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Title: Sociologisk Forskning

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Title: Sociologisk Forskning

Full Journal Title: Sociologisk Forskning

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:

ISSN: 0038-0342


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Publisher: Sage Publications Ltd, London

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Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Broady, D. and Persson, O. (1989), Bourdieu in the USA - Bibliometric notes. Sociologisk Forskning, 26 (4), 54-73.

Keywords: Bibliometric

? Melin, G. (1999), Globalization or internationalization in the sciences. Sociologisk Forskning, 36 (3), 22-36.

Abstract: The main question in this study is whether we can find empirical evidence of globalization in science or not. Usually the increasing number of co-authorships in the sciences is seen as an indicator of increasing research collaboration, which in turn is seen as part of the globalization-trend. Here, this chain is questioned and the relation and the difference between globalization and internationalization in science is investigated and discussed. A number of studies have shown how the amount of research collaboration is increasing but it is not clear that this is actually leading to globalization in science rather than internationalization. Through a number of empirical results the structure of international research collaboration is described. It is concluded that there may very well be an ongoing globalization-trend but this is hardly evident in empirical studies of research collaboration. What can be seen though is a strengthened internationalization-trend. Globalization seems to be a phenomenon that ought to be used more carefully and studied through both bibliometric and other methods.

Keywords: Bibliometric, Collaboration, Empirical Studies, Evidence, Globalization, Indicator, International, Internationalization, Methods, Research, Research Collaboration, Science, Sciences, Structure

? Ingwersen, P. (2003), Internationalization and homogenization: A bibliometric study of international management research. by Danell R. Sociologisk Forskning, 40 (1), 115-117.

? Ekerwald, H. (2009), Sociologisk Forskning, Web of Science Och Sociological Abstracts. Sociologisk Forskning, (3), 3-4

Title: Sociology of Education

Full Journal Title: Sociology of Education

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:

ISSN: 0038-0407


Journal Country



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

Notes: highly cited

? Bayer, A.E. and Folger, J. (1966), Some correlates of a citation measure of productivity in science. Sociology of Education, 39 (4), 381-390.

Full Text: 1960-80\Soc Edu39, 381.pdf

Fox, M.F. (1992), Research, teaching, and publication productivity: Mutuality versus competition in academia. Sociology of Education, 65 (4), 293-305.

Full Text: 1992\Soc Edu65, 293.pdf

Abstract: This article assesses two theoretical views about which there has been considerable, unresolved speculation: the mutuality versus the competition of research and teaching in academia. Going beyond previous restrictions in aims and methods of analysis, it analyzes the influence of research and teaching interests, time commitments, and orientations of faculty and their perceived environments on the publication productivity of social scientists in BA-, MA-, and Ph.D.-degree granting departments in four fields. Contrary to the mutuality perspective, the findings point to a strain between research and teaching: Those whose publication productivity is high have strong investments in research, but not in teaching. These findings suggest that research and teaching do not represent aspects of a single dimension of academic investments, but are different, conflicting dimensions. The relationships are stronger for faculty in BA-than in Ph.D.-granting departments.

Keywords: Scientists, Profession, Career

Rau, W. and Durand, A. (2000), The academic ethic and college grades: Does hard work help students to “make the grade”? Sociology of Education, 73 (1), 19-38.

Full Text: 2000\Soc Edu73, 19.pdf

Abstract: Most scholars and teachers accept, as part of the natural order of the universe, a strong relationship between study efforts and students’ academic performance. Yet, the only systematic investigation of this relationship a 12-year project at the University of Michigan, repeatedly found little to no correlation between hours studied and grades. The study presented here replicated parts of this project but did so with a different conceptualization of effort. This new perspective views effort as the outcome of an ‘academic ethic,’ a student worldview that emphasizes diligent, daily, and sober study. This article shows how this concept can be operationalized and measured and provides evidence for its existence among some students at Illinois State University. It then shows a significant and meaningful relationship between methodical, disciplined study and academic performance. It closes by considering how the selectivity of colleges and universities would affect the findings and suggests some new directions for research.

Keywords: Control Scale, Locus

Title: Sociology of Health & Illness

Full Journal Title: Sociology of Health & Illness

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:



Journal Country



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

Armstrong, D. (2003), The impact of papers in Sociology of Health and Illness: A bibliographic study. Sociology of Health & Illness, 25, 58-74.

Full Text: S\Soc Hea Ill25, 58.pdf

Abstract: This paper examines the citation counts of papers published in the first 25 years of the Sociology of Health and Illness. According to this measure only a small number of papers have made a major impact on the discipline of sociology of health and illness and an analysis of these select papers identifies some common themes. In particular, ‘successful’ papers have provided important theoretical constructs for the field while exploration of aspects of identity has been a recurrent focus.

Keywords: Authorship, Citation Impact, Identity, Methods, Lay Constructions, Mortality, Inequalities, Knowledge, Gender, Place, Care

? Muntaner, C., Borrell, C., Ng, E., Chung, H., Espelt, A., Rodriguez-Sanz, M., Benach, J. and O’Campo, P. (2011), Review article: Politics, welfare regimes, and population health: Controversies and evidence. Sociology of Health & Illness, 33 (6), 946-964.

Full Text: 2011\Soc Hea Ill33, 946.pdf

Abstract: In recent years, a research area has emerged within social determinants of health that examines the role of politics, expressed as political traditions/parties and welfare state characteristics, on population health. To better understand and synthesise this growing body of evidence, the present literature review, informed by a political economy of health and welfare regimes framework, located 73 empirical and comparative studies on politics and health, meeting our inclusion criteria in three databases: PubMed (1948-), Sociological Abstracts (1953-), and ISI Web of Science (1900-). We identified two major research programmes, welfare regimes and democracy, and two emerging programmes, political tradition and globalisation. Primary findings include: (1) left and egalitarian political traditions on population health are the most salutary, consistent, and substantial; (2) the health impacts of advanced and liberal democracies are also positive and large; (3) welfare regime studies, primarily conducted among wealthy countries, find that social democratic regimes tend to fare best with absolute health outcomes yet consistently in terms of relative health inequalities; and (4) globalisation defined as dependency indicators such as trade, foreign investment, and national debt is negatively associated with population health. We end by discussing epistemological, theoretical, and methodological issues for consideration for future research.

Keywords: Conceptual Considerations, Databases, Democracy, Determinants, Economic-Performance, European Countries, Globalisation, Government Partisanship, Health Outcomes, Income Inequality, ISI, ISI Web of Science, Literature, Literature Review, Neo-Liberalism, Outcomes, Political Tradition, Politics, Population Health, Primary, Public-Health, Pubmed, Quality-of-Life, Research, Review, Science, Social, Social Cohesion, State Characteristics, Web of Science, Welfare State

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