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21 (3), 313-323.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 313.pdf

Abstract: Under the sponsorship of the U.S. National Science Foundation, CHI Research, Inc. developed the bibliometric indicators for the U.S. National Science Board’s Science Indicators Reports starting with Science Indicators 1972. In the work reported here, for the Commission of the European Communities, CHI has extended the Science Indicators techniques and database to a study of publication, coauthorship and citation within 28 scientific fields related to various European Community programs.

Perhaps the most important finding of the research was that internationally coauthored papers - papers authored by scientists affiliated with institutions in more than one EC country - were cited two times as highly as papers authored by scientists working at a single institution within a single country. These EC-EC internationally coauthored papers were cited as highly as EC-Non EC and Non-EC papers. This indicates that the internationally linked European science is of as high impact as any other science in the world.

A second key finding was that, after compensating for national scientific size, the degree of international coauthorship did not appear to be particularly dependent upon size. However, linguistic and cultural factors were found to be very strong. The patterns of coauthorship amongst the European countries are far from homogeneous, and are quite heavily affected by linguistic, historical, and cultural factors.

Finally, it was found that international coauthorship is increasing steadily, both within and outside of the Community, with some evidence that international cooperation is increasing more rapidly in scientific fields that have been targeted by the Commission.

Keywords: Bibliometric, Bibliometric Indicators, Citation, Coauthorship, Cooperation, Cultural, Database, EC, Europe, Evidence, Indicators, Institutions, International, International Cooperation, Papers, Publication, Research, Science, Size, Techniques, Work

? Dahl, M. and Lahlou, S. (1991), Measurement of network effects from the EC science stimulation programs. Scientometrics, 21 (3), 325-342.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 325.pdf

Abstract: Each of the EC research programmes has to be evaluated with respect to their objectives. This paper describes the study of the effects of the SCIENCE/STIMULATION Programmes on all the laboratories that participated in contracts which were still running at the time of the study. The study was designed with special regard to the short time available. Nevertheless, it yielded sufficient data to justify a clustering of the laboratories networks in four classes as they looked before the contract and in six classes as they looked afterwards. Thus, the study provided quantification of the links among the laboratories. We find that the method is feasible within the constraints set, but we recommend that further theoretical work be done on the concept of networks as well as on the processing of the data and, more ambitiously, that more global studies be made possible by use of this method on other surveys.

Keywords: Clustering, Contract, EC, Research, Work

? Teichler, U. (1991), Evaluation of the EC training fellowship program based on a fellows questionnaire survey. Scientometrics, 21 (3), 343-365.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 343.pdf

Abstract: Major findings are reported of a survey of scientists and engineers awarded an EC Training Fellowship between 1966 and 1988. 472 former fellows and 140 renonces, i.e. declining the fellowship awarded, report about academic experiences in another EC country and administrative issues of the fellowship as well as subsequent careers. The article places special emphasis on the 12 percent of former fellows from less favoured regions of the European community. They turn out to regard the fellowship more favourably than fellows from advanced regions, but would prefer other options, if they could decide again.

Keywords: Careers, Community, EC, Survey

? Higgins, T. (1991), Indicators of European scientific cohesion. Scientometrics, 21 (3), 367-381.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 367.pdf

Abstract: Cohesion, as a concept, may be related to symbiosis. It implies an association of dissimilar entities to their mutual advantage. It is a particularly appropriate concept for the Community itself, and a very important one, as Europe moves towards greater integration. Economic, political and institutional integration will occur more easily and quickly if cohesion between the different elements involved can be achieved. Cohesion of the European scientific Community, can play a role in assisting (or delaying) the overall movement of the Community towards greater and more lasting integration. Cohesion of the scientific community implies, among other things, - free and open exchange of information, - joint planning and execution of projects, - access to facilities and results, - narrowing of disparities in scientific and technical capability between regions and Member States. There is evidence that progress is being made in respect of a number of these. Under the stimulus of the Framework Programme, the scientific community in Europe has become a more cohesive force. An important indicator of this is the level of participation by regions and Member States in the Programme. However, while some regions and Member States are major participants, there are grounds for concern about the level of participation of certain peripheral and Less Favoured Regions.

Keywords: Access, Association, Community, Europe, Evidence, Facilities, Force, Indicator, Information, Integration, Planning

Lewison, G. (1991), The scientific output of the ECs less favored regions. Scientometrics, 21 (3), 383-402.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 383.pdf

Abstract: Results are given of a bibliometric study covering 1977-86 and 28 scientific fields defined by journals and title keywords. Attention was focussed on publications from less favoured regions of the EC, containing 20% of the population, 10% of the g.d.p., but only 5% of scientific output, although this is growing rapidly. The scientific strengths of the different LFRs vary and details are given. Finally, some appropriate indicators are suggested to measure the effectiveness of scientific infrastructure support planned for these regions.

Keywords: Bibliometric, Bibliometric Study, EC, Effectiveness, Indicators, Journals, Population, Publications, Scientific Output

Tsipouri, L.J. (1991), Effects of EC research-and-development policy on Greece: Some thoughts in view of the stride program. Scientometrics, 21 (3), 403-416.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 403.pdf

Abstract: Evidence from Greece suggests that after its accession to the EC the country benefited from a limited transfer of resources in form of R & D subsidies, which were heavily concentrated both sectorally and institutionally, hardly leading to marketable innovations. A detailed analysis shows though that the country benefited more from the EC technology policy in the form of a) subsidies for R & D infrastructure and b) quick adaptation of its institutions to new challenges. Based on this experience it is suggested that STRIDE, a Community R & D programme for less favoured regions, be evaluated with both cohesion and excellence indicators.

Keywords: Adaptation, Analysis, Countries, EC, Figures, Greece, Indicators, Institutions, Management, Policy, Publication Output, Relative Citation Impact, Science, Search, Technology, Version

? Grupp, H., Schmoch, U. and Kuntze, U. (1991), Patents as potential indicators of the utility of EC research programs. Scientometrics, 21 (3), 417-445.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 417.pdf

Abstract: In the framework of the MONITOR-SPEAR programme of the Commission of the European Communities a critical review of the literature with regard to the utility of patent indicators being in use for evaluation world-wide has been undertaken. Availability, scope and complementarity of these indicators are discussed. A practical tool to use patent indicators for evaluation committees of EC programmes is designed and recommendations for EC procedures are given. The suggested procedures will be implemented alongside three sample exercises. One of the exercise programmes is science-led (BEP and BAP), one industry-led (BRITE I) and one interphase (MHR). In this paper only selected examples with respect to the MHR programme are outlined and discussed. The project is not completed yet and only preliminary findings will be given in this paper. From the viewpoint of its present state it is concluded that patent indicators may play a very useful role within a mixed set of evaluation procedures. The intersection with other methods is not very large, that is, patent indicators may provide supplementary information to a large extent. However, their use is limited to those types of programmes which are relevant for intellectual property rights mostly in the commercial realm. Patent indicators share with other evaluation tools the problem of best adjustment of time windows between observation and execution of the programme. Despite of these limitation, patent indicators may be employed properly as output indicators related to ongoing EC programmes, but as well for prospective analysis of applied fields of R & D and may thus help in the definition phase of new R & D programmes.

Keywords: Analysis, EC, Evaluation, Framework, Indicators, Information, Innovation, Intellectual Property, Literature, Methods, Patent, Procedures, Recommendations, Review, Rights, Utility

? Courtial, J.P. and Callon, M. (1991), Indicators for the Identification of Strategic Themes Within A Research-Program. Scientometrics, 21 (3), 447-458.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 447.pdf

Abstract: The co-word method (Leximappe programme) is used to illustrate the essential themes of international research based on the computer analysis of databases of scientific articles and patents. Further, we illustrate that these themes often follow characteristic cycles. Research projects submitted to a research funding organisation were subjected to a similar analysis. It was then possible in one sense to evaluate the relevance of funding support, particularly in terms of the degree of maturity of international research.

Keywords: Analysis, International, Patents, Relevance, Research, Research Funding

? Parthey, H. and Schuetze, W. (1991), Distribution of publications as an indicator for the evaluation of scientific programs. Scientometrics, 21 (3), 459-464.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 459.pdf

Abstract: This article describes investigations into the publication behaviour of scientific authors from the GDR. The obtained data revealed that - analogous to the Lotka-distribution - not only a fifth of all authors produce half of the publications of a certain institute, but that these authors also have a quicker reaction time and receptivity to new international research problems. These findings may make it possible to substantiate proposals by guiding scientists in the direction of themes, respectively to help the science policy in the process of the elaboration of new research programs.

Keywords: Behaviour, International, Policy, Publication, Publications, Research, Science, Science Policy

? Barre, R. (1991), Indicators of the emerging european S-and-T space - Results of the 1st international-conference on european S-and-T indicators. Scientometrics, 21 (3), 465-469.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 465.pdf

Abstract: The European construction has been developping in new areas and at an accelerated pace for the last few years, in the perspective of the single European market of 1993. One of the important aspects of this evolution has been the establishment of a “European science and technology (S & T) space”, through the successive “Framework Programs” of the Commission of the European Community. The present conference highlighted one result: we have now measurable hints of the emergence of such a “European S & T space”. The various papers which were presented document indeed the various facets of this new reality of a multinational research system taking shape. This new reality has been put in evidence through a series of appropriate S & T indicators. These indicators have been developped by a number of research teams, in general with the financial support of the EC, as a response to an evaluation challenge linked itself to a S & T policy one. In turn, they led to a challenge on S & T indicators: this conference showed that the latter could - at least partially - be met.

Keywords: EC, Evaluation, Evidence, Evolution, Financial Support, Indicators, Market, Papers, Policy, Research, Science, Science and Technology, Technology

? Turner, W.A. (1991), An introduction to scientometrics in France. Scientometrics, 22 (1), 5-8.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics22, 5.pdf

Keywords: France, Scientometrics

? Davoust, E. and Schmadel, L.D. (1991), A study of the publishing activity of astronomers since 1969. Scientometrics, 22 (1), 9-39.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics22, 9.pdf

Abstract: This is a statistical analysis of the publishing activity of astronomers worldwide, as measured by the number of papers and monographs published in the period 1969-87. Both the astronomical literature and the number of authors publishing in the field are increasing rapidly. The distribution of productivity among astronomers is followed in time, thus revealing the evolution of research methods and publication strategies in the past 19 years. Fourteen “superproductive” astronomers, who published over 150 papers in 15 years, and the subsample of French astronomers active in 1986 are investigated separately.

Keywords: Ages, American Astronomers, Analysis, Citations, Evolution, Growth, Literature, Methods, Most-Cited Papers, Papers, Publication, Publishing, Rates, Research, Statistical Analysis

? Le Minor, S. and Dostatni, P. (1991), A bibliometric study of the publications of the French national institute for health and medical research (INSERM). Scientometrics, 22 (1), 41-64.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics22, 41.pdf

Abstract: An ‘INSERM bibliometric database’, which lists the publications of researchers at the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research, was compiled by downloading references from the MEDLINE and the Science Citation Index (SCI) bibliographical databases, and by using micro-computing techniques. MEDLINE and the SCI proved to be complementary data sources well-suited to this work. Initial results of an analysis of this INSERM bibliometric database are given. They help to situate the organization’s written production in a national and an international context and, in particular, to trace the ‘profile’ of the Institute’s researchers and the impact of the journals used in their publications.

Keywords: Analysis, Bibliometric, Complementary, Database, International, Journals, MEDLINE, Publications, SCI, Science Citation Index, Techniques, Work

? Jagodzinskisigogneau, M., Bauin, S., Courtial, J.P. and Feillet, H. (1991), Scientific innovation in bibliographical databases - A comparative-study of the science-citation-index and the pascal database. Scientometrics, 22 (1), 65-82.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics22, 65.pdf

Abstract: This study compares information obtained from the INIST/CNRS bibliographical database PASCAL with that found in the Atlas of Science published by ISI. The goal of the comparison was to contribute to a better understanding of how databases can be used to carry out fine-grained studies of social and cognitive factors which affect the definition of a scientific research program. The program studied concern the development of research on “brush-border” cell membranes.

Keywords: Comparison, Database, Development, Information, ISI, Research, Science Citation Index, Scientific Research, Understanding

? Dou, H., Quoniam, L. and Hassanaly, P. (1991), The scientific dynamics of a city - A study of chemistry in Marseilles from 1981 to the present. Scientometrics, 22 (1), 83-93.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics22, 83.pdf

Abstract: In a study of scientific publications originating from laboratories in the city of Marseille, we look at both the quantitative evolution of these publications over time and their thematic development. Using the section headings of the Chemical Abstract database, we identify the principal research poles of the city and their relationships.

Keywords: Database, Development, Evolution, Publications, Research, Scientific Publications

? Barre, R. (1991), Clustering research fields for macro-strategic analysis - A comparative specialization approach. Scientometrics, 22 (1), 95-112.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics22, 95.pdf

Abstract: The goal of this article is to show that it is possible to construct an index to measure a country’s relative specialization in different scientific fields in a way which is both reliable and relevant for macro-strategic analysis. We will call this index a “Revealed Scientific Advantages Index”. The technical problem to be discussed is one of aggregation: how can we be sure that an index calculated for a small number of relatively large fields does not mask significant differences that might have shown up had a lower level of data aggregation been used? Science policy needs synthetic measures which am easy to interpret. We will show that the “Revealed Scientific Advantages’ approach offers the possibility of building them. The study itself is based on figures obtained through an exploitation of the INIST/CNRS PASCAL database classification of science. 107 sub-fields of this classification were initially used to determine the areas of specialization for 11 countries (“revealed national advantages”). Clustering techniques were then used to aggregate this data and 13 specific fields were identified. The science policy information produced during the study concerned these 13 fields. It proved to be both easily understandable and relevant for macro-strategic analysis.

Keywords: Aggregation, Analysis, Classification, Database, Information, Needs, Policy, Science, Science Policy, Small, Techniques

Bauin, S., Michelet, B., Schweighoffer, M.G. and Vermeulin, P. (1991), Using bibliometrics in strategic analysis: ‘Understanding chemical reactions’ at the CNRS. Scientometrics, 22 (1), 113-137.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics22, 113.pdf

Abstract: This article presents the results of a study carried out for CNRS policy makers. The goal of the study was two-fold, first, it was aimed at evaluating the research effort devoted to ‘understanding chemical reactions’ both in France and throughout the world, second, it was designed to test the usefulness of bibliometric techniques for strategic analysis. One feature of this article merits special attention. It is co-signed by the researchers who carried out the study and by the policy makers for whom it was intended.

Keywords: Analysis, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Techniques, Bibliometrics, Citation, Co-Word Analysis, Feature, First, France, Policy, Research, Science, Techniques

? Turner, W.A. and Rojouan, F. (1991), Evaluating input output relationships in a regional research network using co-word analysis. Scientometrics, 22 (1), 139-154.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics22, 139.pdf

Abstract: In this study, a network management approach to science policy decision-making guided our efforts to develop new co-word analysis techniques for the evaluation of regional research policies. A rich collection of factual data was gathered on inputs into the local research system (funding, personnel, equipment, ...). This data was then combined with the results of a co-word analysis of the region’s publication output. The network management approach is useful in helping to determine the nature of input/output relationships in a regional context.

Keywords: Analysis, Decision Making, Decision-Making, Equipment, Evaluation, Management, Network, Personnel, Policy, Publication, Research, Science, Science Policy, Techniques

? Callon, M., Courtial, J.P. and Laville, F. (1991), Co-word analysis as a tool for describing the network of interactions between basic and technological research - The case of polymer chemistry. Scientometrics, 22 (1), 155-205.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics22, 155.pdf

Abstract: The goal of this paper is to show how co-word analysis techniques can be used to study interactions between academic and technological research. It is based upon a systematic content analysis of publications in the polymer science field over a period of 15 years. The results concern a.) the evolution of research in different subject areas and the patterns of their interaction, b.) a description of subject area “life cycles”, c.) an analysis of “research trajectories” given factors of stability and change in a research network, d.) the need to use both science push and technology pull theories to explain the interaction dynamics of a research field. The co-word techniques developed in this paper should help to build a bridge between research in scientometrics and work underway to better understand the economics of innovation.

Keywords: Analysis, Dynamics, Economics, Evolution, Innovation, Interaction, Network, Polymer, Publications, Research, Science, Scientometrics, Stability, Techniques, Technology, Work

? Mauguin, P. (1991), Using a contracts database for evaluating the dynamics of a technological program - The case of the European nonnuclear energy program. Scientometrics, 22 (1), 207-228.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics22, 207.pdf

Abstract: In the scope of the evaluation of the European program of the R & D on non nuclear energies, we have chosen to study the contracts between the operator of the program, here the Commission of the European Communities, and the teams selected at the issue of a call for tenders. These contracts, recorded on a computerised accounting database, gather information on the 3 important inputs of a program: The teams involved the themes of the research and the financial level. After corrections, the base gathered 421 research actions, summing up nearly 650 teams for a total cost of 350 MECU. Different statistical treatments have been applied to this base, allowing to characterize the main outlines of the program, its advancement and its dynamic, globally and more acutely on the research’s fields that it has supported. The method of analysis ‘themes allois’ which is proposed applied to a base of contracts slightly transformed thus prefigures a tool for strategic management of technological programs.

Keywords: Analysis, Cost, Database, Evaluation, Information, Management, Research, Strategic Management

Zitt, M. (1991), A simple method for dynamic scientometrics using lexical analysis. Scientometrics, 22 (1), 229-252.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics22, 229.pdf

Abstract: Techniques for studying problematic networks in science and technology are principally derived either from citation analyses or from lexical methods. The former have been the object of many developments and improvements. A considerable range of applications exists within the practical constraint of their being limited to fields covered by the ISI databases. For the latter, the co-word method has a register of applications that up until now have been more specialized in the sociology of ‘science as it is done’, but it has in principle no field limitations. An important question is whether we can extend the application range of this analytical method to take in longer periods, and in particular to deal with historiography either on a large scale (at the level of a research field) or on a small scale (at the level of a process of discovery or invention). Here we propose a way of rendering lexical methods dynamic, more particularly through developing a rudimentary but precise technique to aid historiographical analysis. This method of critical variations is illustrated in a working example.

Keywords: Analysis, Citation, Co-Citation, Discovery, ISI, Methods, Research, Science, Science and Technology, Scientometrics, Small, Sociology, Technology

? Gillett, R. (1991), Pitfalls in assessing research performance by grant income. Scientometrics,

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