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40 (3), 507-528.

Full Text: 1997\Scientometrics40, 507.pdf

Abstarct: The paper discusses the application of three well known diffusion models and their modified versions to the growth of publication data in four selected fields of S&T. It is observed that all the three models in their modified versions generally improve their performance in terms of parameter values, fit statistics, and graphical fit to the data. The most appropriate model is generally seen to be the modified exponential-logistic model.

Keywords: Diffusion, Diffusion Models, Evolution, Growth, Innovation Diffusion, Model, Modelling, Models, Modified, Paper, Pattern, Performance, Publication, Research, Statistics, Technological Substitution

? Christensen, F.H., Ingwersen, P. and Wormell, I. (1997), Online determination of the journal impact factor and its international properties. Scientometrics, 40 (3), 529-540.

Full Text: 1997\Scientometrics40, 529.pdf

Abstract: The article describes the method for the online determination of the journal impact factor (JIF). The method is very simple and can be used both for the ISI defined journal impact factor and for the calculation of other generalised journal impact factors. But the direct online method fails for non-ISI journals i.e. journals not indexed by ISI to the three citation databases. For such journals only the ‘External Cited Impact Factor’ associated with citations from ISI journals (ECIFisi) can be determined online by the common method. As an extra benefit the online method makes available the determination of the geographical distribution of citations and citable units in relation to any given JIF, i.e. the international impact for a particular journal in a given year. The method is illustrated by calculating the generalised JIF, self-citations and ECIF(isi) as well as the international impact for Journal of Documentation and Scientometrics.

Keywords: Benefit, Citation, Citations, Databases, Determination, Distribution, Impact, Impact Factor, Impact Factors, ISI, Journal, Journal Impact Factors, Properties

Katz, J.S. and Hicks, D. (1997), How much is a collaboration worth? A calibrated bibliometric model. Scientometrics, 40 (3), 541-554.

Full Text: 1997\Scientometrics40, 541.pdf

Abstract: Interest in collaboration is increasing in policy circles. There are numerous international and national programs to encourage collaboration, for example, between university and industry researchers. However, little is know about the way in which collaboration changes the impact of a research publication. This paper explores how the impact (average citations per paper) varies with different types of collaboration. A calibrated bibliometric model is derived that demonstrates that collaborating with an author from the home institution or another domestic institution increases the average impact by approximately 0.75 citations while collaborating with an author from a foreign institution increases the impact by about 1.6 citations.

Keywords: Bibliometric, Citations, Collaboration, Home, Impact, Model, Paper, Policy, Publication, Research

? Kortelainen, T.A.M. (1997), Applying concepts of diffusion research in an informetric study. Scientometrics, 40 (3), 555-568.

Full Text: 1997\Scientometrics40, 555.pdf

Abstract: The frame of reference of the study consists of theoretical concepts adopted from the diffusion of innovations theory. The study focuses on the diffusion of a formerly national scientific journal toward a more international audience, and on factors that have influenced the diffusion. The study is part of a larger project aiming to construct a model that describes the diffusion of a scientific journal towards an international audience based on the diffusion theory and a model of information acquisition.

Keywords: Diffusion, Information, Journal, Model, Reference, Research, Theory

Krauskopf, M. and Vera, M.I. (1997), Assessment of scientific profiles and capabilities of Ph.D. programs in Chile: A scientometric approach. Scientometrics, 40 (3), 569-577.

Full Text: 1997\Scientometrics40, 569.pdf

Abstract: It is well known that the quality of a doctorate program is related to the level of involvement of its faculty in research. Thus, we worked with the hypothesis that postulates that if the in-house scientific output of the core faculty involved in a Ph.D. program can be appraised in such a manner that the achievements render quantitative and qualitative indicators, it is possible to depict profiles amenable for comparisons. We describe the methodology, that uses performance scientometric indicators, and results obtained after studying five Ph.D. programs in the field of Cell and Molecular Biology/Biochemistry in three different Chilean universities and show that the approach serves to portray the in-house capacity of each program vis a vis national and international standards.

Keywords: Capacity, Chile, Core, Faculty, Indicators, International Standards, Methodology, Output, Performance, Profiles, Program, Qualitative, Quality, Research, Science, Scientific Output, Standards, Universities

? Kretschmer, H. (1997), Patterns of behaviour in coauthorship networks of invisible colleges. Scientometrics, 40 (3), 579-591.

Full Text: 1997\Scientometrics40, 579.pdf

Abstract: The characteristic structure underlying interpersonal relations in social networks in general is identifiable in a great number of such social processes, as the spread of diseases, the propagation of information, the change of views or the dissemination of technological innovations. The patterns of behaviour reflected in the coauthorship networks of the invisible colleges of physics, resemble the general structure of relations identified in social networks beyond the communities of scholars. The patterns of behaviour are portrayed both as two-dimensional and three-dimensional models.

Keywords: Communities, Diseases, General, Information, Models, Social, Social Networks, Structure, Three-Dimensional

? De Lange, C. and Glänzel, W. (1997), Modelling and measuring multilateral co-authorship in international scientific collaboration. Part I. Development of a new model using a series expansion approach. Scientometrics, 40 (3), 593-604.

Full Text: 1997\Scientometrics40, 593.pdf

Abstract: International co-operation has strongly intensified during the last decades owing to rapid developments in scientific communication. Economic, political, and intra-scientific factors also strongly influence international collaboration links among individual countries. Obviously research results of international scientific co-operation are reflected in the documented scientific communication as international co-authorship links in scientific publications. Most bibliometric studies on this issue pertain to the share of international co-authored papers in national publication output and their impact on national and international research, or to the analysis and mapping of the structure of collaboration links. The present study attempts to develop a model to measure and analyse the extent of multilateral international co-authorship links. A new indicator, the Multilateral Collaboration Index (rho) is introduced and analysed as a function of the share of internationally co-authored papers (f). Based on f a series expansion approach is applied that can be considered an extension of a fractionation model by Nederhof and Meed and allows classifying the extent of multilateral links both among science fields and among individual countries. The paper is concluded by a first attempt to estimate the errors involved in our approach.

Keywords: Analysis, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Studies, Co-Authorship, Collaboration, Communication, Countries, East, Errors, Fractionation, Function, Germany, Impact, Indicator, International Collaboration, Mapping, Model, New Model, Output, Paper, Publication, Publications, Research, Research Results, Science, Sciences, Scientific Collaboration, Scientific Communication, Scientific Publications, Structure

? Glänzel, W. and De Lange, C. (1997), Modelling and measuring multilateral co-authorship in international scientific collaboration. Part II. A comparative study on the extent and change of international scientific collaboration links. Scientometrics, 40 (3), 605-626.

Full Text: 1997\Scientometrics40, 605.pdf

Abstract: The present study is focused on international collaboration in science, involving more than two countries. The authors developed a promising model to measure and analyse the extent of multilateral co-authorship links in a previous study. The model is based on a series expansion approach which relates a new indicator, the Multilateral Collaboration Index (rho), to the share of internationally co-authored papers (f). The model was found suitable to classify both the share of international papers, as well as the extent of multilateral links through the deviations from their expectations. A comparative analysis is made of changing collaboration patterns between 1983 and 1993 for 8 selected subfields, as well as all fields combined of the most active 38 countries. As expected an intensification of international scientific collaboration was observed, especially for a number of former COMECON countries. Different types of behaviour for different countries and science subfields emerged.

Keywords: Analysis, Co-Authorship, Collaboration, Comparative Analysis, Comparative Study, Countries, East, Germany, Indicator, Intensification, International Collaboration, Made, Model, Science, Sciences, Scientific Collaboration

Lewison, G. (1998), New bibliometric techniques for the evaluation of medical schools. Scientometrics, 41 (1-2), 5-16.

Full Text: 1998\Scientometrics41, 5.pdf

Abstract: Bibliometrics have been used in novel ways to assist with the evaluation of two medical schools, one in England and one in Sweden. The first evaluation was intended to allow the relative strengths in 26 subfields of five component campuses to be estimated. Selective filters for each subfield were defined, many of them with the help of the school’s research staff, so that relevant papers could be retrieved from a database on the basis of their title keywords and specialist journals. The campus outputs were then analysed by the research level of the journals (clinical/basic) and their influence. In the second evaluation, nine different indicators of research output were produced so that the school could be compared with four others in Scandinavia. The indicators included measures of output, co-authorship, journal esteem and citations by papers and by patents.

Keywords: Bibliometric, Bibliometric Techniques, Citations, Co-Authorship, England, Evaluation, Indicators, Journal, Medical, Output, Patents, Performance, Research, School, Schools, Strengths, Sweden, Techniques

Lewison, G. and Dawson, G. (1998), The effect of funding on the outputs of biomedical research. Scientometrics, 41 (1-2), 17-27.

Full Text: 1998\Scientometrics41, 17.pdf

Abstract: The Research Outputs Database (ROD) has been used to investigate the effects of different input variables, including the numbers of funding bodies, on the impact of research papers in a biomedical subfield (gastroenterology). This was determined by the medium-term impact of the journals in which they were published. It was shown that, when account was taken of the effects of the other input factors, the mean impact for a group of papers increased with the number of authors, the type of research (basic more than clinical), and with the number and identity of the funding bodies. However it decreased slightly if there were more addresses, whether the paper was multinational had no significant effect. Previous work showing that multi-institution or multi-country papers are more highly cited reached this conclusion because it did not take into account the confounding effect of multiple funding sources, and possibly other factors.

Keywords: Biomedical Research, Clinical, Effects, Funding, Group, Identity, Impact, Paper, Research, Sources

? Luwel, M. and Moed, H.F. (1998), Publication delays in the science field and their relationship to the ageing of scientific literature. Scientometrics, 41 (1-2), 29-40.

Full Text: 1998\Scientometrics41, 29.pdf

Abstract: This article presents an exploratory analysis of publication delays in the science field. Publication delay is defined as the time period between submission and publication of an article for a scientific journal. We obtained a first indication that these delays are longer with regard to journals in the fields of mathematics and technical sciences than they are in other fields of science. We suggest the use of data on publication delays in the analysis of the effects of electronic publishing on reference/citation patterns. A preliminary analysis on a small sample suggests that - under rather strict assumptions - the cited half-life of references may be reduced with a factor of about 2 if publication delays decrease radically.

Keywords: Ageing, Analysis, Cited Half-Life, Effects, Half-Life, Journal, Publication, Publishing, Science, Sciences

Macias-Chapula, C.A., Rodea-Castro, I.P. and Narvaez-Berthelemot, N. (1998), Bibliometric analysis of AIDS literature in Latin America and the Caribbean. Scientometrics, 41 (1-2), 41-49.

Full Text: 1998\Scientometrics41, 41.pdf

Abstract: This work reports on the preliminary results of a bibliometric analysis of AIDS literature, as produced in or about Latin America and the Caribbean for the period 1980-1996. Two international and two regional secondary sources were used in order to obtain comparative analyses regarding for example, comprehensiveness of AIDS literature coverage and local/main frame visibility. Less than 1000 records were retrieved from each of the databases searched. Leading countries in AIDSLINE were Haiti, Brasil, Mexico and Puerto Rico. The distribution by year of publication showed a decrease in Haiti records, from 54 in 1983, to 4 in 1995. The rest of the countries either increased or maintained an average production throughout the years. Regional secondary information sources were less current and comprehensive in the field. Further lines of research are described by the authors.

Keywords: AID, AIDS, Analysis, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Analysis, Caribbean, Collaboration, Countries, Current, Databases, Distribution, Field, Immunodeficiency-Syndrome AIDS, Information, Latin America, Mexico, Order, Patterns, Production, Publication, Puerto Rico, Regional, Research, Sources, Visibility

? Narin, F. and Olivastro, D. (1998), Linkage between patents and papers: An interim EPO/US comparison. Scientometrics, 41 (1-2), 51-59.

Full Text: 1998\Scientometrics41, 51.pdf

Abstract: A unification of more than one million non-patent references (NPR’s) on the front pages of U.S. and EPO patents has been carried out, with a subsequent match to the Science Citation Index (SCI), in order to investigate the citation linkage between patented technology and the scientific research literature. The U.S. system shows an extremely rapid increase in linkage, with citations from U.S. patents to U.S. authored papers increasing more than three-fold over the last decade. The EPO system does not show any increase, the occurrence of non-patent references appears to be relatively constant in the EPO system over the last decade. In both systems the cited papers are in relatively basic journals, especially in biomedicine. In the U.S. system approximately 75 percent of the cited papers originate in public science institutions, showing large dependence of patented industrial technology on public science. We expect to find similar result in the EPO system.

Keywords: Biomedicine, Citation, Citations, Comparison, Dependence, Front, Industrial, Institutions, Occurrence, Order, Patents, Research, SCI, Science, Science Citation Index, Technology

? Noyons, E.C.M. and Van Raan, A.F.J. (1998), Advanced mapping of science and technology. Scientometrics, 41 (1-2), 61-67.

Full Text: 1998\Scientometrics41, 61.pdf

Abstract: In the paper we will present the adjustments we implemented on the mapping procedure. We consider them as important improvements to make the maps more user-friendly. The improvements concern the implementation of graphical user interfaces, and the addition of ‘map-external’ information. This interface enables the users of the maps to focus onto their specific areas of interest and to determine the position of actors in the field. In addition the ‘map-external’ information contributes to an objective validation of the maps. The presentation will include a demonstration of the electronic maps and added tools.

Keywords: Implementation, Information, Interface, Interfaces, Mapping, Mapping of Science, Paper, Position, Science, Tools, Validation

? Polanco, X., Francois, C. and Keim, J.P. (1998), Artificial neural network technology for the classification and cartography of scientific and technical information. Scientometrics, 41 (1-2), 69-82.

Full Text: 1998\Scientometrics41, 69.pdf

Abstract: This paper describes the implementation of multivariate data analysis: NEURODOC applies the axial k-means method for automatic, non-hierarchical cluster analysis and a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for representing the clusters on a map. We next introduce Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to extend NEURODOC into a neural platform for the cluster analysis and cartography of bibliographic data. The ANNs tested are: the Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART 1), a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), and an associative network with unsupervised learning (KOHONEN). This platform is intended for quantitative analysis of information.

Keywords: Analysis, Art, Cartography, Classification, Cluster, Cluster Analysis, Clusters, Implementation, Information, Learning, Multivariate, Neural Network, Paper, PCA, Principal Component Analysis, Quantitative Analysis

? Quoniam, L., Balme, F., Rostaing, H., Giraud, E. and Dou, J.M. (1998), Bibliometric law used for information retrieval. Scientometrics, 41 (1-2), 83-91.

Full Text: 1998\Scientometrics41, 83.pdf

Abstract: Zipf’s law was used to qualify all the key-words of documents in a data set. This qualification was used to build a graphical representation of the resulting indicator in each document The graphical resolution leads to a document dispatch in a three dimensional space. This graphical representation was used as an information retrieval tool without using any keyword. The presentation of a case study is internet available. The graph is drawn in Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML) allowing a dynamic picture which is linked to a Database Management System (FreeWais). The experimentation was drawn to get a first impression of documents data set by querying without any keyword.

Keywords: Case Study, Dynamic, Experimentation, Indicator, Information, Information Retrieval, Internet, Law, Qualify, Representation, Resolution, Three-Dimensional

? Rao, I.K.R. (1998), An analysis of Bradford multipliers and a model to explain law of scattering. Scientometrics, 41 (1-2), 93-100.

Full Text: 1998\Scientometrics41, 93.pdf

Abstract: In his book on ‘Documentation’, Bradford derived the law of scattering, based on algebric explanation with the supposition that n(1) = n(2) = n. n(1) and n(2) are computed based on average no. of articles per journals in the first three zones. An analysis of a small sample of 12 data sets, using t-test suggests that it is unlikely that n(1) = n(2). Further an attempt has been made to identify a suitable model to explain the law of scattering, among the various models tried, log-normal fits much better than many models including the log-linear model.

Keywords: Analysis, Information, Law, Made, Model, Models, Periodical Literature

? Rey, J., Martin, M.J., Plaza, L., Ibanez, J.J. and Mendez, I. (1998), Changes on publishing behavior in response to research policy guidelines. The case of the Spanish Research Council in the field of agronomy. Scientometrics, 41 (1-2), 101-111.

Full Text: 1998\Scientometrics41, 101.pdf

Abstract: The aim of this study is to identify changes in publishing behavior of Spanish scientists belonging to the Area of Agronomy of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC), in response to scientific policy actions carried out in Spain. For this purpose, we analyze Spanish scientific output published in Spanish journals (covered by the ICYT database) as well as in international journals (covered by the Science Citation Index), during the period 1980-1995. Congress and conference publications, books and monographs, are also considered. The following changes in publication habits have been noticed: migration of works towards SCI journals and increased use of books and monographs as channel of publication of research works. A decreasing participation of Spanish researchers in scientific meetings has also been noticed, especially since 1989.

Keywords: Behavior, Guidelines, Journals, Migration, Output, Participation, Policy, Publication, Publications, Publishing, Research, SCI, Science Citation Index, Scientific Output, Scientific Policy, Spain

Russell, J.M. (1998), Publishing patterns of Mexican scientists: Differences between national and international papers. Scientometrics, 41 (1-2), 113-124.

Full Text: 1998\Scientometrics41, 113.pdf

Abstract: The publication and coauthorship patterns between 1980-1994 of 15 highly productive Mexican scientists were studied in relation to their 565 research papers involving only national institutions and 232 published with colleagues from abroad. Three scientists were selected from each of the following areas: Biomedicine, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, and Geosciences. Parameters studied were: vehicles used for publication, document types, number of authors, collaborating countries, and author position. The results are discussed in relation to Mexico’s peripheral position with regard to the scientific center, and the increasing internationalization of Mexican science.

Keywords: Collaboration, Institutions, Position, Publication, Research, Science

? Small, H. (1998), A general framework for creating large-scale maps of science in two or three dimensions: The SciViz system. Scientometrics, 41 (1-2), 125-133.

Full Text: 1998\Scientometrics41, 125.pdf

Abstract: Data visualization techniques have opened up new possibilities for science mapping. To exploit this opportunity new methods are needed to position tens of thousands of documents in a single coordinate space. A general framework is described for achieving this goal involving hierarchical clustering, ordination of clusters, and the merging of ordinations into a common coordinate space. The SciViz system is presented as one particular implementation of this framework.

Keywords: Clustering, Clusters, General, Goal, Implementation, Mapping, Methods, Ordination, Position, Science, Techniques, Visualization

? Sen, S.K. and Chatterjee, S.K. (1998), Bibliographic scattering and time: An empirical study through temporal partitioning of bibliographies. Scientometrics, 41 (1-2), 135-154.

Full Text: 1998\Scientometrics41, 135.pdf

Abstract: Time dependence of bibliographic scattering is not at all understood. There are not many studies to establish any relation between growth of a bibliography over time and scattering. In this empirical study three different types of bibliographies have been taken. Each bibliography has been partitioned in different temporal periods (according as the particular bibliography should allow). The complete bibliography and the partitions have then been used to draw corresponding Bradford bibliographs whose natures have been studied. No conclusive relation between growth and scattering could be drawn except that the nature of the bibliograph depends on the value of concentration that is the ratio of the number of items and the number of sources in the bibliography. The paper shows that much needs to be done in this area and partition studies may be a useful technique.

Keywords: Concentration, Dependence, Growth, Paper, Partition, Partitioning, Sources, Temporal

Stefaniak, B. (1998), International cooperation of Polish researchers with partners from abroad: A scientometric study. Scientometrics,

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