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Title: Vistas in Astronomy

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Title: Vistas in Astronomy

Full Journal Title: Vistas in Astronomy

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Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

Vin, M.J. (1995), Variations of the impact of astronomical publications versus physics publications. Vistas in Astronomy, 39 (2), 276.

Full Text: 1995\Vis Ast39, 276.pdf

Abstract: Nowadays as credits for research become shorter and shorter, the impact of Astronomy is crucial. How can we define the impact of a science? and above all such a fundamental science as Astronomy? It is very high on the lay man who reacts emotively to each discovery which is, sometimes, badly explained. We don’t intend to measure this kind of impact, only try to give some hints on the curves of the scientific impact of astronomical publications versus other journals. For this purpose, we shall study the variations of two factors: the impact factor (IF) and the cited half-life (HL) for the main publications on stellar and extragalactic astronomy and for some publications of physics during the last 10 years.

In the first part, we describe the tool used, then we discuss the choice of the publications and plot the various curves. In conclusion, we give some explanations for the variations.

Title: Vision Tecnologica

Full Journal Title: Vision Tecnologica

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ISSN: 1315-0855


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Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Aponte, G.M., Carrizo, M., Lamus, J.F., Marrero, C. and Rodriguez, S. (1997), Bibliometric and market analysis of Latin American oil companies. Vision Tecnologica, 5 (1), 49-58.

Abstract: Considering current transformation and integration process that Latin American oil companies are undergoing, present bibliometric analysis was carried out in order to measure the development of oil industry during 1990-1996. For the analysis, several publication indicators were used, i. e. publication evolution, research areas, information types and sources, etc., applied to articles and patents published by most important Latin American oil companies (Ecopetrol, PDVSA, Pemex, Petrobras, Petroperu, Trintoc, YPF; and YPFB, among others). Also, market indicators, both operational (reserves, production, refining capacity etc.), and financial (sales, profits, actives and research and development (R&D) expenses), and others such as number of employees, were applied. PDVSA shows an increasing trend in article publication, while Petrobras’s trend is directed towards patents publication. As to R & D, Petrobras is the company with greater efforts in exploration and production, and PDVSA in refining and petrochemistry. Concerning operational indicators, PDVSA appears as the first oil company of Latin America, and second among the 50 most important oil company worldwide in the oil sector.

Keywords: Analysis, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Analysis, Capacity, Development, Evolution, First, Indicators, Information, Integration, Latin America, Market, Patents, Publication, Research, Research and Development, Sector, Sources, Transformation, Trend

? Lamus, J.F. (1999), Trends in enhanced oil recovery. Vision Tecnologica, 6 (2), 113-126.

Abstract: Common objetive of most oil companies is to disminish high costs of exploration and explotation of existing oil fields, and increase their production and recoverable reserves. Several cooperations and integration mechanisms have been established among companies, especifically in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) area, aiming at not only increasing their reserves, but also to extend useful reservoir lifetime. Present article summarizes the evolution of oil production, and number of projects executed in the world in 1998, according to EOR method. In the study, USA case is analyzed from 1986 to the beginnings of 1998), since this is the country that has applied the most these techniques. Strategic associations recently formed worldwide in the period are also analyzed. Finally a bibliometric analysis (1986-first semester 1998) is performed, The analysis shows R&D tendencies of EOR method, oil companies, institutions and universities. The study also indicates that EOR methods applied worldwide increase oil and gas reserves and production, supported on technologies, such as: horizontal and multilateral wells, 3D-4D seismic techniques, nuclear magnetic resonance, simulators (streamline and streamtube 3D among others) materials (polymers, foams, nutrients, etc.), and equipment (coiled tubing), etc. These techniques have proved to be highly effective, since hey allow avail from the competitive advantages of patners (resources and technologies).

Keywords: 3D, Analysis, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Analysis, Costs, Country, Equipment, Evolution, Institutions, Integration, Magnetic, Magnetic Resonance, Mechanisms, Methods, Nutrients, Polymers, Recovery, Reservoir, Techniques, Technologies, Universities, USA, Wells, World

Title: Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Full Journal Title: Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries Lecture Notes in Computer Science

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:

ISSN: 0302-9743


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Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Buzydlowski, J.W., White, H.D. and Lin, X. (2002), Term co-occurrence analysis as an interface for digital libraries. Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2539, 133-144.

Abstract: We examine the relationship between term co-occurrence analysis and a user interface for digital libraries. We describe a current working implementation of a dynamic visual information retrieval system based on co-cited author maps that assists in browsing and retrieving records from a large-scale database, ten years of the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, in real time. Any figure in the arts or humanities, including scholars and critics, can be mapped, and the maps are live interfaces for retrieving co-citing documents.

Keywords: Information-Retrieval, Networks

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