those with an ‘official’ IF are not fully explicated. Although the citations have no equal units of measurement, empirical findings confirm their pragmatic applicability. IF of journals and even the citation rates of its articles are skewedly distributed to right hand. Additionnally, the citation rates of the articles within a journal vary. Therefore, the IF of journals rarely equal the actual citation rates of their articles. Usually, IF overestimates the citation rate and quality of the articles. Its tendency not to recognize low and high quality even increases when IF is administered to individual scientists and small research groups, whereas it decreases in large research groups. Under the premise that the extent of scientific quality corresponds to the amount of information a paper adds to the state of science, language, actuality etc. are confounders because English, reviewing, biomedical, and actual articles have preferred citation rates. Conclusions: Evaluation of scientific performances by IF is to be restricted to journals and large research groups. Fairness demands comparisons to homogeneous journals with respect to confounders such as language, Principally, no journal should be excluded to obtain an IF if it fullfills the minimum criteria of an internationally communicating science. For this purpose they have to provide a title, key words, and an abstract in English, a peer review system etc. Often journals are the centre of science cultures that an able to generate research of highest levels. The users can contribute to increase the IF of ‘their’ journal and to we for the valid application of this indicator.

Keywords: Bibliometry, Citation-Classics, Clinical Physiology, Economics, Evaluation of Scientific Performance, Impact, Impact Factor, Indicators, Journal Impact, Nuclear-Medicine, Patterns, Peer Review, Publications, Quality, Quality Of Research, Research, Science, Scientific Journals

Title: Strait Pharmaceutical Journal

Full Journal Title: Strait Pharmaceutical Journal

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:

ISSN: 1006-3765


Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Ying, X., He, W., Qi, Y. and Li, S.G. (2003), Research in a novel immunosuppressant FTY720: A bibliometric analysis. Strait Pharmaceutical Journal, 15 (6), 6-8.

Full Text: 2003\Str Pha J15, 6.pdf

Abstract: It is summarized in the article that basic principle of photodynamic the rapy, comm only use dphotosens itizers and state of development, and the choice of light source. The developmental prospects of PDT have also been predicted.

Keywords: FTY720, Bibliometric Analysis, Immunosuppressant

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